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Created May 9, 2017 15:59
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace S16.App
#region TypeDefine
public class typedef<T>
#region Variables
protected T m_value;
#region Constructor/Destructor
public typedef()
this.m_value = default(T);
public typedef(T value)
this.m_value = value;
#region Override Methods
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (!object.ReferenceEquals(this.m_value.GetType(), obj.GetType()))
return false;
return this.m_value.Equals(obj);
public override int GetHashCode()
return this.m_value.GetHashCode();
public override string ToString()
return this.m_value.ToString();
#region Static Methods
private static bool IsNumeric(object value)
return ((value is sbyte) || (value is byte) || (value is short) || (value is ushort) || (value is int) || (value is uint) || (value is long) || (value is ulong) || (value is float) || (value is double) || (value is decimal));
private static bool IsInteger(object value)
return ((value is sbyte) || (value is byte) || (value is short) || (value is ushort) || (value is int) || (value is uint) || (value is long) || (value is ulong));
private static bool IsFloatingPoint(object value)
return ((value is float) || (value is double) || (value is decimal));
private static decimal GetNumeric(object value)
if (!IsNumeric(value))
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return (decimal)Convert.ChangeType((object)value, TypeCode.Decimal);
private static long GetInteger(object value)
if (!IsInteger(value))
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return (long)Convert.ChangeType((object)value, TypeCode.Int64);
private static decimal GetFloatingPoint(object value)
if (!IsFloatingPoint(value))
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return (decimal)Convert.ChangeType((object)value, TypeCode.Decimal);
#region Convertional operators
public static implicit operator typedef<T>(T value)
return new typedef<T>(value);
public static explicit operator T(typedef<T> value)
return value.Value;
#region Unary operators { +, -, !, ~, ++, --, true, false }
public static T operator +(typedef<T> operand)
T temp = operand.m_value;
if (IsInteger(temp))
return (T)(object)(+GetInteger(temp));
else if (IsFloatingPoint(temp))
return (T)(object)(+GetFloatingPoint(temp));
return temp;
public static T operator -(typedef<T> operand)
T temp = operand.m_value;
if (IsInteger(temp))
return (T)(object)(-GetInteger(temp));
else if (IsFloatingPoint(temp))
return (T)(object)(-GetFloatingPoint(temp));
return temp;
public static T operator !(typedef<T> operand)
T temp = operand.m_value;
if (temp is bool)
return (T)(object)(!((bool)Convert.ChangeType((object)temp, TypeCode.Boolean)));
else if (IsNumeric(temp))
decimal val = (decimal)Convert.ChangeType((object)temp, TypeCode.Decimal);
return (T)(object)((val != 0) ? 0 : val);
bool isNull = object.ReferenceEquals(((object)temp), null);
return ((isNull) ? ((T)(object)null) : temp);
catch (Exception)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public static T operator ~(typedef<T> operand)
T temp = operand.m_value;
if (IsInteger(temp))
return (T)(object)(~GetInteger(temp));
return temp;
public static bool operator true(typedef<T> operand)
T temp = operand.m_value;
if (temp is bool)
return (bool)Convert.ChangeType((object)temp, TypeCode.Boolean);
else if (temp is char)
return ((char)Convert.ChangeType((object)temp, TypeCode.Char) != '\0');
else if (temp is string)
return string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)(object)temp);
else if (IsInteger(temp))
return ((long)Convert.ChangeType((object)temp, TypeCode.Int64) > 0);
else if (IsFloatingPoint(temp))
return ((decimal)Convert.ChangeType((object)temp, TypeCode.Decimal) > 0);
return !object.ReferenceEquals(((object)temp), null);
catch (Exception)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
public static bool operator false(typedef<T> operand)
if (operand)
return false;
return true;
#region Binary operators { +, -, *, /, %, &, |, ^, <<, >> }
public static T operator +(typedef<T> left, typedef<T> right)
