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/**************************************************************************** | |
RoastLoggerMax6675.ino | |
This sketch is for use with MAX 6675 thermocouple interface chips. A separate sketch | |
is available for MAX 31855 chips. | |
See the "Contributed Libraries" section of http://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/Libraries | |
for details of how to install it. | |
****************************************************************************/ | |
// Revision history: - of RoastLoggerMax6675 | |
// 20120201: Version 1.2 - Made available for download from downloads page | |
// 20120303: Version 1.3 - Added #define CELSIUS as default, user to comment out for Fahrenheit output | |
// 20120324: Version 1.4 - Serial output limited to 1 decimal place | |
/************************************************************************** | |
This sketch verifies/compiles on the Arduino IDE version 1.0 | |
Previous versions of this sketch written and tested on Arduino | |
IDE versions 0018 and 0022 are also available | |
The Arduino IDE version 1.0 has significant changes to previous versions of the IDE | |
that have necessitated changes to this sketch and the libraries it uses. The modified | |
libraries are distributed with this sketch. | |
This sketch assumes that you are reading from two thermocouples via two Max 6675 chips. | |
If you only wish to use one thermocouple via one chip comment out the lines indicated | |
in the doSerialOutput method to prevent indicating an error reading (-1) on t2. | |
****************************************************************************/ | |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
// Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Tom Coxon (GreenBean TMC) | |
// All rights reserved. | |
// | |
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are | |
// permitted provided that the following conditions are met: | |
// | |
// Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of | |
// conditions and the following disclaimer. | |
// | |
// Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list | |
// of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials | |
// provided with the distribution. | |
// | |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |
/**************************************************************************** | |
* | |
* Arduino control of a Hottop roaster by T R Coxon | |
* | |
* Using an Arduino Duemilanove 328 on Hottop P and B Roasters | |
* | |
* Sends data and receives instructions as key=value pairs. | |
* Sends temperatures T1 and T2 at sendTimePeriod intervals as "T1=123.6" | |
* Accepts instructions for power level, set temperature etc. | |
* Example: Send to Arduino "power=80" or "setT=240.6" | |
****************************************************************************/ | |
/**************************************************************************** | |
* | |
* Connections to Arduino and Behmor for heater power control: | |
* | |
* Please note that the following describes the modifications to my Behmor | |
* 1600+. You should not attempt this unless you are suitably qualified / | |
* experienced. Modifying your roaster will probably void your warranty | |
* and may result in damage or injury. You do this at your own risk. | |
* | |
* http://blog.soemarko.com/post/109402505018/behmor-mod-phase-2-heat-control-with-arduino | |
* | |
****************************************************************************/ | |
/**************************************************************************** | |
* | |
* Control options. | |
* | |
* 1. Manual as original by closing switch | |
* 2. Arduino control by using a potentiometer | |
* 3. Computer control by sending commands to arduino | |
* | |
****************************************************************************/ | |
/**************************************************************************** | |
* | |
* Modified by Soemarko Ridwan | |
* 25 Jan 2015 | |
* for modded Behmor 1600+ | |
* | |
****************************************************************************/ | |
/**************************************************************************** | |
* | |
* Change log. | |
* | |
* 31 Jan 2015: | |
* - Remove PID dependencies | |
* - Add support for a potentio meter (5V, Pin A0) | |
* - Add I2C LCD | |
* - Add support for Artisan | |
* | |
****************************************************************************/ | |
#include <Wire.h> | |
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> | |
#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100 | |
#define printByte(args) write(args); | |
#else | |
#define printByte(args) print(args,BYTE); | |
#endif | |
