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Created February 18, 2022 23:56
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import canvas from '@napi-rs/canvas' // For canvas.
import fs from 'fs' // For creating files for our images.
import cwebp from 'cwebp' // For converting our images to webp.
// Load in the fonts we need
GlobalFonts.registerFromPath('./fonts/Inter-ExtraBold.ttf', 'InterBold');
GlobalFonts.registerFromPath('./fonts/Apple-Emoji.ttf', 'AppleEmoji');
// This function accepts 6 arguments:
// - ctx: the context for the canvas
// - text: the text we wish to wrap
// - x: the starting x position of the text
// - y: the starting y position of the text
// - maxWidth: the maximum width, i.e., the width of the container
// - lineHeight: the height of one line (as defined by us)
const wrapText = function(ctx, text, x, y, maxWidth, lineHeight) {
// First, split the words by spaces
let words = text.split(' ');
// Then we'll make a few variables to store info about our line
let line = '';
let testLine = '';
// wordArray is what we'l' return, which will hold info on
// the line text, along with its x and y starting position
let wordArray = [];
// totalLineHeight will hold info on the line height
let totalLineHeight = 0;
// Next we iterate over each word
for(var n = 0; n < words.length; n++) {
// And test out its length
testLine += `${words[n]} `;
var metrics = ctx.measureText(testLine);
var testWidth = metrics.width;
// If it's too long, then we start a new line
if (testWidth > maxWidth && n > 0) {
wordArray.push([line, x, y]);
y += lineHeight;
totalLineHeight += lineHeight;
line = `${words[n]} `;
testLine = `${words[n]} `;
else {
// Otherwise we only have one line!
line += `${words[n]} `;
// Whenever all the words are done, we push whatever is left
if(n === words.length - 1) {
wordArray.push([line, x, y]);
// And return the words in array, along with the total line height
// which will be (totalLines - 1) * lineHeight
return [ wordArray, totalLineHeight ];
// This functiona accepts 5 arguments:
// canonicalName: this is the name we'll use to save our image
// gradientColors: an array of two colors, i.e. [ '#ffffff', '#000000' ], used for our gradient
// articleName: the title of the article or site you want to appear in the image
// articleCategory: the category which that article sits in - or the subtext of the article
// emoji: the emoji you want to appear in the image.
const generateMainImage = async function(canonicalName, gradientColors, articleName, articleCategory, emoji) {
articleCategory = articleCategory.toUpperCase();
// gradientColors is an array [ c1, c2 ]
if(typeof gradientColors === "undefined") {
gradientColors = [ "#8005fc", "#073bae"]; // Backup values
// Create canvas
const canvas = createCanvas(1342, 853);
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
// Add gradient - we use createLinearGradient to do this
let grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 853, 1352, 0);
grd.addColorStop(0, gradientColors[0]);
grd.addColorStop(1, gradientColors[1]);
ctx.fillStyle = grd;
// Fill our gradient
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 1342, 853);
// Write our Emoji onto the canvas
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
ctx.font = '95px AppleEmoji';
ctx.fillText(emoji, 85, 700);
// Add our title text
ctx.font = '95px InterBold';
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
let wrappedText = wrapText(ctx, articleName, 85, 753, 1200, 100);
wrappedText[0].forEach(function(item) {
// We will fill our text which is item[0] of our array, at coordinates [x, y]
// x will be item[1] of our array
// y will be item[2] of our array, minus the line height (wrappedText[1]), minus the height of the emoji (200px)
ctx.fillText(item[0], item[1], item[2] - wrappedText[1] - 200); // 200 is height of an emoji
// Add our category text to the canvas
ctx.font = '50px InterMedium';
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.8)';
ctx.fillText(articleCategory, 85, 553 - wrappedText[1] - 100); // 853 - 200 for emoji, -100 for line height of 1
if(fs.existsSync(`./views/images/intro-images/${canonicalName}.png`))) {
return 'Images Exist! We did not create any'
else {
// Set canvas as to png
try {
const canvasData = await canvas.encode('png');
// Save file
fs.writeFileSync(`./views/images/intro-images/${canonicalName}.png`), canvasData);
catch(e) {
return 'Could not create png image this time.'
try {
const encoder = new cwebp.CWebp(path.join(__dirname, '../', `/views/images/intro-images/${canonicalName}.png`));
await encoder.write(`./views/images/intro-images/${canonicalName}.webp`, function(err) {
if(err) console.log(err);
catch(e) {
return 'Could not create webp image this time.'
return 'Images have been successfully created!';
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