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Last active March 1, 2023 09:37
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Script for converting txt word embedding files to SQLite databases for fast embedding lookup.
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
Example usage:
$ python3.6 glove.840B.300d.txt
Produces an sqlite database at with byte strings of floats for each word vector, indexed by
token for fast lookup for vocabs much smaller than the embedding vocab (aka most real vocabs).
Float size can be set via FLOAT_BYTES env var, and can be 4 or 8, and LIMIT can be set to take
the top N word vectors.
Metadata is also saved in the `vector_meta` table.
import pandas
import csv
import sqlite3
from tqdm import tqdm
import sys
import os
def guess_embed_dim(embeddings_path: str) -> int:
with open(embeddings_path) as infile:
return max([len(next(infile).split(' ')), len(next(infile).split(' '))])
def load_wvs(embeddings_path: str, embedding_dim: int, limit=None):
if limit is not None:
limit = int(limit)
with open(embeddings_path) as infile:
if next(infile).split(' ') == embeddings_path:
# Skip header for fasttext, don't for glove
return pandas.read_csv(infile, header=None, delim_whitespace=True,
names=list(range(embedding_dim)), quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE,
nrows=limit, index_col=0)
def insert_wvs(wvs: pandas.DataFrame, embedding_dim: int, float_bytes: int):
assert float_bytes == 4 or float_bytes == 8
conn = sqlite3.connect('vectors.sqlite')
CREATE TABLE vector_meta (
vector_float_bytes integer,
embedding_dimensions integer,
vocab_size integer
conn.execute('INSERT INTO vector_meta VALUES (?, ?, ?)',
(float_bytes, embedding_dim, wvs.shape[0]))
conn.execute('CREATE TABLE vectors (token text primary key, vector_bytes blob);')
seen = set()
for token, series in tqdm(wvs.iterrows(), total=wvs.shape[0]):
if token in seen:
float_type = 'float32' if float_bytes == 4 else 'float64'
vec_bytes = series.values.astype(float_type).tobytes()
conn.execute('INSERT INTO vectors VALUES (?, ?)', (token, vec_bytes))
if __name__ == '__main__':
embed_path = sys.argv[1]
embed_dim = guess_embed_dim(embed_path)
float_bytes = int(os.getenv('FLOAT_BYTES', 4))
print('Loading word vectors...')
wvs = load_wvs(embed_path, embed_dim, os.getenv('LIMIT'))
print('Saving word vector bytes to vectors.sqlite...')
insert_wvs(wvs, embed_dim, float_bytes)
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