#define CELSIUS //RoastLogger default is Celsius - To output data in Fahrenheit comment out this one line | |
#define DP 1 // No. decimal places for serial output | |
#define maxLength 30 // maximum length for strings used | |
const int arduino = 1; // controlled via digitalRead on ctrlPin | |
const int computer = 0; | |
/**************************************************************************** | |
* | |
* Arduino pin assignments | |
* | |
* The following are the pin assignments used by my setup. | |
* | |
* You only need to change the following 5 constants to suit the pin | |
* assignments used by your setup. | |
* | |
****************************************************************************/ | |
bool isArtisan = false; | |
// set pin numbers: | |
const int pwmPin = 9; // digital pin for pulse width modulation of heater | |
// thermocouple reading Max 6675 pins | |
const int SO = 2; // SO pin on MAX6675 | |
const int SCKa = 3; // SCKa pin on MAX6675 | |
const int CS1 = 6; // CS (chip 1 select) pin on MAX6675 | |
const int CS2 = 5; // CS (chip 2 select) pin on MAX6675 | |
// pots | |
const int potPin = A0; | |
const int potMax = 1020; | |
int potVal = 0; | |
float smoothedValue = 0; | |
float lastReadValue = 0; | |
float alpha = 0.5; | |
// LM35 | |
const int lmPin = A1; | |
float lmTemp = 0.0; | |
// LCD | |
byte pcChar[8] = { | |
0b11111, | |
0b00101, | |
0b00101, | |
0b00010, | |
0b00000, | |
0b01110, | |
0b10001, | |
0b10001 | |
}; | |
byte ardChar[8] = { | |
0b01110, | |
0b10001, | |
0b01010, | |
0b00100, | |
0b01010, | |
0b10001, | |
0b01110, | |
0b00000 | |
}; | |
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2); | |
const int ctrlPin = 12; | |
const int ssrCtrlPin = 11; | |
/**************************************************************************** | |
* After setting the above pin assignments you can use the remainder of this | |
* sketch as is or change it, if you wish, to add additional functionality | |
* | |
****************************************************************************/ | |
// time constants | |
const int timePeriod = 2000; // total time period of PWM milliseconds see note on setupPWM before changing | |
const int tcTimePeriod = 250; // 250 ms loop to read thermocouples | |
// thermocouple settings | |
float calibrate1 = 0.0; // Temperature compensation for T1 | |
float calibrate2 = 0.0; // Temperature compensation for T2 | |
// set global variables | |
/* Note: for artisan t1 is BT, t2 is ET */ | |
//temporary values for temperature to be read | |
float temp1 = 0.0; // temporary temperature variable | |
float temp2 = 0.0; // temporary temperature variable | |
float t1 = 0.0; // Last average temperature on thermocouple 1 - average of four readings | |
float t2 = 0.0; // Last average temperature on thermocouple 2 - average of four readings | |
float tCumulative1 = 0.0; // cumulative total of temperatures read before averaged | |
float tCumulative2 = 0.0; // cumulative total of temperatures read before averaged | |
int noGoodReadings1 = 0; // counter of no. of good readings for average calculation | |
int noGoodReadings2 = 0; // counter of no. of good readings for average calculation | |
int inByte = 0; // incoming serial byte | |
String inString = String(maxLength); // input String | |
// loop control variables | |
unsigned long lastTCTimerLoop; // for timing the thermocouple loop | |
int tcLoopCount = 0; // counter to run serial output once every 4 loops of 250 ms t/c loop | |
// PWM variables | |
int timeOn; // millis PWM is on out of total of timePeriod (timeOn = timePeriod for 100% power) | |
unsigned long lastTimePeriod; // millis since last turned on pwm | |
int power = 100; //use as %, 100 is always on, 0 always off default 100 | |
int currentMotor = 0; | |
int controlBy = arduino; // default is arduino control. PC sends "pccontrol" to gain control or | |
// swapped back to Arduino control if PC sends "arduinocontrol" | |
void setup() | |
{ | |
// start serial port at 115200 baud: | |
Serial.begin(115200); | |
// use establish contact if you want to wait until 'A' sent to Arduino before start - not used in this version | |
// establishContact(); // send a byte to establish contact until receiver responds | |
setupPWM(); | |
//set up pin modes for Max6675's | |
pinMode(CS1, OUTPUT); | |
pinMode(CS2, OUTPUT); | |
pinMode(SO, INPUT); | |
pinMode(SCKa, OUTPUT); | |
// deselect both Max6675's | |
digitalWrite(CS1, HIGH); | |
digitalWrite(CS2, HIGH); | |
Serial.println("Reset"); // flag that Arduino has reset used for debugging | |
pinMode(13, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(13, LOW); // force LCD to be off | |
lcd.init(); | |
lcd.backlight(); | |
lcd.createChar(0, ardChar); | |
lcd.createChar(1, pcChar); | |
pinMode(ctrlPin, INPUT); | |
pinMode(ssrCtrlPin, INPUT); | |
} | |
