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Forked from mttkay/
Created November 7, 2015 14:08
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A simple Rx based pager
public class Pager<I, O> {
private static final Observable FINISH_SEQUENCE = Observable.never();
private PublishSubject<Observable<I>> pages;
private Observable<I> nextPage = finish();
private Subscription subscription = Subscriptions.empty();
private final PagingFunction<I> pagingFunction;
private final Func1<I, O> pageTransformer;
public static <T> Pager<T, T> create(PagingFunction<T> pagingFunction) {
return new Pager<>(pagingFunction, UtilityFunctions.<T>identity());
public static <I, O> Pager<I, O> create(PagingFunction<I> pagingFunction, Func1<I, O> pageTransformer) {
return new Pager<>(pagingFunction, pageTransformer);
Pager(PagingFunction<I> pagingFunction, Func1<I, O> pageTransformer) {
this.pagingFunction = pagingFunction;
this.pageTransformer = pageTransformer;
* Used in the paging function to signal the caller that no more pages are available, i.e.
* to finish paging by completing the paged sequence.
* @return the finish token
public static <T> Observable<T> finish() {
* Transforms the given sequence to have its subsequent pages pushed into the observer subscribed
* to the new sequence returned by this method. You can advance to the next page by calling {@link #next()}
* @param source the source sequence, which would be the first page of the sequence to be paged
* @return a new sequence based on {@code source}, where subscribers keep receiving pages through subsequent calls
* to {@link #next()}
public Observable<O> page(final Observable<I> source) {
return Observable.create(new Observable.OnSubscribe<O>() {
public void call(final Subscriber<? super O> subscriber) {
pages = PublishSubject.create();
subscription = Observable.switchOnNext(pages).subscribe(new PageSubscriber(subscriber));
* Returns the last page received from the pager. You may use this to
* retry that observable in case it failed the first time around.
public Observable<O> currentPage() {
return page(nextPage);
* @return true, if there are more pages to be emitted.
public boolean hasNext() {
return nextPage != FINISH_SEQUENCE;
* Advances the pager by pushing the next page of items into the current observer, is there is one. If the pager
* has been unsubscribed from or there are no more pages, this method does nothing.
public void next() {
if (!subscription.isUnsubscribed() && hasNext()) {
public interface PagingFunction<T> extends Func1<T, Observable<T>> {
private final class PageSubscriber extends Subscriber<I> {
private final Subscriber<? super O> inner;
public PageSubscriber(Subscriber<? super O> inner) {
this.inner = inner;
public void onCompleted() {
public void onError(Throwable e) {
public void onNext(I result) {
nextPage =;
if (nextPage == FINISH_SEQUENCE) {
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