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dimkaram / advanced_circadian_lighting.yaml
Last active November 9, 2024 19:06
Homeassistant Automation Blueprint for Advanced Circadian Lighting
name: Advanced Circadian Lighting
description: >-
This automation adjusts light brightness, temperature, and color hue,
based on presence, current time and sun position.
Rich-Harris /
Last active February 18, 2025 07:11
The truth about Svelte

I've been deceiving you all. I had you believe that Svelte was a UI framework — unlike React and Vue etc, because it shifts work out of the client and into the compiler, but a framework nonetheless.

But that's not exactly accurate. In my defense, I didn't realise it myself until very recently. But with Svelte 3 around the corner, it's time to come clean about what Svelte really is.

Svelte is a language.

Specifically, Svelte is an attempt to answer a question that many people have asked, and a few have answered: what would it look like if we had a language for describing reactive user interfaces?

A few projects that have answered this question:

gounthar / Screenshot.png
Last active March 25, 2023 08:19
Proof of concept: streaming a conference video while inlaying the slides thanks to SBCs
kafene /
Last active February 13, 2025 21:46
Setting up WKD for self-hosted automatic key discovery

I just got this working so I figured I'd share what I found, since there's hardly any information about this anywhere online except an RFC, the GPG mailing list and one tutorial from the GnuPG blog.

You can use automatic key discovery with WKD (Web key directory) to make it easy for users to import your key, in GPG since version 2.1.12. Since this feature is fairly new, it isn't yet available in the current LTS release of Ubuntu (16.04; xenial), however it is available in Debian stable (stretch).

I couldn't add a DNS CERT or DANE / OPENPGPKEY record through my email service (which also hosts my nameservers). I tried making the PKA record - a TXT record but GPG doesn't seem to recognize it and fails; I'm still investigating why.

So the last option for self-hosted auto-discovery was WKD.

First thing I had to do was add an email address to my key. My primary UID is just my name so the key represents my identity rather

zhy0 /
Last active September 28, 2024 10:55
Install Android SDK on headless Ubuntu linux machine via command line, so that you can compile open source Android apps.
# Thanks to
# Execute this script in your home directory. Lines 17 and 21 will prompt you for a y/n
# Install Oracle JDK 8
add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
apt-get update
apt-get install -y oracle-java8-installer
apt-get install -y unzip make # NDK stuff
jonathanpmartins /
Last active July 28, 2019 03:14
Install Libsodium on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS Trusty
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/libsodium;
sudo echo "deb trusty main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list;
sudo echo "deb-src trusty main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list;
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libsodium-dev;
ilyaigpetrov / Meteor Alternatives Per
Last active September 15, 2024 20:21
Meteor Alternatives Per Feature | by

Meteor Alternatives Per Feature

This table was created in 2015 so may be quite outdated today.

Feature Meteor Solution Alternative Solutions Description
Live DB Sync [livequery][lq] ([mongo-oplog]), [ddp] RethinkDB, Redis, ShareDB, [npm:mongo-oplog], [firebase], etc. Push DB updates to client/server.
Latency Compensation, Optimistic UI [minimongo][mm] [RethinkDB][lcr], [mWater/minimongo] (fork, not ws but http, browserify) Imitate successful db query on client before it is done.
Isomorphic Code [isobuild] & isopacks browserify Write one code for server/client/mobile.
Isomorphic Packaging [isobuild], atmosphere No more separate packages for server & client. Get bower + npm + mobile.
sampsyo / fib.ts
Last active August 9, 2023 23:54
function inheritance in TypeScript
// This is a quick demonstration of "function inheritance" as described in
// this paper from Daniel Brown and William Cook.
// Expressed in TypeScript (and without the monads).
// Syntax note: When you write function types in TypeScript, you need to name
// each parameter. But the names don't actually matter, so I just use _. You
// can read `(_:A) => B` as `a -> b` in ML or Haskell syntax.
// In Brown and Cook's Haskell, `type Gen a = a -> a` is a "generator." The
  1. 开启ipv4转发
vi /etc/sysctl.conf
# 将net.ipv4.ip_forward=0更改为net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
sysctl -p
  1. 安装dnsmasq 和pdnsd解决dns污染

DNS的解析方案为 resolve.conf ==> dnsmasq ==> pdnsd

Angular2 + JSPM cheat sheet

First time setup

  • install jspm beta: npm install -g jspm@beta
  • set up your project: jspm init
  • install dependencies: jspm install angular2 reflect-metadata zone.js es6-shim

This will create a jspm_packages folder, and a config.js file.

Open the config.js file - this file manages options for the System.js loader - tweak it as appropriate