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Last active November 9, 2024 09:02
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Bybit get historical OHLCV data
# this code is based on get_historical_data() from python-binance module
# it also requires available from this page
# (where pandas & websocket-client are needed)
import time
import dateparser
import pytz
import json
import csv
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
def get_historical_klines(symbol, interval, start_str, end_str=None):
"""Get Historical Klines from Bybit
See dateparse docs for valid start and end string formats
If using offset strings for dates add "UTC" to date string e.g. "now UTC", "11 hours ago UTC"
:param symbol: Name of symbol pair -- BTCUSD, ETCUSD, EOSUSD, XRPUSD
:type symbol: str
:param interval: Bybit Kline interval -- 1 3 5 15 30 60 120 240 360 720 "D" "M" "W" "Y"
:type interval: str
:param start_str: Start date string in UTC format
:type start_str: str
:param end_str: optional - end date string in UTC format
:type end_str: str
:return: list of OHLCV values
# set parameters for kline()
timeframe = str(interval)
limit = 200
start_ts = int(date_to_milliseconds(start_str)/1000)
end_ts = None
if end_str:
end_ts = int(date_to_milliseconds(end_str)/1000)
end_ts = int(date_to_milliseconds('now')/1000)
# init our list
output_data = []
# loop counter
idx = 0
# it can be difficult to know when a symbol was listed on Binance so allow start time to be before list date
symbol_existed = False
while True:
# fetch the klines from start_ts up to max 200 entries
temp_dict = bybit.kline(symbol=symbol, interval=timeframe, _from=start_ts, limit=limit)
# handle the case where our start date is before the symbol pair listed on Binance
if not symbol_existed and len(temp_dict):
symbol_existed = True
if symbol_existed:
# extract data and convert to list
temp_data = [list(i.values())[2:] for i in temp_dict['result']]
# append this loops data to our output data
output_data += temp_data
# update our start timestamp using the last value in the array and add the interval timeframe
# NOTE: current implementation ignores inteval of D/W/M/Y for now
start_ts = temp_data[len(temp_data) - 1][0] + interval*60
# it wasn't listed yet, increment our start date
start_ts += timeframe
idx += 1
# check if we received less than the required limit and exit the loop
if len(temp_data) < limit:
# exit the while loop
# sleep after every 3rd call to be kind to the API
if idx % 3 == 0:
return output_data
def get_historical_klines_pd(symbol, interval, start_str, end_str=None):
"""Get Historical Klines from Bybit
See dateparse docs for valid start and end string formats
If using offset strings for dates add "UTC" to date string
e.g. "now UTC", "11 hours ago UTC"
:param symbol: Name of symbol pair -- BTCUSD, ETCUSD, EOSUSD, XRPUSD
:type symbol: str
:param interval: Bybit Kline interval -- 1 3 5 15 30 60 120 240 360 720 "D" "M" "W" "Y"
:type interval: str
:param start_str: Start date string in UTC format
:type start_str: str
:param end_str: optional - end date string in UTC format
:type end_str: str
:return: list of OHLCV values
# set parameters for kline()
timeframe = str(interval)
limit = 200
start_ts = int(date_to_milliseconds(start_str)/1000)
end_ts = None
if end_str:
end_ts = int(date_to_milliseconds(end_str)/1000)
end_ts = int(date_to_milliseconds('now')/1000)
# init our list
output_data = []
# loop counter
idx = 0
# it can be difficult to know when a symbol was listed on Binance so allow start time to be before list date
symbol_existed = False
while True:
# fetch the klines from start_ts up to max 200 entries
temp_dict = bybit.kline(symbol=symbol, interval=timeframe, _from=start_ts, limit=limit)
# handle the case where our start date is before the symbol pair listed on Binance
if not symbol_existed and len(temp_dict):
symbol_existed = True
if symbol_existed:
# extract data and convert to list
temp_data = [list(i.values())[2:] for i in temp_dict['result']]
# append this loops data to our output data
output_data += temp_data
# update our start timestamp using the last value in the array and add the interval timeframe
# NOTE: current implementation does not support inteval of D/W/M/Y
start_ts = temp_data[len(temp_data) - 1][0] + interval*60
# it wasn't listed yet, increment our start date
start_ts += timeframe
idx += 1
# check if we received less than the required limit and exit the loop
if len(temp_data) < limit:
# exit the while loop
# sleep after every 3rd call to be kind to the API
if idx % 3 == 0:
# convert to data frame
df = pd.DataFrame(output_data, columns=['TimeStamp', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume', 'TurnOver'])
df['Date'] = [datetime.fromtimestamp(i).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%d')[:-3] for i in df['TimeStamp']]
return df
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