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Created May 11, 2017 15:06
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(ns chestnut-app.core
(:require [ :as om :include-macros true]
[om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]
[compassus.core :as c]
[pushy.core :as pushy]
[goog.dom :as gdom]
[chestnut-app.ui :as ui]
[chestnut-app.parser :refer [read mutate]]
[chestnut-app.util :refer [transit-post]]
[chestnut-app.router :as router]))
(def om-parser (om/parser {:read read}))
(def c-parser (c/parser
{:read read
:route-dispatch false}))
(def reconciler)
(defn get-rec [parser]
{:state {:projects [{:project/id 1 :project/title "PP1"}
{:project/id 2 :project/title "PP2"}]}
:normalize true
:parser parser
:send (transit-post "/api")
;:remotes [:remote]
(om/add-root! (get-rec om-parser) ui/ProjectList (gdom/getElement "app2"))
(defonce app (c/application
{:routes {:index ui/ProjectList
:project ui/Project
:pp ui/ProjectPage}
:index-route :index
:reconciler (get-rec c-parser)
:mixins [(c/did-mount (fn [_] (pushy/start! router/history)))
(c/will-unmount (fn [_] (pushy/stop! router/history)))
(c/wrap-render ui/Root)]}))
(defonce mounted? (atom false))
(if-not @mounted?
(router/start-nav-listener! (router/route-handler app))
(c/mount! app (js/document.getElementById "app"))
(swap! mounted? not)
(let [route->component (-> app :config :route->component)
c (om/class->any
(c/get-reconciler app)
(get route->component (c/current-route app)))]
(.forceUpdate c)))
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