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Save snowkidind/e56ec4a596528a302aece2fa0c821880 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// load solana transactions into the database
const env = require('node-env-file')
env(__dirname + '/../.env')
const solscan = require('../external/solscan.js')
const { dbLocation, dbChainTx, dbChainTxSync, dbSplAccount, dbKnownWallets } = require('../db')
const { dateutils, decimals, signal, utils } = require('../utils')
const { timeFmtDb, dateNowUTC } = dateutils
const { weiToDisplay, bigD } = decimals
module.exports = {
Iterate recursively through solana transactions, until dbBreakpoint
syncSolanaAddress: async (locationId) => {
try {
let notifications = []
const limit = 15
const location = await dbLocation.getLocationbyId(locationId)
const address = location.address
// sync solana transactions
let lastKnown = await dbChainTxSync.getHash(locationId, 'sol')
let lastHash
if (typeof lastKnown === 'undefined') {
await dbChainTxSync.newSyncRecordHash(locationId, 'sol') // we want lastHash to be undefined in this case
let txns = await solscan.transactionsInRange(address, undefined, 1) // get the most recent by passing undefined
txns = txns.sort((a, b) => { a.slot > b.slot ? 1 : -1 })
lastHash = txns[0].txHash
const forwardTxHash = txns[0].txHash // where we will be after the sync is complete
let synced = false
if (typeof lastKnown !== 'undefined') {
if (lastKnown === lastHash) {
console.log(timeFmtDb(dateNowUTC()) + ' sol sync is up to date for location: ' + locationId)
synced = true
if (!synced) {
const message1 = await processSolTransaction(txns[0], address) // process the single tx
while (txns.length > 0) {
txns = await solscan.transactionsInRange(address, lastHash, limit)
if (txns.length > 0) {
txns = txns.sort((a, b) => { a.slot > b.slot ? 1 : -1 })
for (let i = 0; i < txns.length; i++) {
const message = await processSolTransaction(txns[i], address)
if (typeof lastKnown !== 'undefined') {
if (txns[i].txHash === lastKnown) {
console.log(timeFmtDb(dateNowUTC()) + ' sol sync is up to date, new transactions were found for location: ' + locationId)
synced = true
lastHash = txns[txns.length - 1].txHash
if (synced) {
txns = []
// the entire scan needs to be completed before updating location in the database
await dbChainTxSync.updateSyncRecordHash(locationId, forwardTxHash, 'sol')
if (notifications.length > 0) {
if (notifications.length < 10) {
let acc = 'New Solana Transactions:\n'
notifications.forEach((n) => {
acc += n + '\n'
await signal.sendMessageToGroup(acc, process.env.SIGNAL_GROUP_NOTIFICATIONS)
} else {
let acc = 'More than ten solana transactions were added to the database for location with id: ' + locationId + ' \n'
await signal.sendMessageToGroup(acc, process.env.SIGNAL_GROUP_NOTIFICATIONS)
} catch (error) {
return { status: 'error', error: 'Application Error' }
syncSplForLocation: async (locationId) => {
// discover new spl transactions from the main account, annotate in db
// poll for spl transactions from associated account rather than main account
// there are separate synchronization states for each associated account.
try {
let notifications = []
const limit = 15
const location = await dbLocation.getLocationbyId(locationId)
const ownerAddress = location.address
// discover spl transactions
let lastKnownSpl = await dbChainTxSync.getHash(locationId, 'spl')
if (typeof lastKnownSpl === 'undefined') {
await dbChainTxSync.newSyncRecordHash(locationId, 'spl') // we want lastHash to be undefined in this case
let splTxns = await solscan.splTransfersInRange(ownerAddress, undefined, undefined, 0, 1) // get the most recent by passing undefined
const forwardSplTxHash = splTxns[0].blockTime // where we will be after the sync is complete
let lastSplTime = splTxns[0].blockTime
synced = false // reset
if (typeof lastKnownSpl !== 'undefined') {
if (lastKnownSpl == lastSplTime) {
console.log(timeFmtDb(dateNowUTC()) + ' spl sync is up to date for location: ' + locationId)
synced = true // true if no new transactions and already synced previously.
let toTime = splTxns[0].blockTime
let fromTime = 0
let offset = 0
if (!synced) {
while (splTxns.length > 0) {
splTxns = await solscan.splTransfersInRange(ownerAddress, fromTime, toTime, offset, limit)
if (splTxns.length > 0) {
splTxns = splTxns.sort((a, b) => { a.slot > b.slot ? 1 : -1 })
for (let i = 0; i < splTxns.length; i++) {
// iterate back in time on the sync look for a match and if found, no need to continue digging
if (typeof lastKnownSpl !== 'undefined') {
if (lastKnownSpl == lastSplTime) {
console.log(timeFmtDb(dateNowUTC()) + ' spl sync is up to date for location: ' + locationId)
synced = true
if (!await dbSplAccount.accountExists(splTxns[i].address)) {
if (typeof splTxns[i].symbol !== 'undefined' && splTxns[i].symbol !== 'SOL') { // concern that wSOL spl transactions will mess up account balances
console.log('new associated account: ' + splTxns[i].symbol + ' ' + splTxns[i].address)
const id = await dbSplAccount.newAccount(ownerAddress, splTxns[i].symbol, splTxns[i].address)
if (typeof id === 'undefined') {
console.log('couldnt add spl acssociated account.')
