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S.M. Rasel Mahamud smrasel

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staltz / .bashrc
Created October 16, 2017 12:42
Put this in your ~/.bashrc (or equivalent) file. Then run `reactnativedev ""`
# Tweak tap coordinates as you wish
function reactnativedev() {
adb shell input keyevent 82;
sleep 0.1;
adb shell input tap 150 1401;
sleep 0.1;
adb shell input tap 150 1401;
sleep 0.1;
adb shell input text "$1";
sleep 0.1;
staltz /
Last active November 23, 2024 22:31
coding music

Not for everyone. Each programmer has their own appreciation of what is good coding music.

For when I need to think deep, debug something, or design

(From most influential to least)