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Created February 25, 2024 19:33
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Created using remix-ide: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0;
library TestsAccounts {
function getAccount(uint index) pure public returns (address) {
address[15] memory accounts;
accounts[0] = 0x5B38Da6a701c568545dCfcB03FcB875f56beddC4;
accounts[1] = 0xAb8483F64d9C6d1EcF9b849Ae677dD3315835cb2;
accounts[2] = 0x4B20993Bc481177ec7E8f571ceCaE8A9e22C02db;
accounts[3] = 0x78731D3Ca6b7E34aC0F824c42a7cC18A495cabaB;
accounts[4] = 0x617F2E2fD72FD9D5503197092aC168c91465E7f2;
accounts[5] = 0x17F6AD8Ef982297579C203069C1DbfFE4348c372;
accounts[6] = 0x5c6B0f7Bf3E7ce046039Bd8FABdfD3f9F5021678;
accounts[7] = 0x03C6FcED478cBbC9a4FAB34eF9f40767739D1Ff7;
accounts[8] = 0x1aE0EA34a72D944a8C7603FfB3eC30a6669E454C;
accounts[9] = 0x0A098Eda01Ce92ff4A4CCb7A4fFFb5A43EBC70DC;
accounts[10] = 0xCA35b7d915458EF540aDe6068dFe2F44E8fa733c;
accounts[11] = 0x14723A09ACff6D2A60DcdF7aA4AFf308FDDC160C;
accounts[12] = 0x4B0897b0513fdC7C541B6d9D7E929C4e5364D2dB;
accounts[13] = 0x583031D1113aD414F02576BD6afaBfb302140225;
accounts[14] = 0xdD870fA1b7C4700F2BD7f44238821C26f7392148;
return accounts[index];
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0;
library Assert {
event AssertionEvent(
bool passed,
string message,
string methodName
event AssertionEventUint(
bool passed,
string message,
string methodName,
uint256 returned,
uint256 expected
event AssertionEventInt(
bool passed,
string message,
string methodName,
int256 returned,
int256 expected
event AssertionEventBool(
bool passed,
string message,
string methodName,
bool returned,
bool expected
event AssertionEventAddress(
bool passed,
string message,
string methodName,
address returned,
address expected
event AssertionEventBytes32(
bool passed,
string message,
string methodName,
bytes32 returned,
bytes32 expected
event AssertionEventString(
bool passed,
string message,
string methodName,
string returned,
string expected
event AssertionEventUintInt(
bool passed,
string message,
string methodName,
uint256 returned,
int256 expected
event AssertionEventIntUint(
bool passed,
string message,
string methodName,
int256 returned,
uint256 expected
function ok(bool a, string memory message) public returns (bool result) {
result = a;
emit AssertionEvent(result, message, "ok");
function equal(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory message) public returns (bool result) {
result = (a == b);
emit AssertionEventUint(result, message, "equal", a, b);
function equal(int256 a, int256 b, string memory message) public returns (bool result) {
result = (a == b);
emit AssertionEventInt(result, message, "equal", a, b);
function equal(bool a, bool b, string memory message) public returns (bool result) {
result = (a == b);
emit AssertionEventBool(result, message, "equal", a, b);
// TODO: only for certain versions of solc
//function equal(fixed a, fixed b, string message) public returns (bool result) {
// result = (a == b);
// emit AssertionEvent(result, message);
// TODO: only for certain versions of solc
//function equal(ufixed a, ufixed b, string message) public returns (bool result) {
// result = (a == b);
// emit AssertionEvent(result, message);
function equal(address a, address b, string memory message) public returns (bool result) {
result = (a == b);
emit AssertionEventAddress(result, message, "equal", a, b);
function equal(bytes32 a, bytes32 b, string memory message) public returns (bool result) {
result = (a == b);
emit AssertionEventBytes32(result, message, "equal", a, b);
function equal(string memory a, string memory b, string memory message) public returns (bool result) {
result = (keccak256(abi.encodePacked(a)) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(b)));
emit AssertionEventString(result, message, "equal", a, b);
function notEqual(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory message) public returns (bool result) {
result = (a != b);
emit AssertionEventUint(result, message, "notEqual", a, b);
function notEqual(int256 a, int256 b, string memory message) public returns (bool result) {
result = (a != b);
emit AssertionEventInt(result, message, "notEqual", a, b);
function notEqual(bool a, bool b, string memory message) public returns (bool result) {
result = (a != b);
emit AssertionEventBool(result, message, "notEqual", a, b);
// TODO: only for certain versions of solc
//function notEqual(fixed a, fixed b, string message) public returns (bool result) {
// result = (a != b);
// emit AssertionEvent(result, message);
// TODO: only for certain versions of solc
//function notEqual(ufixed a, ufixed b, string message) public returns (bool result) {
// result = (a != b);
// emit AssertionEvent(result, message);
function notEqual(address a, address b, string memory message) public returns (bool result) {
result = (a != b);
emit AssertionEventAddress(result, message, "notEqual", a, b);
function notEqual(bytes32 a, bytes32 b, string memory message) public returns (bool result) {
result = (a != b);
