In this document, I propose to separate SLI from SLO as a new data kind in OpenSLO specification. See discussion #29.
A service level indicator (SLI) represents how to gather data from metric sources.
apiVersion: openslo/v0.2.0-beta
kind: SLI
name: string
displayName: string # optional
thresholdMetric: # either thresholdMetric or ratioMetric should be provided
source: string # data source for the metric
queryType: string # a name for the type of query to run on the data source
query: string # the query to run to return the metric
metadata: # optional, allows data source specific details to be passed
ratioMetric: # either thresholdMetric or ratioMetric should be provided
counter: true | false # true if the metric is a monotonically increasing counter,
# or false, if it is a single number that can arbitrarily go up or down
good: # the numerator
source: string # data source for the "good" numerator
queryType: string # a name for the type of query to run on the data source
query: string # the query to run to return the numerator
metadata: # optional, allows data source specific details to be passed
bad: # the numerator, required when "good" is not set
source: string # data source for the "bad" numerator
queryType: string # a name for the type of query to run on the data source
query: string # the query to run to return the numerator
metadata: # optional, allows data source specific details to be passed
total: # the denominator
source: string # data source for the "total" denominator
queryType: string # a name for the type of query to run on the data source
query: string # the query to run to return the denominator
metadata: # optional, allows data source specific details to be passed
A service level objective (SLO) is a target value or range of values for a service level that is described by a service level indicator (SLI).
apiVersion: openslo/v0.2.0-beta
kind: SLO
name: string
displayName: string # optional
labels: # optional, key <>value a pair of labels that can be used as metadata relevant to users
userImpacting: "true"
team: "identity"
costCentre: "project1"
serviceTier: "tier-1"
- auth
annotations: map[string]string # optional, key <> value a pair of annotations that can be used as implementation metadata value1 value2
description: string # optional
service: [service name] # name of the service to associate this SLO with
indicatorRef: string # name of the indicator
indicator: # see SLI.spec above for details
# exactly one item, one of possible rolling time window or calendar aligned
# rolling time window
- unit: Second
count: numeric
isRolling: true
# or
# calendar aligned time window
- unit: Year | Quarter | Month | Week | Day
count: numeric # count of time units for example count: 7 and unit: Day means 7 days window
startTime: 2020-01-21 12:30:00 # date with time in 24h format, format without time zone
timeZone: America/New_York # name as in IANA Time Zone Database
isRolling: false # false or not defined
budgetingMethod: Occurrences | Timeslices
objectives: # see objectives below for details
alertPolicies: # see alert policies below details
Objectives are the thresholds for your SLOs. You can use objectives to define the tolerance levels for your metrics
- displayName: string # optional
op: lte | gte | lt | gt # conditional operator used to compare the SLI against the value. Only needed when using a thresholdMetric
value: numeric # optional, value used to compare threshold metrics. Only needed when using a thresholdMetric
target: numeric [0.0, 1.0) # budget target for given objective of the SLO
timeSliceTarget: numeric (0.0, 1.0] # required only when budgetingMethod is set to TimeSlices
timeSliceWindow: number | duration-shorthand # required only when budgetingMethod is set to TimeSlices