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My dotEmacs File
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
;;----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
;; Defaults | |
;; This only can save | |
;;----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) | |
(setq-default tab-width 4) | |
(setq c-basic-offset 4) | |
(setq indent-line-function 'insert-tab) | |
;;----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
;; Autocomplete mode. | |
;; | |
;;----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/") | |
(require 'auto-complete-config) | |
(add-to-list 'ac-dictionary-directories "~/.emacs.d//ac-dict") | |
(ac-config-default) | |
;; Set the debug option when there is trouble... | |
;;(setq debug-on-error t) | |
(require 'cl) ;; turn on Common Lisp support | |
(defvar *emacs-load-start* (current-time)) | |
;;----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
;; Byte-compile .emacs everytime is saved. | |
;;----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
(defun byte-compile-user-init-file () | |
(let ((byte-compile-warnings '(unresolved))) | |
;; in case compilation fails, don't leave the old .elc around: | |
(when (file-exists-p (concat user-init-file ".elc")) | |
(delete-file (concat user-init-file ".elc"))) | |
(byte-compile-file user-init-file) | |
(message "%s compiled" user-init-file) | |
)) | |
(defun my-emacs-lisp-mode-hook () | |
(when (equal buffer-file-name user-init-file) | |
(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'byte-compile-user-init-file t t))) | |
;; (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'turn-on-eldoc-mode) | |
(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'my-emacs-lisp-mode-hook) | |
;;----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
;;----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
;; try-require: attempt to load a feature/library, failing silently | |
;;----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
(defvar missing-packages-list nil | |
"List of packages that `try-require' can't find.") | |
(defun try-require (feature) | |
"Attempt to load a library or module. Return true if the | |
library given as argument is successfully loaded. If not, instead | |
of an error, just add the package to a list of missing packages." | |
(condition-case err | |
;; protected form | |
(progn | |
(message "Checking for library `%s'..." feature) | |
(if (stringp feature) | |
(load-library feature) | |
(require feature)) | |
(message "Checking for library `%s'... Found" feature)) | |
;; error handler | |
(file-error ; condition | |
(progn | |
(message "Checking for library `%s'... Missing" feature) | |
(add-to-list 'missing-packages-list feature)) | |
nil))) | |
;;----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
;;----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
;; CUSTOM first to override it later. | |
;;----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
(custom-set-variables | |
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom. | |
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. | |
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. | |
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. | |
'(LaTeX-command "latex -shell-escape") | |
'(LaTeX-indent-environment-list (quote (("verbatim" current-indentation) ("verbatim*" current-indentation) ("array") ("displaymath") ("eqnarray") ("eqnarray*") ("equation") ("equation*") ("picture") ("tabbing") ("table") ("table*") ("tabular" ignore) ("tabular*")))) | |
'(TeX-PDF-mode t) | |
'(TeX-output-view-style (quote (("^dvi$" ("^landscape$" "^pstricks$\\|^pst-\\|^psfrag$") "%(o?)dvips -t landscape %d -o && gv %f") ("^dvi$" "^pstricks$\\|^pst-\\|^psfrag$" "%(o?)dvips %d -o && gv %f") ("^dvi$" ("^a4\\(?:dutch\\|paper\\|wide\\)\\|sem-a4$" "^landscape$") "%(o?)xdvi %dS -paper a4r -s 0 %d") ("^dvi$" "^a4\\(?:dutch\\|paper\\|wide\\)\\|sem-a4$" "%(o?)xdvi %dS -paper a4 %d") ("^dvi$" ("^a5\\(?:comb\\|paper\\)$" "^landscape$") "%(o?)xdvi %dS -paper a5r -s 0 %d") ("^dvi$" "^a5\\(?:comb\\|paper\\)$" "%(o?)xdvi %dS -paper a5 %d") ("^dvi$" "^b5paper$" "%(o?)xdvi %dS -paper b5 %d") ("^dvi$" "^letterpaper$" "%(o?)xdvi %dS -paper us %d") ("^dvi$" "^legalpaper$" "%(o?)xdvi %dS -paper legal %d") ("^dvi$" "^executivepaper$" "%(o?)xdvi %dS -paper 7.25x10.5in %d") ("^dvi$" "." "%(o?)xdvi %dS %d") ("^pdf$" "." "okular %o") ("^html?$" "." "netscape %o")))) | |
