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Last active December 6, 2023 18:39
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go-cfclient config.New
func (c *Config) OAuth2HTTPClient(ctx context.Context) (*http.Client, error) {
// if explicitly configured with an oauth2 transport then use as-is
if _, ok := c.httpClient.Transport.(*oauth2.Transport); ok {
return c.httpClient, nil
// use our http.Client instance for token acquisition
oauthCtx := context.WithValue(ctx, oauth2.HTTPClient, c.httpClient)
var tokenSource oauth2.TokenSource
switch c.grantType {
case internalhttp.GrantTypeClientCredentials:
authConfig := &clientcredentials.Config{
ClientID: c.clientID,
ClientSecret: c.clientSecret,
TokenURL: c.uaaEndpointURL,
tokenSource = authConfig.TokenSource(oauthCtx)
case internalhttp.GrantTypePassword:
authConfig := &oauth2.Config{
ClientID: c.clientID,
ClientSecret: c.clientSecret,
Scopes: c.scopes,
Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{
AuthURL: c.loginEndpointURL + "/oauth/auth",
TokenURL: c.uaaEndpointURL + "/oauth/token",
// Add optional login hint to the token URL
if c.origin != "" {
authConfig.Endpoint.TokenURL = addLoginHintToURL(authConfig.Endpoint.TokenURL, c.origin)
// Login using user/pass
token, err := authConfig.PasswordCredentialsToken(oauthCtx, c.username, c.password)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tokenSource = authConfig.TokenSource(oauthCtx, token)
case internalhttp.GrantTypeNone:
authConfig := &oauth2.Config{
ClientID: c.clientID,
ClientSecret: c.clientSecret,
Scopes: c.scopes,
Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{ // TODO is Endpoint needed?
AuthURL: c.loginEndpointURL + "/oauth/auth",
TokenURL: c.uaaEndpointURL + "/oauth/token",
tokenSource = authConfig.TokenSource(oauthCtx, c.oAuthToken)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported OAuth2 grant type '%s'", c.grantType)
// oauth2.NewClient only copies the transport, so explicitly create our own http.Client
return &http.Client{
Transport: &oauth2.Transport{
Base: c.httpClient.Transport,
Source: tokenSource,
Timeout: c.httpClient.Timeout,
CheckRedirect: c.httpClient.CheckRedirect,
Jar: c.httpClient.Jar,
}, nil
func (c *Config) HTTPClient() *http.Client {
// if explicitly configured with an oauth2 transport then create a new http client
// using the oauth2 transport's base transport that shouldn't auth
if tt, ok := c.httpClient.Transport.(*oauth2.Transport); ok {
return &http.Client{
Transport: tt.Base,
Timeout: c.httpClient.Timeout,
CheckRedirect: c.httpClient.CheckRedirect,
Jar: c.httpClient.Jar,
// regular http client, use as-is
return c.httpClient
// use the CF CLI endpoints and oauth token
// cannot renew refresh token (no credentials)
cfg, err = config.New(config.FromCFCLI())
// use the CF CLI config but login using admin
conf, err = config.New(
config.UserPassword("admin", "pass"))
// use the CF CLI config but login using the cf-mgmt client and override the user agent
conf, err = config.New(
config.ClientCredentials("cf-mgmt", "secret"))
// query the root v3 api for login, uaa, app_ssh endpoints and use the admin user
conf, err = config.New(
config.FromRoot(ctx, ""),
config.UserPassword("admin", "pass"))
// query the root v3 api for login, uaa, app_ssh endpoints skipping TLS validation and use the cf-mgmt client
conf, err = config.New(
config.FromRoot(ctx, ""),
config.ClientCredentials("cf-mgmt", "secret"))
// query the root v3 api for login, uaa, app_ssh endpoints skipping TLS validation and use the specified oauth token
// cannot renew refresh token (no credentials)
conf, err = config.New(
config.FromRoot(ctx, ""),
config.Token(accessToken, refreshToken))
// Explicitly specify everything and use no defaults
conf, err = config.New(
config.AuthTokenURL("", ""),
config.UserPassword("admin", "pass"),
config.Scopes("", ""))
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