/**************************************************************************** | |
* Set up power pwm control for heater. Hottop uses a triac that switches | |
* only on zero crossing so normal pwm will not work. | |
* Minimum time slice is a half cycle or 10 millisecs in UK. | |
* Loop in this prog may need up to 10 ms to complete. | |
* I will use 20 millisecs as time slice with 100 power levels that | |
* gives 2000 milliseconds total time period. | |
* The Hottop heater is very slow responding so 2 sec period is not a problem. | |
****************************************************************************/ | |
void setupPWM() { | |
// set the digital pin as output: | |
pinMode(pwmPin, OUTPUT); | |
//setup PWM | |
lastTimePeriod = millis(); | |
digitalWrite(pwmPin, HIGH);//set PWM pin on to start | |
} | |
// this not currently used | |
void establishContact() { | |
// while (Serial.available() <= 0) { | |
// Serial.print('A', BYTE); // send a capital A | |
// delay(300); | |
// } | |
Serial.println("Opened but no contact yet - send A to start"); | |
int contact = 0; | |
while (contact == 0){ | |
if (Serial.available() > 0) { | |
inByte = Serial.read(); | |
Serial.println(inByte); | |
if (inByte == 'A'){ | |
contact = 1; | |
Serial.println("Contact established starting to send data"); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
/**************************************************************************** | |
* Toggles the heater on/off based on the current power level. Power level | |
* may be determined by arduino or computer. | |
****************************************************************************/ | |
void doPWM() | |
{ | |
timeOn = timePeriod * power / 100; //recalc the millisecs on to get this power level, user may have changed | |
if (millis() - lastTimePeriod > timePeriod) lastTimePeriod = millis(); | |
if (millis() - lastTimePeriod < timeOn && digitalRead(ssrCtrlPin)){ | |
digitalWrite(pwmPin, HIGH); // turn on | |
} else { | |
digitalWrite(pwmPin, LOW); // turn off | |
} | |
} | |
/**************************************************************************** | |
* Called to set power level. Now always safe as hardware only turns heater on | |
* if BOTH the Arduino AND the Hottop control board call for heat. | |
****************************************************************************/ | |
void setPowerLevel(int p) | |
{ | |
if (p > -1 && p < 101) power = p; | |
} | |
/**************************************************************************** | |
* Called when an input string is received from computer | |
* designed for key=value pairs or simple text commands. | |
* Performs commands and splits key and value | |
* and if key is defined sets value otherwise ignores | |
****************************************************************************/ | |
void doInputCommand() | |
{ | |
float v = -1; | |
inString.toLowerCase(); | |
int indx = inString.indexOf('='); | |
if (indx < 0) { //this is a message not a key value pair | |
/*if (inString.equals("pccontrol")) { | |
controlBy = computer; | |
} | |
else if (inString.equals("arduinocontrol")) { | |
controlBy = arduino; | |
}*/ | |
if(inString.equals("chan;1200")) { | |
isArtisan = true; | |
Serial.println("# Active channels set to 2"); | |
} | |
else if(inString.equals("read")) { | |
String x = String(lmTemp) + "," + String(t1) + "," + String(t2); | |
Serial.println(x); | |
} | |
Serial.flush(); | |
} | |
else { //this is a key value pair for decoding | |
String key = inString.substring(0, indx); | |
String value = inString.substring(indx+1, inString.length()); | |
//parse string value and return float v | |
char buf[value.length()+1]; | |
value.toCharArray(buf,value.length()+1); | |
v = atof (buf); | |
// Serial.println(inString); | |
// Serial.print(key); | |
// Serial.print(" >>"); | |
// Serial.println(v); | |
//only set value if we have a valid positive number - atof will return 0.0 if invalid | |
if (v >= 0) | |
{ | |
if (key.equals("power") && controlBy == computer && v < 101){ | |
setPowerLevel((long) v);//convert v to integer for power | |
} | |
else if (key.equals("fan") && controlBy == computer && v < 101) { | |
// motor control | |
currentMotor = (long)v; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
/**************************************************************************** | |
* check if serial input is waiting if so add it to inString. | |
* Instructions are terminated with \n \r or 'z' | |
* If this is the end of input line then call doInputCommand to act on it. | |
****************************************************************************/ | |
void getSerialInput() | |
{ | |
//check if data is coming in if so deal with it | |
if (Serial.available() > 0) { | |
// read the incoming data as a char: | |
char inChar = Serial.read(); | |