'(TeX-view-program-list (quote (("okular" "okular %o")))) | |
'(TeX-view-program-selection (quote (((output-dvi style-pstricks) "dvips and gv") (output-dvi "xdvi") (output-pdf "okular") (output-html "xdg-open")))) | |
'(blink-cursor-mode nil) | |
'(browse-url-browser-function (quote browse-url-default-browser)) | |
'(c-default-style (quote ((c-mode . "K&R") (java-mode . "java") (other . "gnu")))) | |
'(case-fold-search t) | |
'(case-replace t) | |
'(column-number-mode t) | |
'(compilation-scroll-output t) | |
'(diff-default-read-only t) | |
'(ecb-options-version "2.32") | |
'(ediff-window-setup-function (quote ediff-setup-windows-plain)) | |
'(ess-execute-in-process-buffer t) | |
'(ess-language "R") | |
'(font-latex-fontify-script nil) | |
'(font-latex-fontify-sectioning (quote color)) | |
'(font-latex-title-fontify (quote color) t) | |
'(frame-title-format "Emacs: %b %+%+ %f" t) | |
'(fringe-mode 0 nil (fringe)) | |
'(gc-cons-threshold 1600000) | |
'(highlight-nonselected-windows t) | |
'(icon-title-format "Emacs - %b" t) | |
'(inhibit-startup-screen t) | |
'(initial-frame-alist (quote ((top . 1) (height . 100)))) | |
'(mouse-wheel-mode t nil (mwheel)) | |
'(pc-select-meta-moves-sexps t) | |
'(pc-select-selection-keys-only t) | |
'(pc-selection-mode t nil (pc-select)) | |
'(reftex-extra-bindings t) | |
'(ring-bell-function (quote ignore) t) | |
'(safe-local-variable-values (quote ((ispell-dictionary . "british") (auto-fill-mode) (TeX-master . race-test) (ess-indent-level . 2) (ess-continued-statement-offset . 2) (ess-brace-offset . 0) (ess-expression-offset . 4) (ess-else-offset . 0) (ess-brace-imaginary-offset . 0) (ess-continued-brace-offset . 0) (ess-arg-function-offset . 2) (ess-close-brace-offset . 0) (ispell-current-dictionary . british) (LocalWords . parallelized) (TeX-master . automoaco\.tex) (TeX-master . beamaco-csa) (ess-style . DEFAULT) (ess-fancy-comments) (ispell-local-dictionary . british) (Local . british) (bibtex-sort-ignore-string-entries)))) | |
'(scroll-bar-mode nil) | |
'(scroll-step 1) | |
'(search-whitespace-regexp "[ | |
]+") | |
'(show-paren-mode t) | |
'(smerge-command-prefix "") | |
'(speedbar-frame-parameters (quote ((minibuffer) (width . 20) (border-width . 0) (menu-bar-lines . 0) (tool-bar-lines . 0) (unsplittable . t) (set-background-color "black")))) | |
'(suggest-key-bindings 10) | |
'(tool-bar-mode nil) | |
'(tooltip-mode nil) | |
'(track-eol t) | |
'(undo-limit 200000) | |
'(undo-strong-limit 300000) | |
'(vc-follow-symlinks nil) | |
'(whitespace-modes (quote (ada-mode asm-mode autoconf-mode awk-mode c-mode c++-mode cc-mode change-log-mode cperl-mode electric-nroff-mode emacs-lisp-mode f90-mode fortran-mode html-mode html3-mode java-mode jde-mode ksh-mode latex-mode LaTeX-mode lisp-mode m4-mode makefile-mode modula-2-mode nroff-mode objc-mode pascal-mode perl-mode prolog-mode python-mode scheme-mode sgml-mode sh-mode shell-script-mode simula-mode tcl-mode tex-mode texinfo-mode vrml-mode xml-mode bibtex-mode)))) | |
(custom-set-faces | |
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom. | |
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. | |
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. | |
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. | |
'(default ((t (:inherit nil :stipple nil :background "DarkSlateGray" :foreground "Wheat" :inverse-video nil :box nil :strike-through nil :overline nil :underline nil :slant normal :weight normal :height 98 :width normal :foundry "unknown" :family "DejaVu Sans Mono")))) | |
'(diff-added ((t (:foreground "#44DD11")))) | |
'(diff-context ((t nil))) | |
'(diff-file-header ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:foreground "gray")))) | |
'(diff-function ((t (:foreground "gray")))) | |
