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Created June 17, 2010 18:03
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Reboot a SoftLayer server
Given a server id call the rebootDefault() method in the
SoftLayer_Hardware_Server service to attempt to reboot the server via IPMI or
its power strip if remote management is unavailable. See
for more information.
This script assumes you're using the SoftLayer API Python client
<>. It's been written
Python 2.x. If you're using Python 3 then please adjust print() usage and
exception handling accordingly.
License: <>
Author: SoftLayer Technologies, Inc. <[email protected]>
# So we can talk to the SoftLayer API:
import SoftLayer.API
# Generate an API key in the SoftLayer customer portal.
username = 'set me!'
apiKey = 'set me too!'
# If you don't know your server id you can call getHardware() in the
# SoftLayer_Account API service to get a list of hardware or call
# findByIpAddress() in the SoftLayer_Hardware_Server service if you already
# know your server's primary IP address.
serverId = 1234
# Create a connection to the SoftLayer_Hardware_Server API service.
client = SoftLayer.API.Client('SoftLayer_Hardware_Server', serverId, username, apiKey)
# There are three other reboot methods you can call instead of rebootDefault().
# rebootSoft() attempts a soft IPMI server reboot, akin to the ctrl-alt-del
# sequence. rebootHard() performs a hard IPMI server boot, similar to hitting
# the server's reset button. powerCycle() physically flips power to the server
# via its power strip, and should only be used as a last resort.
# rebootDefault() is a great compromise amongst the server reboot options.
print "Server rebooted!"
except Exception, e:
print "Unable to reboot server. ", e
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