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Created September 6, 2017 13:00
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A git branch cleanup script for people who use 'Squash and merge' on Github
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# There are other solutions to deleting local branches that have been deleted on the remote,
# but I have found they all assume you are deleting fully-merged branches on github, but
# because I use the 'Squash and merge' strategy, my branches are never actually merged.
# So if you use 'Squash and merge' on Github, this might be helpful for you!
deleted_branches = `git fetch -p --dry-run 2>&1 | grep deleted`.split("\n")
deleted_branches = do |line|
my_branch_statuses = `git for-each-ref --format="%(refname:short) %(upstream:track)" refs/heads`.split("\n")
branches_to_delete = []
keep = []
deleted_branches.each do |branch_name|
next if ['master', 'staging'].include? branch_name
status = my_branch_statuses.find { |l| l.start_with? "#{branch_name} " }
next unless status
if status.include? ' [ahead '
keep << status
branches_to_delete << status
puts 'no branches to delete' and return if branches_to_delete.empty?
git_delete = "git branch -D #{ {|s| s.split(' ')[0] }.join(' ')}"
puts 'branches ready to delete: '
puts branches_to_delete
puts git_delete
puts ' '
puts 'ready? [y]/n'
ready = gets.chomp.to_s.downcase
puts ' '
if ready == '' || ready == 'y' || ready == 'yes'
puts `#{git_delete}`
puts 'doing the actual prune...'
`git fetch -p 2>&1`
puts ' '
if keep.any?
puts 'we kept:'
puts keep
puts 'cool, whatever...'
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