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full 8 puzzle
package org.example
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
* Represents the state of the puzzle with a vector of integers
case class State(board: Vector[Int]) extends Equals {
private val boxSize = Math.sqrt(board.length).toInt
lazy val empty = board indexOf (0)
// First heuristic function is the Manhattan block distance for states
def manhatanBlockDistance(goalState: State) =
def xy(i: Int) = (i % boxSize, i / boxSize)
def manhatanDistance(i: Int): Int =
if (board(i) == 0) 0
else {
val t = board(i)
val i2 = goalState.board.indexOf(t)
val (x1, y1) = xy(i)
val (x2, y2) = xy(i2)
Math.abs(x1 - x2) + Math.abs(y1 - y2)
def count(i: Int, total: Int): Int =
if (i < board.size) count(i + 1, total + manhatanDistance(i))
else total
count(0, 0)
// 2nd heuristic function counting the number of misplaced blocks
def numberOfMisplacedBlocks(goalState: State) =
def count(i: Int, misplaced: Int): Int =
if (i < board.size) count(i + 1, misplaced + (if (goalState.board(i) == board(i) || board(i) == 0) 0 else 1))
else misplaced
count(0, 0)
// The top bottom left and right of the empty box
lazy val top = if (empty > (boxSize - 1)) Some(empty - boxSize) else None
lazy val bottom = if (empty < (boxSize - 1) * boxSize) Some(empty + boxSize) else None
lazy val left = if (empty % boxSize != 0) Some(empty - 1) else None
lazy val right = if (empty % boxSize != boxSize - 1) Some(empty + 1) else None
// The base move trait
sealed trait Move {
def move(state: State): Option[State] = swapBox(state) map (swap(_, state))
private def swap(index: Int, state: State) = {
val board2: Vector[Int] = (state.board updated (state.empty, state.board(index))) updated (index, state.board(state.empty))
protected def swapBox(state: State): Option[Int]
object Move {
// Function to give the available moves from a current state excluding already visited nodes
def availableStates(state: State, moves: List[Move], history: List[Move], explored: Set[State]): Seq[(State, List[Move])] = {
for {
m <- moves
s <- m.move(state)
if !explored(s)
} yield (s, m :: history)
// The actual moves
case class TopDown() extends Move {
override def swapBox(state: State) =
case class BottomUp() extends Move {
override def swapBox(state: State) = state.bottom
case class LeftRight() extends Move {
override def swapBox(state: State) = state.left
case class RightLeft() extends Move {
override def swapBox(state: State) = state.right
// The puzzle class
case class EightPuzzle(initialState: State, goalState: State) {
// The ordering with evaluation function = misplaced heuristic function + the distance from the initial node
// reversed since we want the smaller numbers first
val misplacedOrdering = new Ordering[(State, List[Move])] {
def compare(x: (State, List[Move]), y: (State, List[Move])): Int =
y._1.numberOfMisplacedBlocks(goalState) + y._2.size,
x._1.numberOfMisplacedBlocks(goalState) + x._2.size)
// The ordering with evaluation function = Manhattan heuristic function + the distance from the initial node
// reversed since we want the smaller numbers first
val manhatanOrdering = new Ordering[(State, List[Move])] {
def compare(x: (State, List[Move]), y: (State, List[Move])): Int =
y._1.manhatanBlockDistance(goalState) + y._2.size,
x._1.manhatanBlockDistance(goalState) + x._2.size)
// All possible moves, not all of them might be applicable from a given state
val moves: List[Move] = List(TopDown(), BottomUp(), LeftRight(), RightLeft())
* Finds all the possible solutions starting from a given state
final def breathFirstSearch(queue: List[(State, List[Move])], explored: Set[State], sol: List[(State, List[Move])]): List[(State, List[Move])] =
queue match {
case Nil => sol
case (state, history) :: xs =>
if (!explored(state)) {
breathFirstSearch(xs ++ Move.availableStates(state, moves, history, explored), explored + state, (state, history) :: sol)
} else {
breathFirstSearch(xs, explored, sol)
* Uses the heuristic function embedded in the priority queue to make a "smarter"
* selection on the path to follow to the optimal solution
final def aStarSearch(queue: PriorityQueue[(State, List[Move])], explored: Set[State]): Option[List[Move]] =
if (queue.length == 0) return None
else {
val (state, history) = queue.dequeue
if (state == goalState) Some(history)
else {
if (!explored(state)) {
val children = Move.availableStates(state, moves, history, explored)
queue ++= children
aStarSearch(queue, explored + state)
} else
aStarSearch(queue, explored)
lazy val allPathsFromInitial = breathFirstSearch(List((initialState, List())), Set(), List())
// Creating a different solution with exactly the same code but a different
// ordering in my queue, so one can easily add solutions with better
// heuristic functions
def bestSolution(ordering: Ordering[(State, List[Move])]) =
aStarSearch(PriorityQueue((initialState, List[Move]()))(ordering), Set())
lazy val bestSolutionManhatan: Option[List[Move]] =
lazy val bestSolutionMisplaced: Option[List[Move]] =
object EightPazzle {
import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise, future, promise, Await }
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val s1 = State(Vector(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8))
// Two deepest states starting from s1 with debth 31
val s5 = State(Vector(8, 7, 6, 0, 4, 1, 2, 5, 3))
val s8 = State(Vector(8, 0, 6, 5, 4, 7, 2, 3, 1))
val t = System.currentTimeMillis
val f = future {
EightPuzzle(s1, s5).bestSolutionManhatan
f.onSuccess {
case Some(x) =>
println(s"Manhatan ${x.length} $x")
println(s"Manhatan took ${(System.currentTimeMillis - t) / 1000.0}")
val f2 = future { EightPuzzle(s1, s8).bestSolutionMisplaced }
f2.onSuccess {
case Some(x) =>
println(s"Misplaced ${x.length} $x")
println(s"Misplaced took ${(System.currentTimeMillis - t) / 1000.0}")
val f3 = future {
EightPuzzle(s1, s1).allPathsFromInitial
f3.onSuccess {
numberOfSolutionsPerDebth andThen { case x => x foreach println } andThen
{ case x => println(s"Possible states from initial per debth took ${(System.currentTimeMillis - t) / 1000.0}") }
// Wait for the futures to finish before exiting
Await.ready(f, Duration.Inf)
Await.ready(f2, Duration.Inf)
Await.ready(f3, Duration.Inf)
// Give some time for the callbacks to execute
val numberOfSolutionsPerDebth: PartialFunction[List[(State, List[Move])], List[(Int, Int)]] = {
case x => {
val y = x.groupBy(f => f._2.length)
val group = for { (i, l) <- y } yield (i, l.length)
group.toList.sortBy(f => f._1)
def checkSolution(initial: State, goal: State, moves: List[Move]): Boolean = {
val goal2 = (initial /: moves.reverse) {
(s, m) => m.move(s).get
goal == goal2
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