T tempLeft = left.m_value;
T tempRight = right.m_value;
if ((tempLeft is string) && (tempRight is string))
return (T)(object)(((string)(object)tempLeft) + ((string)(object)tempRight));
else if (IsNumeric(tempLeft) && IsNumeric(tempRight))
return (T)(object)(GetNumeric((object)tempLeft) + GetNumeric((object)tempRight));
return tempLeft;
public static T operator -(typedef<T> left, typedef<T> right)
T tempLeft = left.m_value;
T tempRight = right.m_value;
if (IsNumeric(tempLeft) && IsNumeric(tempRight))
return (T)(object)(GetNumeric((object)tempLeft) - GetNumeric((object)tempRight));
return tempLeft;
public static T operator *(typedef<T> left, typedef<T> right)
T tempLeft = left.m_value;
T tempRight = right.m_value;
if (IsNumeric(tempLeft) && IsNumeric(tempRight))
return (T)(object)(GetNumeric((object)tempLeft) * GetNumeric((object)tempRight));
return tempLeft;
public static T operator /(typedef<T> left, typedef<T> right)
T tempLeft = left.m_value;
T tempRight = right.m_value;
if (IsNumeric(tempLeft) && IsNumeric(tempRight))
return (T)(object)(GetNumeric((object)tempLeft) / GetNumeric((object)tempRight));
return tempLeft;
public static T operator %(typedef<T> left, typedef<T> right)
T tempLeft = left.m_value;
T tempRight = right.m_value;
if (IsNumeric(tempLeft) && IsNumeric(tempRight))
return (T)(object)(GetNumeric((object)tempLeft) % GetNumeric((object)tempRight));
return tempLeft;
public static T operator &(typedef<T> left, typedef<T> right)
T tempLeft = left.m_value;
T tempRight = right.m_value;
if (IsInteger(tempLeft) && IsInteger(tempRight))
return (T)(object)(GetInteger((object)tempLeft) & GetInteger((object)tempRight));
return tempLeft;
public static T operator |(typedef<T> left, typedef<T> right)
T tempLeft = left.m_value;
T tempRight = right.m_value;
if (IsInteger(tempLeft) && IsInteger(tempRight))
return (T)(object)(GetInteger((object)tempLeft) | GetInteger((object)tempRight));
return tempLeft;
public static T operator ^(typedef<T> left, typedef<T> right)
T tempLeft = left.m_value;
T tempRight = right.m_value;
if (IsInteger(tempLeft) && IsInteger(tempRight))
return (T)(object)(GetInteger((object)tempLeft) ^ GetInteger((object)tempRight));
return tempLeft;
public static T operator <<(typedef<T> left, int right)
T tempLeft = left.m_value;
if (IsInteger(tempLeft))
return (T)(object)(GetInteger((object)tempLeft) << right);
return tempLeft;
public static T operator >>(typedef<T> left, int right)
T tempLeft = left.m_value;
if (IsInteger(tempLeft))
return (T)(object)(GetInteger((object)tempLeft) >> right);
return tempLeft;
#region Comparison operators { ==, !=, <, >, <=, >= }
public static bool operator ==(typedef<T> left, typedef<T> right)
//return value1.Value == value2.Value;
return left.Equals(right);
public static bool operator !=(typedef<T> left, typedef<T> right)
//return left.Value != value2.Value;
return !(left.Equals(right));
public static bool operator <(typedef<T> left, typedef<T> right)
T tempLeft = left.m_value;
T tempRight = right.m_value;
if (IsNumeric(tempLeft) && IsNumeric(tempRight))
return (GetNumeric((object)tempLeft) < GetNumeric((object)tempRight));
return false;
public static bool operator >(typedef<T> left, typedef<T> right)
T tempLeft = left.m_value;
T tempRight = right.m_value;
if (IsNumeric(tempLeft) && IsNumeric(tempRight))
return (GetNumeric((object)tempLeft) > GetNumeric((object)tempRight));
return false;
public static bool operator <=(typedef<T> left, typedef<T> right)
T tempLeft = left.m_value;
T tempRight = right.m_value;
if (IsNumeric(tempLeft) && IsNumeric(tempRight))
return (GetNumeric((object)tempLeft) <= GetNumeric((object)tempRight));
return false;
public static bool operator >=(typedef<T> left, typedef<T> right)
T tempLeft = left.m_value;
T tempRight = right.m_value;
if (IsNumeric(tempLeft) && IsNumeric(tempRight))
return (GetNumeric((object)tempLeft) >= GetNumeric((object)tempRight));
return false;
#region Properties
public virtual T Value
get { return this.m_value; }
set { this.m_value = value; }
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