'(diff-header ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:foreground "gray")))) | |
'(diff-hunk-header ((t (:foreground "gray")))) | |
'(diff-nonexistent ((t (:inherit diff-file-header :strike-through nil)))) | |
'(diff-refine-change ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:background "#182042")))) | |
'(diff-removed ((t (:foreground "#FF3300"))))) | |
;;----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
;;------------------------------------------- | |
;; DISPLAY | |
;;------------------------------------------- | |
;; Macro to detect if we are under X. | |
(if (not (fboundp 'Xlaunch)) | |
(defmacro Xlaunch (&rest x) | |
(list 'if (eq window-system 'x)(cons 'progn x))) | |
(message ".emacs: Xlaunch already defined!")) | |
(Xlaunch | |
(setq default-frame-alist | |
'( | |
(icon-type . t) | |
(cursor-color . "Orchid") | |
(mouse-color . "Orchid") | |
(foreground-color . "Wheat") | |
(background-color . "DarkSlateGray") | |
)) | |
) | |
(set-face-foreground 'modeline "black") | |
(set-face-background 'modeline "gray") | |
(if (not window-system) (menu-bar-mode nil)) | |
(which-function-mode t) ; Show function name in modeline | |
(setq which-func-maxout 0) ; No limit | |
(fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p) ; Make all "yes or no" prompts show "y | |
; or n" instead | |
;;----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
; Color and Fonts. | |
;;----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
(when (try-require 'color-theme) | |
(color-theme-initialize) | |
(color-theme-robin-hood)) | |
(require 'font-lock) | |
(if (fboundp 'global-font-lock-mode) | |
(global-font-lock-mode t)) ; By default turn on colorization. | |
(setq font-lock-mode-maximum-decoration t) | |
;(setq frame-background-mode 'dark) | |
(setq frame-background-mode 'dark) | |
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8);; Enable UTF-8 by default | |
;;----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
;; KEYS | |
;;----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
; Under X to get the suppr key working. | |
(Xlaunch (define-key global-map [(delete)] "\C-d")) | |
;; Make shifted direction keys work on the Linux console or in an xterm | |
(when (member (getenv "TERM") '("linux" "xterm")) | |
(dolist (prefix '("\eO" "\eO1;" "\e[1;")) | |
(dolist (m '(("2" . "S-") ("3" . "M-") ("4" . "S-M-") ("5" . "C-") | |
("6" . "S-C-") ("7" . "C-M-") ("8" . "S-C-M-"))) | |
(dolist (k '(("A" . "<up>") ("B" . "<down>") ("C" . "<right>") | |
("D" . "<left>") ("H" . "<home>") ("F" . "<end>"))) | |
(define-key function-key-map | |
(concat prefix (car m) (car k)) | |
(read-kbd-macro (concat (cdr m) (cdr k)))))))) | |
; X selection manipulation | |
(if (not (fboundp 'x-own-selection)) | |
(defun x-own-selection (s) (x-set-selection `PRIMARY s)) | |
(message ".emacs: x-own-selection already defined!")) | |
(global-set-key [(shift insert)] '(lambda () (interactive) | |
(insert (x-get-selection)))) | |
(global-set-key [(control insert)] '(lambda () (interactive) | |
(x-own-selection (buffer-substring (point) (mark))))) | |
;;; XEmacs compatibility | |
(global-set-key [(control tab)] `other-window) | |
(global-set-key [(meta g)] `goto-line) | |
(defun switch-to-other-buffer () | |
(interactive) (switch-to-buffer (other-buffer) 1)) | |
(global-set-key [(meta control ?l)] `switch-to-other-buffer) | |
(global-set-key [(meta O) ?H] 'beginning-of-line) | |
(global-set-key [(meta O) ?F] 'end-of-line) | |
;;;(global-set-key [f3] 'ps-print-buffer-with-faces) | |
(define-key global-map [f5] 'font-lock-fontify-buffer) | |
(define-key global-map [f6] 'isearch-repeat-forward) | |
(define-key global-map [f10] 'wrap-up) | |
(global-set-key [home] 'beginning-of-line) | |
(global-set-key [end] 'end-of-line) | |
(global-set-key [(control home)] 'beginning-of-buffer) | |
(global-set-key [(control end)] 'end-of-buffer) | |
;; Make control+pageup/down scroll the other buffer | |
(global-set-key [(control next)] 'scroll-other-window) | |
(global-set-key [(control prior)] 'scroll-other-window-down) | |
