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Last active August 28, 2024 08:56
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flappy bird writen in c running in the terminal
_ _ _ _____ _ ____ _
| \ | | ___ | |_ | ___| | __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ | _ \ _ _ ___| | __
| \| |/ _ \| __| | |_ | |/ _` | '_ \| '_ \| | | | | | | | | | |/ __| |/ /
| |\ | (_) | |_ | _| | | (_| | |_) | |_) | |_| | | |_| | |_| | (__| <
|_| \_|\___/ \__| |_| |_|\__,_| .__/| .__/ \__, | |____/ \__,_|\___|_|\_\
|_| |_| |___/
compiler : GCC
command : gcc source.c -o FlappyBird.exe -Werror -Wall -W -s
license : (Please credit my channel tho)
youtube :
version : 3
source :
editor : sublime text 3
#include <windows.h> // Header for windows interaction
#include <stdlib.h> // Header for standard functions
#include <string.h> // Header for string manipulation (windows.h also adds this)
#include <stdio.h> // Header for reading and writing
#include <time.h> // Header for time interaction
#define xSize 32
#define ySize 16
#define pipeCount 3
#define qKey 0x51 // Windows virtual key code for 'Q'
#define GREEN "\e[32m" // ANSI code for green output
#define YELLOW "\e[33m" // ANSI code for yellow output
#define NC "\e[0m" // ANSI code for uncolord output
typedef struct
int x;
int y;
PIX bird;
PIX pipes[3];
void Draw(); // Function to draw the game board based on the object positions
void Pipes(); // Function to reset the pipes if the hit the end of the screen
void HitTest(); // Function to test for collisions with the floor or the pipes
void Draw()
char buff[5000]; // Variable to hold the buffer that will be drawn
strcpy(buff, "\e[17A"); // ANSI code to move the cursor up 17 lines
for (int y = 0; y <= ySize; y++) // Loop over each row
for (int x = 0; x <= xSize; x++) // Loop over each column
if // If its a screen edge
y == 0 ||
y == ySize ||
x == 0 ||
x == xSize
strcat(buff, NC "[]"); // Add '[]' to the buffer in white
continue; // Move to the next column
for (int i = 0; i < pipeCount; i++) // Loop over each pipe
if // If its the top or bottom pipe face
pipes[i].x >= x -1 &&
pipes[i].x <= x +1 &&
pipes[i].y == y + 3 ||
pipes[i].y == y - 3
strcat(buff, GREEN "[]"); // Add '[]' to the buffer in green
goto bottom; // Skip the rest of the tests
else if // If its the right angle of the bottom pipe
pipes[i].x == x -1 &&
pipes[i].y == y - 4
strcat(buff, GREEN "]/");
goto bottom;
else if // If its the center of the pipe
pipes[i].x == x &&
pipes[i].y <= y -4 ||
pipes[i].y >= y +4
strcat(buff, GREEN "][");
goto bottom;
else if // If its the left angle of the bottom pipe
pipes[i].x == x +1 &&
pipes[i].y == y - 4
strcat(buff, GREEN "\\[");
goto bottom;
else if // If its the right angle of the top pipe
pipes[i].x == x -1 &&
pipes[i].y == y + 4
strcat(buff, GREEN "]\\");
goto bottom;
else if // If its the left angle of the top pipe
pipes[i].x == x +1 &&
pipes[i].y == y + 4
strcat(buff, GREEN "/[");
goto bottom;
else if // If its the left side of the pipe
pipes[i].x == x +1 &&
pipes[i].y <= y -5 ||
pipes[i].y >= y +5
strcat(buff, GREEN " [");
goto bottom;
else if // If its the right side of the pipe
pipes[i].x == x -1 &&
pipes[i].y <= y -5 ||
pipes[i].y >= y +5
strcat(buff, GREEN "] ");
goto bottom;
// The next bit will simply draw the bird in yellow based on x,y offsets
bird.y == y &&
bird.x == x
strcat(buff, YELLOW ")>");
else if
bird.y == y &&
bird.x == x +1
strcat(buff, YELLOW "_(");
else if
bird.y == y &&
bird.x == x +2)
strcat(buff, YELLOW " _");
else if
bird.y == y -1 &&
bird.x == x
strcat(buff, YELLOW ") ");
else if
bird.y == y -1 &&
bird.x == x +1
strcat(buff, YELLOW "__");
else if
bird.y == y -1 &&
bird.x == x +2
strcat(buff, YELLOW " \\");
else // If its non of the other parts
strcat(buff, NC " ");
bottom:; // The point moved to with "goto bottom;"
strcat(buff, "\n"); // Append a new line to the buffer
printf(buff); // Write the buffer
void Pipes()
for (int i = 0; i < pipeCount; i++)
if (pipes[i].x == -1) // If the pipe is of screen
// If i = 0 then set pipes[i].x = pipes[2].x +15 else set pipes[i].x = pipes[i -1].x + 15
// We do this so the distance between the pipes is alwas 15
(i == 0) ? (pipes[i].x = pipes[2].x +15) : (pipes[i].x = pipes[i - 1].x +15);
pipes[i].y = (rand()%7) +5; // Set the pipes y to a random number between 5 and 11
void HitTest()
if (bird.y == 15) // If the bird is on the floor
for (int i = 0; i < pipeCount; i++)
The next 2 ifs are collision detection.
With the 2 simple diagrams bellow A is the bird and B is the pipe
A1 A2
| |
B1 B2
| |
if (
(bird.x -2 < pipes[i].x +2) && // A1 < B2
(bird.x > pipes[i].x -2) && // A2 > B1
(bird.y < pipes[i].y -2) || // A3 < B3
(bird.y > pipes[i].y +1) // A3 > B3
int main()
srand(time(NULL)); // Sets the seed for the random number generator to the current UNIX time stamp
system("title \"Not Flappy Duck\"");
bird.x = 10; // Set the birds start position
bird.y = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < pipeCount; i++)
pipes[i].x = 25 + 15 * i; // Set the pipes x to be spaces 15 blocks appart
pipes[i].y = (rand()%7) +5; // Set the pipes y to a random number between 5 and 11
int frame = 0; // Variable to hold the passed frames
printf("Press UP to jump and Q to quit.\n"); // List the controls
for (int i = 0; i <= ySize; i++) // Makes space for the game
system("pause>nul"); // Pause untill the user presses a key without showing a prompt
while (1)
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP)) // If the user is pressing the up arrow
bird.y -= 2; // Move the bird up 2 pixels
if (GetAsyncKeyState(qKey)) // If the user is pressing Q
if (frame == 2) // If its the third frame
bird.y++; // Drop the bird by 1 pixel
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) // Move the pipes forwards
frame = 0; // Reset the frames
HitTest(); // Test for collisions
Draw(); // Draw the game
Pipes(); // Update the pipes
Sleep(100); // Wait 100 milliseconds (This may need to be tuned on faster and slower machines as -Os was enough to break it for me)
return 0;
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thank you so much. i just use c for a few week. feel so thank you for your hardwork <3

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