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Last active April 11, 2022 15:34
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AsyncAPI Spec and parsers update (19 March - 11 April 2022)

AsyncAPI Spec and parsers update (19 March - 11 April 2022)

This is another entry on my bi-weekly update about the AsyncAPI Spec and parsers. This time with a bit of delay. This is not an official AsyncAPI update but a personal summary I volunteer to do.

What do I mean by AsyncAPI Spec and parsers update?. As most of the work around the AsyncAPI Spec is not only related to, each update will include the most significant recent activity from the following repositories:

Feel free to ask me to include any other repository if you consider it makes sense. Also, in case you want to help me with these updates :)


2.4 release is happening this month!

Work on 2.4 release is progressing. Sergio Moya is the release coordinator. 2.4 is expected to be released soon this month (April 2022).

The following changes are confirmed (some pending to be merged):

We are still on time to add last minute changes into this version, so please feel free to suggest any RFC you think it should be included on 2.4!

Operations at components level RFC

Maciej Urbańczyk has opened a new RFC PR for supporting operations at components level. Here is the first PR: asyncapi/spec#749. It might be merged into 2.4. 👀

Allow grouping servers RFC

Sergio Moya has retaken Allow grouping servers. The main idea now is to allow Servers to be tagged through Tag Object, however, there is an ongoing discussion regarding the best way to do this. 👀

One new Spec 3.0 live meetings has been held 📹.

📅 The next one is going to happen on 16:00 UTC Wednesday April 13 2022. Do not miss it!


v2.13.2 got released! 🎉

It includes the fix: add v2 suffix to Go module](asyncapi/spec-json-schemas#126) by Sergio Moya.


The rewrite to Typescript is moving forward!

Migrate project to TypeScript is slowly advancing. Souvik and Maciej Urbańczyk moved forward adding some new code into next-major branch.

As mentioned in the previous bi-weekly update, this is not only a migration to TypeScript, but also a complete rewrite of the parser-js, adopting finally the Intent-driven API of Parser-API, which a POC was created a few weeks ago as well (See this PR).


v1.0.0-alpha.2 is out, now including all changes introduced on latest work on parser-js

Parser-API contains now all changes introduced on latest work on parser-js, as mentioned in Update API according to the latest implementation in Parser-JS by Sergio Moya.


Support all recent AsyncAPI spec versions

Sergio Moya has added support (still PR) for all recent AsyncAPI spec versions in this PR. This has been possible thanks to the latest fix released on spec-json-schemas v2.13.2.

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