} else {
await dbKnownWallets.addAddress(splTxns[i].address, 'associated' + splTxns[i].symbol, 'solana')
toTime = splTxns[splTxns.length - 1].blockTime - 1 // -1: remove redundant entries
offset += limit
lastSplTime = splTxns[splTxns.length - 1].blockTime
if (synced) {
splTxns = [] // we are done synchronizing associated accounts, now can proceed to find transactions
await dbChainTxSync.updateSyncRecordHash(locationId, forwardSplTxHash, 'spl') // mark stage as synced
// now check for new transactions in time range for each detected spl account
// basically do everything upstairs again, in a loop
const associatedAccounts = await dbSplAccount.splAccountsForOwner(ownerAddress)
for (let i = 0; i < associatedAccounts.length; i++) {
const lastKnownSplAa = await dbChainTxSync.getAssociated(locationId, 'spl', associatedAccounts[i].address)
if (typeof lastKnownSplAa === 'undefined') {
await dbChainTxSync.newSyncRecordAssociated(locationId, 'spl', associatedAccounts[i].address) // we want lastHash to be undefined in this case
let aaTxns = await solscan.splTransfersInRange(associatedAccounts[i].address, undefined, undefined, 0, 1)
const forwardSplAaTxHash = aaTxns[0].blockTime
let lastAaTime = aaTxns[0].blockTime
synced = false
if (typeof lastKnownSplAa !== 'undefined') {
if (lastKnownSplAa == lastAaTime) {
console.log(timeFmtDb(dateNowUTC()) + ' spl sync is up to date for associated account: ' + associatedAccounts[i].address)
synced = true
let toTime = aaTxns[0].blockTime
let fromTime = 0
let offset = 0
if (!synced) {
while (aaTxns.length > 0) {
aaTxns = await solscan.splTransfersInRange(associatedAccounts[i].address, fromTime, toTime, offset, limit)
if (aaTxns.length > 0) {
aaTxns = aaTxns.sort((a, b) => { a.slot > b.slot ? 1 : -1 })
for (let j = 0; j < aaTxns.length; j++) {
if (typeof lastKnownSplAa !== 'undefined') {
if (lastKnownSplAa == lastAaTime) {
console.log(timeFmtDb(dateNowUTC()) + ' spl sync is up to date for location: ' + locationId)
synced = true
const message = await processSplTransaction(aaTxns[j], associatedAccounts[i].address, ownerAddress)
toTime = aaTxns[aaTxns.length - 1].blockTime - 1 // -1: remove redundant entries
offset += limit
lastAaTime = aaTxns[aaTxns.length - 1].blockTime
if (synced) {
aaTxns = [] // we are done synchronizing associated accounts, now can proceed to find transactions
await dbChainTxSync.updateSyncRecordAssociated(locationId, forwardSplAaTxHash, 'spl', associatedAccounts[i].address)
if (notifications.length > 0) {
if (notifications.length < 10) {
let acc = 'New Solana Transactions:\n'
notifications.forEach((n) => {
acc += n + '\n'
await signal.sendMessageToGroup(acc, process.env.SIGNAL_GROUP_NOTIFICATIONS)
} else {
let acc = 'More than ten solana transactions were added to the database for location with id: ' + locationId + ' \n'
await signal.sendMessageToGroup(acc, process.env.SIGNAL_GROUP_NOTIFICATIONS)
} catch (error) {
return { status: 'error', error: 'Application Error' }
const processSolTransaction = async (transaction, address) => {
const tx = await solscan.getTransaction(transaction.txHash)
let value
for (let j = 0; j < tx.inputAccount.length; j++) {
if (tx.inputAccount[j].account === address) {
const pre = bigD(tx.inputAccount[j].preBalance)
const post = bigD(tx.inputAccount[j].postBalance)
value = post.subtract(pre)
let from, to
// todo determine from to as such, when i send solana out i am from else to
const signNumber = Math.sign(value.getValue())
if (tx.parsedInstruction.length > 0) {
if (signNumber === -1) { // reduced funds means i am the sender
to = tx.parsedInstruction[0].programId
from = address
} else {
from = tx.parsedInstruction[0].programId
to = address
console.log(timeFmtDb(tx.blockTime * 1000) + ' ' + tx.slot + ' ' + from.padEnd(44) + ' -> ' + to.padEnd(44) + ' ' + (weiToDisplay(Math.abs(value.getValue()), 9)).padStart(25))
const data = [
null, // positionId
'solana', // blockchain
'sol', // sol or spl
tx.slot, // block number (sol appears to not have a block number)
tx.blockTime, // timestamp
null, // nonce
from, // from