emit AssertionEventBytes32(result, message, "notEqual", a, b);
function notEqual(string memory a, string memory b, string memory message) public returns (bool result) {
result = (keccak256(abi.encodePacked(a)) != keccak256(abi.encodePacked(b)));
emit AssertionEventString(result, message, "notEqual", a, b);
/*----------------- Greater than --------------------*/
function greaterThan(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory message) public returns (bool result) {
result = (a > b);
emit AssertionEventUint(result, message, "greaterThan", a, b);
function greaterThan(int256 a, int256 b, string memory message) public returns (bool result) {
result = (a > b);
emit AssertionEventInt(result, message, "greaterThan", a, b);
// TODO: safely compare between uint and int
function greaterThan(uint256 a, int256 b, string memory message) public returns (bool result) {
if(b < int(0)) {
// int is negative uint "a" always greater
result = true;
} else {
result = (a > uint(b));
emit AssertionEventUintInt(result, message, "greaterThan", a, b);
function greaterThan(int256 a, uint256 b, string memory message) public returns (bool result) {
if(a < int(0)) {
// int is negative uint "b" always greater
result = false;
} else {
result = (uint(a) > b);
emit AssertionEventIntUint(result, message, "greaterThan", a, b);
/*----------------- Lesser than --------------------*/
function lesserThan(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory message) public returns (bool result) {
result = (a < b);
emit AssertionEventUint(result, message, "lesserThan", a, b);
function lesserThan(int256 a, int256 b, string memory message) public returns (bool result) {
result = (a < b);
emit AssertionEventInt(result, message, "lesserThan", a, b);
// TODO: safely compare between uint and int
function lesserThan(uint256 a, int256 b, string memory message) public returns (bool result) {
if(b < int(0)) {
// int is negative int "b" always lesser
result = false;
} else {
result = (a < uint(b));
emit AssertionEventUintInt(result, message, "lesserThan", a, b);
function lesserThan(int256 a, uint256 b, string memory message) public returns (bool result) {
if(a < int(0)) {
// int is negative int "a" always lesser
result = true;
} else {
result = (uint(a) < b);
emit AssertionEventIntUint(result, message, "lesserThan", a, b);
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = false
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
symlinks = false
ignorecase = true
ref: refs/heads/main
DIRC eە��eە������-�k�����uw����,�&$.deps/remix-tests/remix_accounts.soleە �.�eە �.��������b 2�H"��(���,�Dz!.deps/remix-tests/remix_tests.soleە,Eeە,E�����o#q{K���Sc��X�W�n.prettierrc.jsoneە�eە���;���9|�>�Xߌy��˷'contracts/MyToken.soleە�Q@eە�Q@���cS?���5?,���7��'�|scripts/deploy_with_ethers.tseەe��eەe��������.��E�r���NH-��Wscripts/deploy_with_web3.tseە���eە������'S��Н��M�%5�s<��wscripts/ethers-lib.tseە�<eە�<��%�~P9���WrV���ߒ�~�scripts/web3-lib.tseە��eە��
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"overrides": [
"files": "*.sol",
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"printWidth": 80,
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"bracketSpacing": false
"files": "*.yml",
"options": {}
"files": "*.yaml",
"options": {}
"files": "*.toml",
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"files": "*.json",
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"files": "*.ts",
"options": {}
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/extensions/ERC20Burnable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/extensions/ERC20Pausable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/extensions/ERC20Permit.sol";
contract MyToken is ERC20, ERC20Burnable, ERC20Pausable, Ownable, ERC20Permit {
constructor(address initialOwner)
ERC20("MyToken", "MTK")
function pause() public onlyOwner {
function unpause() public onlyOwner {
function mint(address to, uint256 amount) public onlyOwner {
_mint(to, amount);
// The following functions are overrides required by Solidity.
function _update(address from, address to, uint256 value)
override(ERC20, ERC20Pausable)
super._update(from, to, value);
// this line is added to create a gist. Empty file is not allowed.
import { deploy } from './ethers-lib'
(async () => {
try {
const result = await deploy('MyToken', [])
console.log(`address: ${result.address}`)
} catch (e) {
import { deploy } from './web3-lib'
(async () => {
try {
const result = await deploy('MyToken', [])
console.log(`address: ${result.address}`)
} catch (e) {
import { ethers } from 'ethers'
* Deploy the given contract
* @param {string} contractName name of the contract to deploy
* @param {Array<any>} args list of constructor' parameters
* @param {Number} accountIndex account index from the exposed account
* @return {Contract} deployed contract
export const deploy = async (contractName: string, args: Array<any>, accountIndex?: number): Promise<ethers.Contract> => {
console.log(`deploying ${contractName}`)
// Note that the script needs the ABI which is generated from the compilation artifact.
