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Last active July 30, 2017 06:20
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Just Intonation WebMIDI conversion [WIP]
// MIDI note conversion
// util adapted from
var noteMap = {};
var noteNumberMap = [];
var notes = [ "C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B" ];
for(var i = 0; i < 127; i++) {
var index = i,
key = notes[index % 12],
octave = ((index / 12) | 0) - 1; // MIDI scale starts at octave = -1
if(key.length === 1) {
key = key + '-';
key += octave;
noteMap[key] = i;
noteNumberMap[i] = key;
function getBaseLog(value, base) {
return Math.log(value) / Math.log(base);
var MIDIUtils = {
noteNameToNoteNumber: function(name) {
return noteMap[name];
noteNumberToFrequency: function(note) {
return 440.0 * Math.pow(2, (note - 69.0) / 12.0);
noteNumberToName: function(note) {
return noteNumberMap[note];
frequencyToNoteNumber: function(f) {
return Math.round(12.0 * getBaseLog(f / 440.0, 2) + 69);
Step Key Freq PB Freq Cents PB c Note PBend Ratio Interval
00 69 440.0 hz 440.2 hz 0.0 0 0 0 1:1 unison
01 70 469.3 hz 469.8 hz 111.7 113 1 8 16:15 minor diatonic semitone
02 71 495.0 hz 495.4 hz 203.9 205 2 3 9:8 major whole tone
03 72 528.0 hz 528.3 hz 315.6 316 3 10 6:5 minor third
04 73 550.0 hz 550.2 hz 386.3 386 3 55 5:4 major third
05 74 586.7 hz 587.0 hz 498.0 498 4 63 4:3 perfect fourth
06 75 618.8 hz 619.2 hz 590.2 591 5 58 45:32 tritone
07 76 660.0 hz 660.2 hz 702.0 702 7 1 3:2 perfect fifth
08 77 704.0 hz 704.6 hz 813.7 814 8 9 8:5 minor sixth
09 78 733.3 hz 733.8 hz 884.4 884 8 54 5:3 major sixth
10 79 792.0 hz 792.2 hz 1018.0 1017 10 11 9:5 just minor seventh
11 80 825.0 hz 825.1 hz 1088.0 1088 10 56 15:8 classic major seventh
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