// if it's a newline or return or z, print the string: | |
if ((inChar == '\n') || (inChar == '\r') || (inChar == 'z')) { | |
//do whatever is commanded by the input string | |
if (inString.length() > 0) doInputCommand(); | |
inString = ""; //reset for next line of input | |
} | |
else { | |
// if we are not at the end of the string, append the incoming character | |
if (inString.length() < maxLength) { | |
inString += inChar; | |
} | |
else { | |
// empty the string and set it equal to the incoming char: | |
// inString = inChar; | |
inString = ""; | |
inString += inChar; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
/**************************************************************************** | |
* Send data to computer once every second. Data such as temperatures, etc. | |
* This allows current settings to be checked by the controlling program | |
* and changed if, and only if, necessary. | |
* This is quicker that resending data from the controller each second | |
* and the Arduino having to read and interpret the results. | |
****************************************************************************/ | |
void doSerialOutput() { | |
if (isArtisan) { | |
return; | |
} | |
//send data to logger | |
float tt1; | |
float tt2; | |
#ifdef CELSIUS | |
tt1 = t1; | |
tt2 = t2; | |
#else | |
tt1 = (t1 * 9 / 5) + 32; | |
tt2 = (t2 * 9 / 5) + 32; | |
#endif | |
Serial.print("t1="); | |
Serial.println(tt1,DP); | |
//Comment out the next two lines if using only one thermocouple | |
Serial.print("t2="); | |
Serial.println(tt2,DP); | |
Serial.print("power%="); | |
Serial.println(power * digitalRead(ssrCtrlPin)); | |
Serial.print("motor="); | |
Serial.println(currentMotor); | |
// only need to send these if Arduino controlling by potentiometer | |
if (controlBy == arduino) | |
{ | |
Serial.print("pots="); | |
Serial.println(potVal); | |
Serial.print("lm35="); | |
Serial.println(lmTemp); | |
} | |
} | |
/**************************************************************************** | |
* Read temperatures from Max6675 chips Sets t1 and t2, -1 if an error | |
* occurred. Max6675 needs 240 ms between readings or will return last | |
* value again. I am reading it once per second. | |
****************************************************************************/ | |
void getTemperatures() | |
{ | |
temp1 = readThermocouple(CS1, calibrate1); | |
temp2 = readThermocouple(CS2, calibrate2); | |
if (temp1 > 0.0) | |
{ | |
tCumulative1 = tCumulative1 + temp1; | |
noGoodReadings1 ++; | |
} | |
if (temp2 > 0.0) | |
{ | |
tCumulative2 = tCumulative2 + temp2; | |
noGoodReadings2 ++; | |
} | |
} | |
/**************************************************************************** | |
* Purpose to adjust power based on the value from the potentiometer | |
****************************************************************************/ | |
void updatePot(){ | |
potVal = analogRead(potPin); | |
lastReadValue = potVal; | |
smoothedValue = (alpha) * smoothedValue + (1-alpha) * lastReadValue; | |
potVal = smoothedValue; | |
int pow = map(potVal, 15, potMax, 25, 100); | |
setPowerLevel(pow); | |
} | |
/**************************************************************************** | |
* Purpose to gauge the internal temperature of the box | |
****************************************************************************/ | |
void updateLM35() { | |
analogRead(lmPin); delay(40); | |
int reading = analogRead(lmPin); | |
lmTemp = reading * 5.0*100.0 / 1023.0; | |
} | |
/**************************************************************************** | |
* Update the values on the LCD | |
****************************************************************************/ | |
void outputLCD() { | |
int col2 = 2; | |
int col3 = 10; | |
if (controlBy == arduino) { | |
//lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.write(byte(0)); | |
lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.printByte(0); | |
lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(" "); | |
} | |
else { | |
lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(" "); | |
//lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.write(byte(1)); | |
lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.printByte(1); | |
} | |
lcd.setCursor(col2,0); | |
lcd.print(t1,DP); | |
lcd.write(B11011111); | |
lcd.setCursor(col3,0); | |
lcd.print(t2,DP); | |
lcd.write(B11011111); | |
lcd.setCursor(col2,1); // row 2 | |
char powChar[3]; | |
sprintf(powChar, "%3d", power * digitalRead(ssrCtrlPin)); | |
lcd.print(powChar); | |
lcd.print("%"); | |
lcd.setCursor(col3,1); | |
lcd.print(lmTemp, DP); | |
lcd.write(B11011111); | |
} | |
/**************************************************************************** | |
* Called by main loop once every 250 ms | |
* Used to read each thermocouple once every 250 ms | |
* | |