// Make sure contract is compiled and artifacts are generated
const artifactsPath = `browser/contracts/artifacts/${contractName}.json` // Change this for different path
const metadata = JSON.parse(await'fileManager', 'getFile', artifactsPath))
// 'web3Provider' is a remix global variable object
const signer = (new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(web3Provider)).getSigner(accountIndex)
const factory = new ethers.ContractFactory(metadata.abi,, signer)
const contract = await factory.deploy(...args)
// The contract is NOT deployed yet; we must wait until it is mined
await contract.deployed()
return contract
import Web3 from 'web3'
import { Contract, ContractSendMethod, Options } from 'web3-eth-contract'
* Deploy the given contract
* @param {string} contractName name of the contract to deploy
* @param {Array<any>} args list of constructor' parameters
* @param {string} from account used to send the transaction
* @param {number} gas gas limit
* @return {Options} deployed contract
export const deploy = async (contractName: string, args: Array<any>, from?: string, gas?: number): Promise<Options> => {
const web3 = new Web3(web3Provider)
console.log(`deploying ${contractName}`)
// Note that the script needs the ABI which is generated from the compilation artifact.
// Make sure contract is compiled and artifacts are generated
const artifactsPath = `browser/contracts/artifacts/${contractName}.json`
const metadata = JSON.parse(await'fileManager', 'getFile', artifactsPath))
const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts()
const contract: Contract = new web3.eth.Contract(metadata.abi)
const contractSend: ContractSendMethod = contract.deploy({
arguments: args
const newContractInstance = await contractSend.send({
from: from || accounts[0],
gas: gas || 1500000
return newContractInstance.options
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
import "remix_tests.sol";
import "remix_accounts.sol";
import "../contracts/MyToken.sol";
contract MyTokenTest is MyToken {
address acc0 = TestsAccounts.getAccount(0);
address acc1;
address acc2;
address acc3;
address acc4;
// acc0 will be set as initial owner
constructor() MyToken(acc0) {}
function beforeAll() public {
acc1 = TestsAccounts.getAccount(1);
acc2 = TestsAccounts.getAccount(2);
acc3 = TestsAccounts.getAccount(3);
acc4 = TestsAccounts.getAccount(4);
function testTokenInitialValues() public {
Assert.equal(name(), "MyToken", "token name did not match");
Assert.equal(symbol(), "MTK", "token symbol did not match");
Assert.equal(decimals(), 18, "token decimals did not match");
Assert.equal(totalSupply(), 0, "token supply should be zero");
function testTokenMinting() public {
Assert.equal(balanceOf(acc0), 0, "token balance should be zero initially");
mint(acc0, 10000);
Assert.equal(balanceOf(acc0), 10000, "token balance did not match");
function testTotalSupply() public {
Assert.equal(totalSupply(), 10000, "total supply did not match");
/// #sender: account-1
function failTestTokenMintingWithWrongOwner() public {
Assert.equal(balanceOf(acc0), 0, "token balance should be zero initially");
mint(acc0, 10000);
Assert.equal(balanceOf(acc0), 10000, "token balance did not match");
function failTestTokenMintingForZeroAddress() public {
mint(address(0), 10000);
function testTokenTransfer() public {
Assert.equal(balanceOf(acc1), 0, "token balance should be zero initially");
transfer(acc1, 500);
Assert.equal(balanceOf(acc0), 9500, "token balance did not match");
Assert.equal(balanceOf(acc1), 500, "token balance did not match");
/// #sender: account-1
function testTokenTransferToOtherAddress() public {
Assert.equal(balanceOf(acc1), 500, "acc1 token balance did not match");
transfer(acc2, 100);
Assert.equal(balanceOf(acc1), 400, "acc1 token balance did not match");
Assert.equal(balanceOf(acc2), 100, "acc2 token balance did not match");
function failTestTokenTransferToZeroAddress() public {
transfer(address(0), 100);
/// #sender: account-2
function failTestTokenTransferMoreThanBalance() public {
transfer(acc3, 110);
function testTokenApprove() public {
Assert.equal(allowance(acc0, acc3), 0, "token allowance should be zero initially");
approve(acc3, 500);
Assert.equal(allowance(acc0, acc3), 500, "token allowance did not match");
function failTestTokenApproveForZeroSpenderAddress() public {
approve(address(0), 500);
/// #sender: account-3
function testTokenTransferfrom() public {
Assert.equal(allowance(acc0, acc3), 500, "token allowance did not match");
transferFrom(acc0, acc4, 400);
Assert.equal(balanceOf(acc4), 400, "acc4 token balance did not match");
Assert.equal(allowance(acc0, acc3), 100, "token allowance did not match");
/// #sender: account-3
function failTestTokenTransferfromForMoreThanAllowance() public {
transferFrom(acc0, acc4, 110);
/// #sender: account-3
function failTestTokenTransferfromForZeroToAddress() public {
transferFrom(acc0, address(0), 100);
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