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Created November 6, 2012 03:51
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Save snipe/4022443 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Htaccess to handle IP whitelisting, password prompt otherwise
# Welcome to your htaccess file.
# Remember that modifying this file can break the entire website
# so please edit carefully.
# Also remember that the order of the rules below does matter,
# so be sure of what you're doing before shuffling things around.
AuthType Basic
AuthName "My Dev Environment"
# Specify what user/password file the server should look
# for a valid login for if the IP doesn't match
# any of the allowed IPs below
AuthUserFile /var/www/staging/public/.htpasswd
require valid-user
# Deny by default
order deny,allow
deny from all
# Then set your office/client/etc IP addresses to allow without
# a username/password. Everyone other than these IPs will be
# prompted to enter credentials
allow from
allow from
# etc..
Satisfy ANY
# Now you can do any mod_rewrite shenanigans here
RewriteEngine On
# Rewrite rules....
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