* Once per second averages temperature results, updates potentiometer and outputs data | |
* to serial port. | |
****************************************************************************/ | |
void do250msLoop() | |
{ | |
getTemperatures(); | |
if (tcLoopCount > 3) // once every four loops (1 second) calculate average temp, update Pot and do serial output | |
{ | |
tcLoopCount = 0; | |
if (noGoodReadings1 > 0) t1 = tCumulative1 / noGoodReadings1; else t1 = -1.0; | |
if (noGoodReadings2 > 0) t2 = tCumulative2 / noGoodReadings2; else t2 = -1.0; | |
noGoodReadings1 = 0; | |
noGoodReadings2 = 0; | |
tCumulative1 = 0.0; | |
tCumulative2 = 0.0; | |
updateLM35(); | |
doSerialOutput(); // once per second | |
} | |
tcLoopCount++; | |
// only use Pot if in Arduino control. If Computer control power is set by computer | |
if (controlBy == arduino){ | |
updatePot(); | |
} | |
outputLCD(); | |
} | |
/**************************************************************************** | |
* Main loop must not use delay! PWM heater control relies on loop running | |
* at least every 40 ms. If it takes longer then heater will be on slightly | |
* longer than planned. Not a big problem if 1% becomes 1.2%! But keep loop fast. | |
* Currently loop takes about 4-5 ms to run so no problem. | |
****************************************************************************/ | |
void loop(){ | |
controlBy = digitalRead(ctrlPin); | |
getSerialInput();// check if any serial data waiting | |
// loop to run once every 250 ms to read TC's update Pot etc. | |
if (millis() - lastTCTimerLoop >= 250) | |
{ | |
lastTCTimerLoop = millis(); | |
do250msLoop(); | |
} | |
doPWM(); // Toggle heater on/off based on power setting | |
} | |
/***************************************************************** | |
* Read the Max6675 device 1 or 2. Returns temp as float or -1.0 | |
* if an error reading device. | |
* Note at least 240 ms should elapse between readings of a device | |
* to allow it to settle to new reading. If not the last reading | |
* will be returned again. | |
*****************************************************************/ | |
float readThermocouple(int CS, float calibrate) //device selected by passing in the relavant CS (chip select) | |
{ | |
int value = 0; | |
int error_tc = 0; | |
float temp = 0.0; | |
digitalWrite(CS,LOW); // Enable device | |
// wait for it to settle | |
delayMicroseconds(1); | |
/* Cycle the clock for dummy bit 15 */ | |
digitalWrite(SCKa,HIGH); | |
digitalWrite(SCKa,LOW); | |
//wait for it to settle | |
delayMicroseconds(1); | |
/* Read bits 14-3 from MAX6675 for the Temp | |
Loop for each bit reading the value and | |
storing the final value in 'temp' | |
*/ | |
for (int i=11; i>=0; i--){ | |
digitalWrite(SCKa,HIGH); // Set Clock to HIGH | |
value += digitalRead(SO) << i; // Read data and add it to our variable | |
digitalWrite(SCKa,LOW); // Set Clock to LOW | |
} | |
// Read the TC input to check for error | |
digitalWrite(SCKa,HIGH); // Set Clock to HIGH | |
error_tc = digitalRead(SO); // Read data | |
digitalWrite(SCKa,LOW); // Set Clock to LOW | |
digitalWrite(CS,HIGH); // Disable device 1 | |
value = value + calibrate; // Add the calibration value | |
temp = (value*0.25); // Multiply the value by 0.25 to get temp in ˚C | |
// return -1 if an error occurred, otherwise return temp | |
if(error_tc == 0) { | |
return temp; | |
} | |
else { | |
return -1.0; | |
} | |
} |
@soemarko same here! I read there is also a separate sketch available for MAX 31855 chips. Can you sent me the link where I can find this. Great thanks in advance!
Hello Friend,
I am using your code, but I have MAX31865 with thermocouple tp100 and I have not been able to modify the code correctly
can you help me
@soemarko same here! I read there is also a separate sketch available for MAX 31855 chips. Can you sent me the link where I can find this. Great thanks in advance!
2 questions
number 1 my max6675 only have ground vcc sck cs and so ports.
number 2 i just need to read temperature and comunicate with artisan, any tips? or its better to use 31855 chips?
Hmm I wonder why the github doesn't send notifications for gist comments....
@rafaelbinotto and others...
Anyway, it's been awhile since I've looked at this code. It was still working until last year, I just don't have time to home roast anymore. So I'm going to take the "teach a man to fish" approach...
This code is actually simple enough for beginners;
- You can do a separate project so you can read the temperature of your own chip / sensor.
- Adjust the pins on this code according to your chip.
- Change the
method (line 619) according to your first project.
And that's it.
Hello Friend,
I am using your code, but I have MAX31865 with thermocouple tp100 and I have not been able to modify the code correctly
can you help me