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# Make sure you grab the latest version | |
curl -OL https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases/download/v3.2.0/protoc-3.2.0-linux-x86_64.zip | |
# Unzip | |
unzip protoc-3.2.0-linux-x86_64.zip -d protoc3 | |
# Move protoc to /usr/local/bin/ | |
sudo mv protoc3/bin/* /usr/local/bin/ | |
# Move protoc3/include to /usr/local/include/ | |
sudo mv protoc3/include/* /usr/local/include/ | |
# Optional: change owner | |
sudo chwon [user] /usr/local/bin/protoc | |
sudo chwon -R [user] /usr/local/include/google |
Latest is now https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases/download/v3.4.0/protoc-3.4.0-linux-x86_64.zip
Also, recommend 'stow' utility for managing non-packaged components.
%> sudo stow -n cproto -D /usr/local -d /usr/local/stow
Loading defaults from /root/.stowrc
LINK: include/google => ../stow/cproto/include/google
LINK: readme.txt => stow/cproto/readme.txt
LINK: bin/protoc => ../stow/cproto/bin/protoc
Avoids the need to manually copy/link, plus manages what's been added in this manner for later removal/upgrade/etc.
thanks for the info!
it is giving the following error -bash: /usr/local/bin/protoc: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
Just thought it might be useful to mates, stuck with multiple protobuf versions runtime issue:
So that we check if there is already a version installed.
Fixed my problem :) Thx
thanks. consider changing [user] to $USER to make it runnable immediately. also the "chwon" has already been reported above.
should add ln -s /usr/local/bin/protoc /usr/bin/protoc
redhat@redhat-HP-245-G5-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo chown [redhat] /usr/local/bin/protocchown: invalid user: ‘[redhat]’
how to solve this error?? ple help me :::))
@purusothaman2502 remove the [ ] for your user.
Command becomes sudo chown redhat /usr/local/bin/protocchown
How can I update the library too?
Cmake gives me:
Protobuf compiler version 3.3.0 doesn't match library version 3.0.0
(on ubuntu-bionic)
Thank you!
There are a typos in line 14 and line 15: chown is misspelled.
Hi How to install google protobuf along with protoc ?
Change chwon to chown
thanks . workeed
Awesome !! Worked.
I added auto get version and made it work as a script file
#! /bin/bash
VERSION=`curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/latest" | grep -Po '"tag_name": "v\K.*?(?=")'`
[[ -z VERSION ]] && echo "Could not get version from github"
mkdir $TEMP_DIR/protoc_inst
cd $TEMP_DIR/protoc_inst
# Make sure you grab the latest version
curl -OL "https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases/download/v$VERSION/protoc-$VERSION-linux-x86_64.zip"
# Unzip
unzip "protoc-$VERSION-linux-x86_64.zip" -d protoc3
# Move protoc to /usr/local/bin/
sudo mv protoc3/bin/* /usr/local/bin/
# Move protoc3/include to /usr/local/include/
sudo mv protoc3/include/* /usr/local/include/
rm -rf $TEMP_DIR/protoc_inst
How to solve the problem that is:
Protobuf compiler version 3.6.1 doesn't match library version 3.0.0?
Thank you.
Great!! Thanks.
Awesome!! Helpful!!
Here the link to my Gist if you are interested in recovering the previous version of protobuf installed on your pc (Ubuntu 16.04).