;; I do this by accident too often | |
;;(global-set-key [(control z)] 'undo) | |
(global-set-key [(control shift z)] 'redo) | |
;;(global-unset-key "\C-z") | |
(global-unset-key "\C-x\C-z") | |
; Replace buffer-list (if we're not going to use ibuffer.el): | |
(global-set-key "\C-x\C-b" 'electric-buffer-list) | |
;;(global-set-key "\C-x\C-b" 'buffer-menu) | |
;(global-set-key "\C-c\C-c" 'compile) | |
;(global-set-key "\C-cc" 'comment-region) | |
(defun swap-compile-comment-keys () | |
"Swap compile and commen-region keybindings" | |
(local-unset-key "\C-c\C-c") | |
(local-unset-key "\C-cc") | |
(local-set-key "\C-c\C-c" 'compile) | |
(local-set-key "\C-cc" 'comment-region) | |
) | |
(add-hook 'makefile-mode-hook 'swap-compile-comment-keys) | |
(global-set-key "\C-cg" 'goto-line) | |
(global-set-key "\C-x\C-r" 'revert-buffer) | |
;; This runs mark-sexp which is not useful. Better give it another | |
;; purpose outside Emacs. | |
(global-unset-key (read-kbd-macro "C-M-SPC")) | |
(defun shuffle-lines (beg end) | |
"Scramble all the lines in region defined by BEG END | |
If region contains less than 2 lines, lines are left untouched." | |
(interactive "*r") | |
(catch 'cancel | |
(save-restriction | |
(narrow-to-region beg end) | |
;; Exit when there is not enough lines in region | |
(if (< (- (point-max) (point-min)) 3) | |
(throw 'cancel t)) | |
;; Prefix lines with a random number and a space | |
(goto-char (point-min)) | |
(while (not (eobp)) | |
(insert (int-to-string (random 32000)) " ") | |
(forward-line 1)) | |
;; Sort lines according to first field (random number) | |
(sort-numeric-fields 1 (point-min) (point-max)) | |
(goto-char (point-min)) ;Remove the prefix fields | |
(while (not (eobp)) | |
(delete-region (point) (progn (forward-word 1) (+ (point) 1))) | |
(forward-line 1)) | |
))) | |
;; ISearch mods | |
;; Always use regexps | |
(global-set-key [(control s)] 'isearch-forward-regexp) | |
(global-set-key [(control r)] 'isearch-backward-regexp) | |
(global-set-key [(control c)(meta %)] 'query-replace-regexp) | |
;; Not really key-bindings. These just rename a few commonly used | |
;; functions | |
(defalias 'cr 'comment-region) | |
(defalias 'ucr 'uncomment-region) | |
(defalias 'rr 'replace-rectangle) | |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; | |
;; Moving lines up & down with <M-up> & <M-down> | |
(defun move-line (&optional n) | |
"Move current line N (1) lines up/down leaving point in place." | |
(interactive "p") | |
(when (null n) | |
(setq n 1)) | |
(let ((col (current-column))) | |
(beginning-of-line) | |
(forward-line) | |
(transpose-lines n) | |
(forward-line -1) | |
(forward-char col)) | |
(indent-according-to-mode)) | |
(defun move-line-up (n) | |
"Moves current line N (1) lines up leaving point in place." | |
(interactive "p") | |
(move-line (if (null n) -1 (- n)))) | |
(defun move-line-down (n) | |
"Moves current line N (1) lines down leaving point in place." | |
(interactive "p") | |
(move-line (if (null n) 1 n))) | |
(defun move-region (start end n) | |
"Move the current region up or down by N lines." | |
(interactive "r\np") | |
(let ((line-text (delete-and-extract-region start end))) | |
(forward-line n) | |
(let ((start (point))) | |
(insert line-text) | |
(setq deactivate-mark nil) | |
(set-mark start)))) | |
(defun move-region-up (start end n) | |
"Move the current region up by N lines." | |
(interactive "r\np") | |
(move-region start end (if (null n) -1 (- n)))) | |
(defun move-region-down (start end n) | |
"Move the current region down by N lines." | |
(interactive "r\np") | |
(move-region start end (if (null n) 1 n))) | |
;; | |
;; These, in combination with MoveLine and MoveRegion, provide | |
;; behavior similar to Eclipses Alt-Up/Down. They use MoveLine if | |
;; there is no active region, MoveRegion if there is. Note that unlike | |
;; in Eclipse, the region will not expand to the beginning of the | |
;; first line or the end of the last line. | |
(defun move-line-region-up (start end n) | |
(interactive "r\np") | |
(if (region-active-p) (move-region-up start end n) (move-line-up n))) | |
