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Sofía sofinico

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smidm / ellipse_bounding_box.ipynb
Last active March 26, 2023 04:27
Compute bounding box for an ellipse.
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AlekPopovic /
Created October 24, 2017 07:02
Ultimate rebase-onto-master guide

Rebase "web-123-my-branch" onto master:

if you're the only person who is working on a branch...

$ git checkout web-123-my-branch # make sure you're on the right branch
$ git fetch # update remote refs
$ git rebase origin/master # perform the rebase onto the current state of master
  # for each conflict, edit file, resolve conflicts, git add -u <file>, git rebase --continue
$ git push -f origin web-123-my-branch # overwrite remote branch with newly rebase branch