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Daily statistics:
Statistics for 2017-11-12 00:00:00
Total KGs run: 345
Unique KGs (by query) run: 343
Average breadth of KGs: 5.049275
Std breadth of KGs: 5.028661
Average depth of KGs: 42.579710
Std depth of KGs: 84.079398
Daily statistics:
Statistics for 2017-11-05 00:00:00
Total KGs run: 227
Unique KGs (by query) run: 154
Average breadth of KGs: 3.986784
Std breadth of KGs: 4.951287
Average depth of KGs: 40.149780
Std depth of KGs: 95.522973
Daily statistics:
Statistics for 2017-10-29 00:00:00
Total KGs run: 228
Unique KGs (by query) run: 207
Average breadth of KGs: 2.250000
Std breadth of KGs: 3.593824
Average depth of KGs: 17.894737
Std depth of KGs: 97.145340
Daily statistics:
Statistics for 2017-10-22 00:00:00
Total KGs run: 141
Unique KGs (by query) run: 79
Average breadth of KGs: 2.510638
Std breadth of KGs: 4.252020
Average depth of KGs: 20.070922
Std depth of KGs: 73.568094
Daily statistics:
Statistics for 2017-10-15 00:00:00
Total KGs run: 156
Unique KGs (by query) run: 138
Average breadth of KGs: 3.814103
Std breadth of KGs: 4.615754
Average depth of KGs: 27.320513
Std depth of KGs: 67.755309
soeffing / gist:37a21b270b3602bf9ff3036597f0310a
Created October 17, 2017 17:55
TM results for "home tattoo removal"
[(u'tattoo_removal', 0.9781566),
(u'tattoo', 0.8673778384058244),
(u'laser_tattoo_removal', 0.832657291491345),
(u'unwanted_tattoo', 0.7025561824744653),
(u'do-it-yourself_tattoo_removal', 0.6903885635037825),
(u'tattoo_removal_method', 0.6853050646552079),
(u'laser_tattoo', 0.6810574311600381),
(u'tattoo_ink', 0.680113822485904),
(u'laser_treatment', 0.6792850628799932),
(u'laser_removal', 0.6729759472928736),
Daily statistics:
Statistics for 2017-10-08 00:00:00
Total KGs run: 141
Unique KGs (by query) run: 125
Average breadth of KGs: 4.482270
Std breadth of KGs: 4.951685
Average depth of KGs: 38.198582
Std depth of KGs: 96.164252
Daily statistics:
Statistics for 2017-09-27 00:00:00
Total KGs run: 203
Unique KGs (by query) run: 158
Average breadth of KGs: 5.349754
Average depth of KGs: 48.211823
Average content score: Comming soon
Average successful downloads of ranking pages: 17.266010 (out of 20)
from pprint import pprint
import requests
import json
# If you put `debug` to 1, you get a bunch of helpful debug info, e.g. the article that was extracted from the URL
# query parameter must be set, otherwise classification will be really off
('en', -6610.9994764328)
('en', -10920.874376773834)
('en', -6086.264567375183)
('en', -5822.491436243057)
('en', 9.061840057373047)
skip navigation
('en', -16125.761870384216)
('en', -558.0829119682312)
This is a great article on the necessity of proper attic ventilation. A well sealed attic floor with good insulation, lots of attic venting, combined with an AirScape Whole House Fan is the best way to keep your house comfortable and your roof in good condition for years.
('en', -6837.898927927017)