(defun move-line-region-down (start end n) | |
(interactive "r\np") | |
(if (region-active-p) (move-region-down start end n) (move-line-down n))) | |
;;(global-set-key (kbd "M-p") 'move-line-region-up) | |
;;(global-set-key (kbd "M-n") 'move-line-region-down) | |
(global-set-key [(meta up)] 'move-line-region-up) | |
(global-set-key [(meta down)] 'move-line-region-down) | |
;; Rectangle | |
(when (try-require 'rect) | |
(defun copy-rectangle-as-kill (start end) | |
"Copy rectangle with corners at point and mark; save as last | |
killed one. Calling from program, supply two args START and END, | |
buffer positions. But in programs you might prefer to use | |
`extract-rectangle'." | |
(interactive "r") | |
(setq killed-rectangle (extract-rectangle start end)) | |
(message "Rectangle saved.")) | |
(global-set-key "\C-xrw" 'copy-rectangle-as-kill) | |
) | |
(defun insert-date-string () | |
"Insert a nicely formated date string." | |
(interactive) | |
(insert (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d"))) | |
(defun delete-horizontal-space-forward () | |
;; adapted from `delete-horizontal-space' | |
"*Delete all spaces and tabs after point." | |
(interactive "*") | |
(delete-region (point) (progn (skip-chars-forward " \t") (point)))) | |
(global-set-key "\M- " 'delete-horizontal-space-forward) | |
;;----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
;;----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
;;----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
;(dynamic-completion-mode) ; Use alt-enter | |
;; By default start in TEXT mode. | |
(setq default-major-mode (lambda () (text-mode) (font-lock-mode t))) | |
;; One may want to disable auto-fill through | |
;(remove-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill) | |
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill) | |
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-flyspell);; flyspell is ispell on-the-fly | |
;(setq fill-column 79) | |
; Don't add lines on the end of lines unless we want. | |
(setq next-line-add-newlines nil) | |
;; Indentation can insert tabs if this is non-nil. | |
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) | |
; Don't ask to revert for TAGS | |
(setq revert-without-query (cons "TAGS" revert-without-query)) | |
;; turn on auto (de)compression | |
(auto-compression-mode t) | |
(put 'downcase-region 'disabled nil) | |
;; Adjust load path to include $HOME/lib/emacs/, etc | |
(setq load-path | |
(cons (concat (getenv "HOME") "/.emacs.d/") | |
(cons "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/" load-path))) | |
;; (cons (concat (getenv "HOME") "/.ESS/ess/lisp/") load-path)) | |
;; Does not trigger error if we do not have the following | |
(when (try-require 'ess-site) | |
; Turn off annoying comment behaviour | |
(setq ess-fancy-comments nil) | |
; Bug in ESS, very slow eval-and-go | |
(setq ess-eval-visibly-p nil) | |
; | |
(when (try-require 'ess-tracebug) | |
(add-hook 'ess-post-run-hook 'ess-tracebug t) | |
) | |
) | |
;;------------------------ | |
;;------------------------ | |
;; Switch to using aspell, it's much cleverer than ispell: | |
(setq-default ispell-program-name "aspell") | |
;Show path info in otherwise identical filenames | |
(when (try-require 'uniquify) | |
(setq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'post-forward) | |
(setq uniquify-after-kill-buffer-p t) | |
) | |
;; ----------------------------------------------------- | |
;; iswitchb -- switch buffers | |
;; ----------------------------------------------------- | |
(iswitchb-mode t) | |
(setq iswitchb-buffer-ignore '("^ " "*Buffer")) | |
(add-hook | |
'iswitchb-define-mode-map-hook | |
'(lambda () | |
(define-key iswitchb-mode-map [up] 'iswitchb-next-match) | |
(define-key iswitchb-mode-map [down] 'iswitchb-prev-match) | |
(define-key iswitchb-mode-map [right] 'iswitchb-next-match) | |
(define-key iswitchb-mode-map [left] 'iswitchb-prev-match))) | |
(defadvice iswitchb-kill-buffer (after rescan-after-kill activate) | |
"*Regenerate the list of matching buffer names after a kill. | |