to, // to
0, // insert zero if no contract address
Math.abs(value.getValue()), // value
tx.fee ? tx.fee : null,
null, //gasPrice
null, // gasused
tx.status ? tx.status.toLowerCase() : null
let message
const result = await dbChainTx.newChainTx(data)
if (!result.success) {
console.log(result.error_msg + ' tx:' + transaction.txHash + ' bn: ' + tx.slot)
message = result.error_msg + ' tx:' + transaction.txHash + ' bn: ' + tx.slot
} else {
message = transaction.txHash + '\n' +
' From: ' + from + '\n To: ' + to + '\n' +
' Value: ' + value.getValue() + ' ' + 'SOL' + '\n\n'
return message
const processSplTransaction = async (tx, address, ownerAddress) => {
let hash = tx.signature[0] // break if wrong
let from, to
const transaction = await solscan.getTransaction(tx.signature[0])
let value = bigD(0)
let decimals = tx.decimals
let tokenName = tx.tokenName
let symbol = tx.symbol
for (let i = 0; i < transaction.tokenBalanes.length; i++) {
const transfer = transaction.tokenBalanes[i]
if (transfer.account === address) {
value = bigD(transfer.amount.postAmount).subtract(bigD(transfer.amount.preAmount))
decimals = transfer.token.decimals
symbol = transfer.token.symbol
tokenName =
let counterParty
let backupCounterparty
for (let i = 0; i < transaction.tokenBalanes.length; i++) { // address of equal sender/recipient
const transfer = transaction.tokenBalanes[i]
if (transfer.account !== address) {
backupCounterparty = transfer
const outValue = bigD(transfer.amount.postAmount).subtract(bigD(transfer.amount.preAmount))
if (Math.abs(outValue.getValue()) === Math.abs(value.getValue())) {
counterParty = transfer
if (typeof counterParty === 'undefined') {
counterParty = backupCounterparty // couldnt locate an equal output
// console.log('using backup counterParty')
if (typeof counterParty === 'undefined') {
counterParty = { account: '11111111111111111111111111111111' } // tokens were minted
// console.log('using minting counterParty')
const signNumber = Math.sign(Number(value.getValue()))
if (signNumber === -1) {
from = ownerAddress
to = counterParty.account
} else {
to = ownerAddress
from = counterParty.account
slot = transaction.slot
const sign = Math.sign(tx.changeAmount) === 1 ? '' : '-'
console.log(timeFmtDb(tx.blockTime * 1000) + ' ' + slot + ' ' + from.padEnd(44) + ' -> ' + to.padEnd(44) + ' ' + (sign + weiToDisplay(Math.abs(tx.changeAmount), tx.decimals)).padStart(25))
const data = [
null, // positionId
'solana', // blockchain
hash ? hash : null,
'spl', // sol or spl
slot, // block number (sol appears to not have a block number)
tx.blockTime ? tx.blockTime : null, // timestamp
null, // nonce
from, // from
to, // to
tx.tokenAddress ? tx.tokenAddress : 0, // insert zero if no contract address
Math.abs(value.getValue()), // value
decimals ? decimals : null,
tx.fee ? tx.fee : null,
null, //gasPrice
null, // gasused
null, // input
null, // confirmations
tx.status ? tx.status.toLowerCase() : null // assuming all transactions from this endpoint were mined successfully
// console.log(transaction)
// console.log(data)
let message
const result = await dbChainTx.newChainTx(data)
if (!result.success) {
console.log(result.error_msg + ' tx:' + hash + ' bn: ' + slot)
message = result.error_msg + ' tx:' + hash + ' bn: ' + slot
} else {
message = hash + '\n' +
' From: ' + from + '\n To: ' + to + '\n' +
' Value: ' + tx.changeAmount + ' ' + symbol + '\n\n'
return message
// return 'i did the thing'
; (async () => {
try {
const locations = await dbLocation.getLocationsChain('solana')
for (let i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
await module.exports.syncSolanaAddress(locations[i].id)
await module.exports.syncSplForLocation(locations[i].id)
} catch (error) {
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I updated this to reflect my current solution which discovers new associated accounts and polls for transactions using them, as opposed to relying on the parent address for calculating spl balances, which has proven difficult and / or unreliable

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