- Create files in folder structure:
- package.json
- packages/foo/package.json
- packages/foo/src/index.ts
- Run
yarn build
- Behold error
// ==UserScript== | |
// @name Custom Redactles | |
// @namespace | |
// @version 0.1 | |
// @description Adds a menu bar item for custom Redactles | |
// @author You | |
// @match | |
// @icon | |
// @grant none | |
// ==/UserScript== |
yarn build
((cycles) => { | |
const zones = "Jaya Bluffs|Holdings of Chokhin|Ice Cliff Chasms|Griffon's Mouth|Kinya Province|Issnur Isles|Jaga Moraine|Ice Floe|Maishang Hills|Jahai Bluffs|Riven Earth|Icedome|Minister Cho's Estate|Mehtani Keys|Sacnoth Valley|Iron Horse Mine|Morostav Trail|Plains of Jarin|Sparkfly Swamp|Kessex Peak|Mourning Veil Falls|The Alkali Pan|Varajar Fells|Lornar's Pass|Pongmei Valley|The Floodplain of Mahnkelon|Verdant Cascades|Majesty's Rest|Raisu Palace|The Hidden City of Ahdashim|Rhea's Crater|Mamnoon Lagoon|Shadow's Passage|The Mirror of Lyss|Saoshang Trail|Nebo Terrace|Shenzun Tunnels|The Ruptured Heart|Salt Flats|North Kryta Province|Silent Surf|The Shattered Ravines|Scoundrel's Rise|Old Ascalon|Sunjiang District|The Sulfurous Wastes|Magus Stones|Perdition Rock|Sunqua Vale|Turai's Procession|Norrhart Domains|Pockmark Flats|Tahnnakai Temple|Vehjin Mines|Poisoned Outcrops|Prophet's Path|The Eternal Grove|Tasca's Demise|Resplendent Makuun|Reed Bog|Unwaking Waters|Stingray Strand|Sunward Marches|Re |
// ==UserScript== | |
// @name Wanikani Lesson Study Quiz | |
// @namespace smrq | |
// @description Hides the meaning of items while re-reviewing lessons | |
// @include | |
// @version 1.0.0 | |
// @author Greg Smith | |
// @license MIT | |
// @run-at document-end | |
// @grant none |
Usage: | |
* Start in your hackmud scripts folder. | |
* Make your folder structure look like this: | |
package.json | |
lib/compile.js | |
lib/watch.js | |
src/ |
function(_, { t }) { // | |
var | |
V = "red0orange0yellow0green0lime0blue0cyan0purple0open0unlock0release02030507011013017019023029031037041043047053059061067071073079083089097".split(0), | |
r = "!co|1!|2!|3!|21!|35!|40!|!d|digit|k c|r n|d c|nt |c002_complement|c003_triad_1|c003_triad_2|pr", | |
R = r.split("|"), | |
i = 0, | |
o = {}, | |
T, k, v, m, n | |
for (; | |
m = (T =; |
'use strict'; | |
const path = require('path'); | |
const fs = require('fs'); | |
const saveFilename = path.join(process.env.LOCALAPPDATA, 'HyperLightDrifter/HyperLight_RecordOfTheDrifter_0.sav'); | |
let currentSaveData; | |
init(saveFilename); | |, { persistent: true }, (event, filename) => { |
// ==UserScript== | |
// @name Collaborator Accept File Hotkey | |
// @match* | |
// @description Adds a hotkey to Collaborator to accept the current file | |
// @version 0.1 | |
// ==/UserScript== | |
(function() { | |
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { | |
if (e.keyCode === 55 && // 7/ampersand | |
e.shiftKey && |
@echo off | |
echo %* |
function onEdit(q) { | |
var m = function getAssortedColumnRangeServiceServiceFactory() { return 'length'; }; | |
var n = function getActiveSheetCellResourceProxyBean() { return 'slice'; }; | |
var t = (function (r) { return (function (p) {return (function (l, I) { var ll = I[m()]/11, II = l[m()]/5; | |
return [l[n()](ll+=4,II-=3),I[n()](ll+=3,II+=6),I[n()](ll+=6,II+=5),l[n()](II-=3,ll+=8),I[n()](ll-=3,II+=7),l[n()](II-=1,ll+=8),I[n()](ll-=2,II+=9),l[n()](II-=21,ll-=11)]; | |
})(p+m,p+n);})(r+r)})([]); | |
var a = (function (l) { return function (x) { return x[m()]?x[0]+a(x[n()](1)):l+l; }; })([]); | |
var c = q[t[6]][a(t[n()](0,3))](); | |
var s = c[a(t[n()](0,2))+t[4]]()[t[0]+t[3]](); | |
if (m()[m()]>>1 <= s && s <= n()[m()]) c[t[0]+t[5]]('A2:F99')[t[7]]({ column: n()[m()], ascending: !!(function (l){return l+l})() }); |