Necessary if using `uniquify' with `uniquify-after-kill-buffer-p' | |
set to non-nil." | |
(setq iswitchb-buflist iswitchb-matches) | |
(iswitchb-rescan)) | |
(defun iswitchb-rescan () | |
"*Regenerate the list of matching buffer names." | |
(interactive) | |
(iswitchb-make-buflist iswitchb-default) | |
(setq iswitchb-rescan t)) | |
;; ----------------------------------------------------- | |
(when (try-require 'ffap) ; Enhace C-x C-f to open file from text. | |
;; rebind C-x C-f and others to the ffap bindings (see variable ffap-bindings) | |
(ffap-bindings) | |
;; C-u C-x C-f finds the file at point | |
;;(setq ffap-require-prefix t) | |
;; browse urls at point via w3m | |
(setq ffap-url-fetcher 'w3m-browse-url) | |
) | |
;; Save minibuffer history between sessions | |
(when (fboundp 'savehist-mode) | |
(savehist-mode 1)) | |
(autoload 'tidy-buffer "tidy" "Run Tidy HTML parser on current buffer" t) | |
(autoload 'tidy-parse-config-file "tidy" "Parse the `tidy-config-file'" t) | |
(autoload 'tidy-save-settings "tidy" "Save settings to `tidy-config-file'" t) | |
(autoload 'tidy-build-menu "tidy" "Install an options menu for HTML Tidy." t) | |
(defun my-html-helper-mode-hook () "Customize my html-helper-mode." | |
(tidy-build-menu html-helper-mode-map) | |
(local-set-key [(control c) (control c)] 'tidy-buffer) | |
(setq sgml-validate-command "tidy") | |
(tidy-build-menu)) | |
(add-hook 'html-helper-mode-hook 'my-html-helper-mode-hook) | |
(add-hook 'html-mode-hook 'my-html-helper-mode-hook) | |
(defun html-helper-custom-insert-timestamp () | |
"Custom timestamp insertion function." | |
(insert "Last modified: ") | |
(insert (format-time-string "%e %B %Y"))) | |
(setq html-helper-timestamp-hook 'html-helper-custom-insert-timestamp) | |
;; CSS-mode | |
(setq cssm-indent-level 4) | |
(setq cssm-newline-before-closing-bracket t) | |
(setq cssm-indent-function 'cssm-c-style-indenter) | |
(setq cssm-mirror-mode nil) | |
;;---------------- | |
;; AUTO-SAVE | |
;;---------------- | |
(setq | |
auto-save-interval 300 ;auto-save every 5 minutes | |
auto-save-timeout nil | |
; version-control 'never | |
) | |
;; Save positions in files between sessions | |
(when (try-require 'saveplace) | |
(setq-default save-place t) | |
;; For server | |
(add-hook 'server-visit-hook 'save-place-find-file-hook t) | |
) | |
;;---------------- | |
;; AucTeX | |
;;---------------- | |
(when (try-require 'tex-site) | |
;; some basic customizations | |
(setq TeX-auto-save t) | |
(setq TeX-parse-self t) | |
(setq-default TeX-master nil) ; Query for master file. | |
;; default Style and Options. | |
(setq LaTeX-default-options "a4paper") | |
;; don't modify font size | |
(setq font-latex-title-fontify 'color) | |
;; some small but handy macros | |
(defun LaTeX-insert-footnote () | |
"Insert a \\footnote{} macro in a LaTeX-document." | |
(interactive) | |
(TeX-insert-macro "footnote")) | |
(defun LaTeX-insert-note () | |
"Insert a \\note{} macro in a LaTeX-document." | |
(interactive) | |
(TeX-insert-macro "note")) | |
(defun LaTeX-insert-index () | |
"Insert a \\index{} macro in a LaTeX-document." | |
(interactive) | |
(TeX-insert-macro "index")) | |
(defun my-auctex-settings () | |
"Some local modifications to AucTeX variables." | |
(setq TeX-master nil) ; Query for master file. | |
) | |
(defvar LaTeX-mode-setup-hook nil | |
"Hook for things to do before LaTeX-mode is defined.") | |
(defadvice latex-mode (before latex-mode-setup-advice) | |
(run-hooks 'LaTeX-mode-setup-hook)) | |
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-setup-hook 'my-auctex-settings t) | |
(defun my-auctex-keys () | |
"Some local modifications to AucTeX keybindings." | |
;; Local Functions above | |
(local-set-key "\C-cf" 'LaTeX-insert-footnote) | |
(local-set-key "\C-cn" 'LaTeX-insert-note) | |
(setq search-whitespace-regexp "[ \t\r\n]+") | |
(local-set-key [(control s)] 'isearch-forward-regexp) | |
(local-set-key [(control meta s)] 'isearch-forward) | |
(local-set-key [(control r)] 'isearch-backward-regexp) | |
