- Install terraform and aws cli
brew install terraform awscli
- Configure aws cli
aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]:
#!/bin/bash | |
#set -eu | |
#set -x | |
set -o pipefail | |
AWS_REGION=${AWS_REGION:-eu-west-1} | |
JOB_ID= | |
JOB_RESULT_FILE=job-output.json |
# Disable creating '.ds_store' on USB volumes | |
defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteUSBStores -bool true | |
# Disable creating '.ds_store' on network volumes | |
defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool true | |
# Destroy vault keys on standby | |
sudo pmset destroyfvkeyonstandby 1 | |
# Disable guest account |
#Installing CentOS on Intel Compute Stick STCK1A32WFC | |
## BIOS upgrade | |
1. Download BIOS update from https://downloadcenter.intel.com/product/86612/Intel-Compute-Stick-STCK1A32WFC | |
In my case I upgraded from inside Windows, otherwise: | |
1. Place the BIOS update (the FC0035.bio file) on a FAT32 USB drive | |
2. Boot the device, holding down the F7 key. | |
3. Select the storage device |
On receiving NAS:
setcfg LOGIN "SSH AllowTcpForwarding" TRUE
On client to forward local port 8443 to the QNAP admin interface:
ssh user@host -L 8443:localhost:443
// create a name for the LAN networks | |
configure | |
set firewall group network-group LAN_NETWORKS | |
set firewall group network-group LAN_NETWORKS description "LAN Networks" | |
set firewall group network-group LAN_NETWORKS network | |
commit | |
// Create a rule to accept all already established connections (for example from LAN) | |
configure | |
set firewall name PROTECT_IOT default-action accept |