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Created November 19, 2017 04:26
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Setup SSH forwarding on QNAP NAS

On receiving NAS:

setcfg LOGIN "SSH AllowTcpForwarding" TRUE

On client to forward local port 8443 to the QNAP admin interface:

ssh user@host -L 8443:localhost:443
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Cool!! Thanks.
I've been trying to get VSCode remote working for ages to make it easier to work on and this simple trick fixed it - thanks!!
Without this every time I restart the SSH or NAS the settings changed in sshd_config are reset and that stops VSCore/remote working.

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Thank you!

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Cool!! Thanks. I've been trying to get VSCode remote working for ages to make it easier to work on and this simple trick fixed it - thanks!! Without this every time I restart the SSH or NAS the settings changed in sshd_config are reset and that stops VSCore/remote working.

I was trying to get VSCode Remote working and I found that I needed to also enable AllowAgentForwarding on the NAS, and I needed to sudo both setcfg commands on the Qnap:

sudo setcfg LOGIN "SSH AllowTcpForwarding" TRUE
sudo setcfg LOGIN "SSH AllowAgentForwarding" TRUE

After reboot I confirmed the values had stuck - these command both returned TRUE:

getcfg LOGIN "SSH AllowTcpForwarding"
getcfg LOGIN "SSH AllowAgentForwarding"

Then I deleted any old .vscode-server files from the Qnap:

rm -rf ~/.vscode-server/

Finally I set "remote.SSH.useFlock" to false (i.e. unticked) in VSCode

After this VSCode Remote connected properly

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