(local-set-key [(control meta r)] 'isearch-backward) | |
;; (local-set-key "\C-s" 'word-search-forward) | |
;; (local-set-key "\C-r" 'word-search-backward) | |
;; use latex-help | |
(define-key LaTeX-mode-map "\C-ci" 'latex-help) | |
) | |
(defun my-latex-add-ons () | |
"Anything you ever wanted in LaTeX-mode." | |
;; load some additional packages | |
(try-require 'bib-cite) | |
(try-require 'font-latex) | |
;; modify keys and vars | |
(my-auctex-keys) | |
(local-set-key [mouse-3] 'reftex-mode-menu) | |
;;---------------------------------------- | |
;; RefTeX handling of \ref, \label, \cite | |
;;---------------------------------------- | |
;; configure RefTeX before loading it. | |
(setq | |
reftex-enable-partial-scans t ; only parse current file | |
reftex-save-parse-info t ; save parsing results | |
reftex-use-multiple-selection-buffers t ; diff buffs for label select. | |
reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX t ; interact with AucTeX, of course | |
reftex-extra-bindings t ; use additional C-c bindings | |
) | |
;; (when (try-require 'reftex) | |
;; (autoload 'reftex-mode "reftex" "RefTeX minor mode" t) | |
;; (autoload 'turn-on-reftex "reftex" "RefTeX Minor Mode" t) | |
;; ) | |
;; now really use RefTeX | |
(turn-on-reftex) | |
;; ensure auto-fill is done, enable outline and don't do func-menu | |
(turn-off-auto-fill) | |
;;(outline-minor-mode 1) | |
;; (remove-func-menu-auto-rescan) | |
(defvar LaTeX-align-current-environments | |
(mapcar 'car LaTeX-indent-environment-list) | |
"List of LaTeX environments to do align.") | |
(defun LaTeX-align-or-fill-function (&optional justify) | |
"Variant of 'fill-paragraph-function' based on current | |
environment. In tabular-like environments, align | |
columns. Otherwise, fill as normal." | |
(interactive "P") | |
(if (member (LaTeX-current-environment) | |
LaTeX-align-current-environments) | |
(save-excursion | |
(LaTeX-mark-environment) | |
(align-current) t) | |
(LaTeX-fill-paragraph))) | |
(setq fill-paragraph-function 'LaTeX-align-or-fill-function) | |
(message "Making private modifications ...")) | |
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'my-latex-add-ons) | |
(add-hook 'TeX-mode-hook 'turn-off-auto-fill) | |
) | |
;;--------------------------- | |
;; PHP MODE | |
;; | |
;;--------------------------- | |
(autoload 'php-mode "php-mode" "Major mode for editing php code." t) | |
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.php$" . php-mode)) | |
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.inc$" . php-mode)) | |
(add-hook 'php-mode-hook (lambda () | |
(defun ywb-php-lineup-arglist-intro (langelem) | |
(save-excursion | |
(goto-char (cdr langelem)) | |
(vector (+ (current-column) c-basic-offset)))) | |
(defun ywb-php-lineup-arglist-close (langelem) | |
(save-excursion | |
(goto-char (cdr langelem)) | |
(vector (current-column)))) | |
(c-set-offset 'arglist-intro 'ywb-php-lineup-arglist-intro) | |
(c-set-offset 'arglist-close 'ywb-php-lineup-arglist-close))) | |
;;----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
;; JavaScript Mode | |
;; | |
;;----------------------------------------------------------------- | |
(autoload #'espresso-mode "espresso" "Start espresso-mode" t) | |
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.js$" . espresso-mode)) | |
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.json$" . espresso-mode)) | |
;;--------------------------- | |
;; C/C++ MODE | |
;;--------------------------- | |
(c-add-style | |
"my-c-common-style" | |
'("k&r" | |
;; (setq tab-width 3 | |
;; make sure spaces are used instead of tabs | |
;; indent-tabs-mode nil) | |
(c-basic-offset . 8) | |
)) | |
(defun my-c-mode-common-hook () | |
"C/C++ mode with adjusted defaults." | |
(c-set-style "my-c-common-style") | |
(setq c++-tab-always-indent t) | |
(setq c-backslash-column 79) | |
(setq c-backslash-max-column 79) | |
(c-set-offset 'inextern-lang '0) ; Do not indent extern "C" blocks. | |
(message "Loading my-c-common-mode-hook...") | |
(swap-compile-comment-keys) | |
;; (setq fill-column 79) | |
) | |
