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Created July 19, 2019 13:04
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a bit of F# code handling sql connection statistics
open System
open System.Data.SqlClient
type EntryType =
| BuffersReceived
| BuffersSent
| BytesSent
| ConnectionTime
| CursorOpens
| IduCount
| IduRows
| NetworkServerTime
| PreparedExecs
| Prepares
| SelectCount
| SelectRows
| ServerRoundtrips
| SumResultSets
| Transactions
| Unkonwn of text: string
static member FromString =
| "BuffersReceived" -> BuffersReceived
| "BuffersSent" -> BuffersSent
| "BytesSent" -> BytesSent
| "ConnectionTime" -> ConnectionTime
| "CursorOpens" -> CursorOpens
| "IduCount" -> IduCount
| "IduRows" -> IduRows
| "NetworkServerTime" -> NetworkServerTime
| "PreparedExecs" -> PreparedExecs
| "Prepares" -> Prepares
| "SelectCount" -> SelectCount
| "SelectRows" -> SelectRows
| "ServerRoundtrips" -> ServerRoundtrips
| "SumResultSets" -> SumResultSets
| "Transactions" -> Transactions
| otherwise -> Unkonwn otherwise
type StatisticsEntry(entryType: EntryType, value: int64) =
member x.EntryType = entryType
member x.Value = value
type ISqlConnectionStatisticsScope =
inherit IDisposable
abstract GetStatistics : unit -> StatisticsEntry array option
module SqlConnectionStatistics =
let enableStats (connection: SqlConnection) = connection.StatisticsEnabled <- true
let disableStats (connection: SqlConnection) = connection.StatisticsEnabled <- false
let retrieveStats (connection: SqlConnection) =
if connection.StatisticsEnabled then
let stats = connection.RetrieveStatistics() |> Seq.cast<System.Collections.DictionaryEntry>
Some [| for entry in stats -> StatisticsEntry(EntryType.FromString (string entry.Key), entry.Value :?> int64)|]
let mkRetrieveStatsScope connection =
enableStats connection
{ new ISqlConnectionStatisticsScope with
member x.GetStatistics () = retrieveStats connection
member x.Dispose () = disableStats connection
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
module SqlConnectionExtensions =
type SqlConnection with
member x.GetStatisticsArray() = SqlConnectionStatistics.retrieveStats x
member x.MakeRetrieveStatisticsScope() = SqlConnectionStatistics.mkRetrieveStatsScope x
let [<Extension>] GetStatisticsArray (connection: SqlConnection) = connection.GetStatisticsArray()
let [<Extension>] MakeRetrieveStatisticsScope (connection: SqlConnection) = connection.MakeRetrieveStatisticsScope()
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