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anonymous1184 / UI
Last active March 2, 2025 00:02
Run scripts with UI Access (UIA)

UI Access (UIA)

What's UI Access?

UIA is the way around UIPI ([User Interface Privilege Isolation][1]) which in simple terms is a way of bypassing the security built into Windows to avoid applications interacting with other applications that have a higher integrity level (security).

In other words, when you run a script it cannot communicate with the system or elevated (running as Administrator) processes; this is to avoid insecure and non-sanctioned interactions.

Why would I want UIA?

yevrah / Upgrade vim
Last active February 25, 2025 22:09
Update to Vim8 on Centos 7
# Method 1: Install using rpm packages (credit to DarkMukke)
rpm -Uvh
rpm --import
# WARNING: removing vim-minimal uninstalls `sudo` if you skip the second step
# make sure to at least run `yum install sudo`
yum -y remove vim-minimal vim-common vim-enhanced
-- 数据库系统概念(原书第六版)——原整版带书签
-- mysql 服务器支持 # 到该行结束、-- 到该行结束 以及 /* 行中间或多个行 */ 的注释方格
create table `teaches`(
ID varchar(5),
course_id varchar(8),
sec_id varchar(8),
semester varchar(6),
year numeric(4,0),
primary key (ID,course_id,sec_id,semester,year),
dy-dx / CoffeeScript.sublime-settings
Last active May 30, 2018 15:35
My custom Sublime Text 3 settings
"binDir": "/Users/chris/.nvm/current/bin/"