(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'my-c-mode-common-hook) | |
(defun linux-c-mode () | |
"C mode with adjusted defaults for use with the Linux kernel." | |
(interactive) | |
(c-mode) | |
(c-set-style "k&r") | |
(setq c-basic-offset 3) | |
(swap-compile-comment-keys) | |
(message "Loading linux-c-mode...") | |
) | |
(defun gcc-c-mode-hook () | |
"C mode for GCC development." | |
(which-function-mode t) ; Show function name in modeline | |
(setq which-func-maxout 0) ; No limit | |
(c-set-style "gnu") | |
(c-set-offset 'inline-open 0) | |
(swap-compile-comment-keys) | |
(message "Loading gcc-c-mode...") | |
) | |
(defun gcc-c-mode () | |
"C mode for GCC development." | |
(interactive) | |
(remove-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'my-c-mode-common-hook) | |
; (c-set-style "gnu") | |
; (c-set-offset 'inline-open 0) | |
(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'gcc-c-mode-hook) | |
(text-mode) | |
(c-mode) | |
) | |
;; ------------------------------------------- | |
;; gnuplot mode | |
;; ------------------------------------------- | |
(eval-after-load "gnuplot" | |
(add-hook 'gnuplot-mode-hook | |
'(lambda () | |
(define-key gnuplot-mode-map "\C-c\C-c" 'gnuplot-send-buffer-to-gnuplot))) | |
) | |
(eval-after-load "flyspell" | |
'(local-set-key [(control ?\;)] 'flyspell-auto-correct-word) | |
) | |
;;---------------------- | |
;; PERL MODE | |
;;---------------------- | |
;; Use cperl-mode instead of the default perl-mode | |
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.\\([pP][Llm]\\|al\\)\\'" . cperl-mode)) | |
(add-to-list 'interpreter-mode-alist '("perl" . cperl-mode)) | |
(add-to-list 'interpreter-mode-alist '("perl5" . cperl-mode)) | |
(add-to-list 'interpreter-mode-alist '("miniperl" . cperl-mode)) | |
;; | |
(defun n-cperl-mode-hook () | |
"cPerl mode with adjusted defaults." | |
(setq cperl-indent-level 4) | |
(setq cperl-continued-statement-offset 0) | |
(setq cperl-extra-newline-before-brace t) | |
(set-face-background 'cperl-array-face "dark slate gray") | |
(set-face-background 'cperl-hash-face "dark slate gray") | |
) | |
(add-hook 'cperl-mode-hook 'n-cperl-mode-hook t) | |
;;(setq cperl-auto-newline t) | |
(setq cperl-invalid-face (quote off)) | |
;; expands for keywords such as foreach, while, etc... | |
;;(setq cperl-electric-keywords t) | |
;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
;; Save a buffer in a specified EOL format with the C-x RET f | |
;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
;; For example, to save a buffer with Unix EOL format, type: | |
;; C-x RET f unix RET C-x C-s. | |
;; To save it as DOS EOL format, type: C-x RET f dos RET C-x C-s. | |
;;------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
(defun find-non-ascii () | |
"Find any non-ascii characters in the current buffer." | |
(interactive) | |
(occur "[^[:ascii:]]")) | |
(defun count-words-region (beginning end) | |
"Print number of words in the region." | |
(interactive "r") | |
(message "Counting words in region ... ") | |
;;; 1. Set up appropriate conditions. | |
(save-excursion | |
(let ((count 0)) | |
(goto-char beginning) | |
;;; 2. Run the while loop. | |
(while (and (< (point) end) | |
(re-search-forward "\\w+\\W*" end t)) | |
(setq count (1+ count))) | |
;;; 3. Send a message to the user. | |
(cond ((zerop count) | |
(message | |
"The region does NOT have any words.")) | |
((= 1 count) | |
(message | |
"The region has 1 word.")) | |
(t | |
(message | |
"The region has %d words." count))))) | |
) | |
;; warn that some packages were missing | |
(if missing-packages-list | |
(progn (message "Packages not found: %S" | |
(nreverse missing-packages-list)))) | |
(message "My .emacs loaded in %ds" (destructuring-bind (hi lo ms) (current-time) | |
(- (+ hi lo) (+ (first *emacs-load-start*) (second | |
*emacs-load-start*))))) | |
;; More information with the info file (Control-h i) | |
;; | |
;;-------------------------------------------- | |
;; END of .emacs | |
;;-------------------------------------------- |
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