For Windows commands check my other Gist
For a more detailed command list, check Freecodecamp's huge article
- My favourites
- Basics
- Advanced
- Editors
- Environment
- Win / Mac / GNU workarounds
- Shortcuts
- List the lines from a text (here:
) which contains a keyword (here:git
history | grep git
history | awk '/git/ {print}'
Last 15 only:
history | grep git | head -n 15
- get the folders updated since a given date:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -newermt "2023-05-24 00:00:00" |
awk -F/ '{print $NF}'
Show hidden files in Mac's file manager (Finder): Open Terminal and run the following script:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles true
killall Finder
Count how many times a word appears in a file:
cat PATH/TO/FILE/index.js | grep somefunkyword | wc -l
- You will want to use awesome additional commands like
. You have too install Homebrew, so adding these extras will be super simple.
- go to a folder
cd folderName
- leave the folder, go to its parent folder
cd ..
- go to the root folder
cd ~
- go to the home folder
cd $HOME
- create a new folder
mkdir folderName
- if you have an opened file or process in terminal and would like t o exit, you should try
Control C
command | description |
pwd |
see in terminal the current your current path (which folder you are in) |
man pwd |
documentation of the command |
cd, ls, ls -l, ls -a |
moving in folder structure (c hange d irectory), list folder content |
mkdir , touch |
create folders and files |
cat a.txt , less b.txt , more c.txt , awk '{print}' d.txt |
read file to standard output (practically: print to console). less and more create a scrollable print |
env , printenv |
list environmental variables |
date |
print date |
history |
terminal command history (terminal-window related so don't trust it too much) |
ifconfig |
list computer ip, environmental variables |
grep |
search text. It can be used in terminal like grep text in filename see examples here but it is also very common to pipe an output to it. For example: history | grep code extracts all the commands from terminal history where we opened a file with VS Code |
pipe | |
read the output of a function and pass it to another function see example here |
tail -99 c.txt |
read last 99 lines of a file to standard output |
wc index.html |
count characters, words and lines in a specific file |
ls | wc -w |
count files/folders in a folder |
command | example | description |
sed |
sed -i 's/80/5000/g' target/tobeedited.txt |
find and replace text 80 to 5000 in a file |
awk |
ls -la | awk '{print $3, $9}' |
show words from lines by their word count index |
more about awk
- folder name and date in this format:
536daysoftype - May 7
ls -la | awk '{print NR $9 " - " $6 " " $7 }'
- longest line and its length
ls -la | awk '{ if (length($0) > max) max = length($0) } END {print "length: " max " - " $0}'
NR: Represents the current record number (line number) being processed.
NF: Represents the number of fields (columns) in the current record.
$0: Refers to the entire input record (the full line).
$1, $2, $3, etc.: Represent the individual fields (columns) of the input record. $1 refers to the first field, $2 to the second field, and so on.
FS: Specifies the input field separator (default is whitespace).
RS: Specifies the input record separator (default is newline).
OFS: Specifies the output field separator (used when printing fields).
ORS: Specifies the output record separator (used when printing records).
FILENAME: Contains the name of the current input file being processed.
FNR: Represents the record number (line number) within the current input file.
ARGC: Contains the total number of command-line arguments.
ARGV: An array that stores the command-line arguments passed to awk.
find your running server and stop it You can do it by listing the running processes on your computer. If you have a running server (like Node.js or Tomcat) on a port (like
etc.), you will see in the list that your server is there, like0.0.0.0:8080
. Copy the identifier of that process and stop it like below!GNU/Linux and Mac
sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN
kill 27746
ping an API with curl : instead of opening a URL in the browser, or using Postman, you can do this in the terminal.
curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/mixed" -F "uploadParams={\"one_parameter\":\"one_value\"};type=application/json" -F "file=@/Users/user/Downloads/gangstercar.jpg" http://localhost:7000/myapplication/services/myendpoint
You may use VS Code or Jetbrains for your code, but there are also command line editors. Vim and Emacs are old, powerful ones but it is not so easy to work with them. nano is more handy. Of course you can also avoid the usage of command line editors.
❗ important: Git may open the editor in some situations. The default file editor of Git is Vim. If you are not comfortable with Vim, change your default code editor in Git settings to nano or VS code:
git config --global core.editor "nano"
git config --global core.editor "code"
Shell scripts, like bash
are (usually) simple scripts, which you can run in your terminal. It is the "language of the terminal", so you don't have to install anything. Here is an example you can save as
and try:
#! /bin/bash
WELCOME="Welcome to bash!"
for x in $@
echo "I got a parameter: $x"
if [[ $x == "strawberry" ]]
echo "it is a fruit"
echo "need some cream on the top?"
Run bash script:
bash ./ strawberry chocolate
- sh or Bourne shell
- bash or Bourne Again Shell
- zsh or z-shell (originates from the name of professor Zhong Shao)
note: for shell script files you can use always .sh extension (it is not required, just convention)
For handling environmental variables in Windows command line (CMD), check out this StackOverflow article.
You can create an environmental variable on Linux / Mac with
export PORT=8080
If you don't need it any more, remove it with
unset PORT
You can use bash to define environmental variables and script you use often in an
#echo - Setting variables
export HOPHOPHOP_DB_PW="gangnam-style"
export HOPHOPHOP_DB_HOST="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:2345/postgres?"
alias runjacoco='mvn clean org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:prepare-agent install'
alias runsonar='mvn sonar:sonar'
The main place to set environmental variables and Path is the .bash_profile
in the root folder: ~/.bash_profile
export MYVARIABLE=soma/text/for/you
Starting your Mac will run .bash_profile
. If you would like to run it without restart, you should run it:
source ~/.bash_profile
install certificate files
sudo keytool -import -alias CERTIFICATE_NAME -file "CERTIFICATE_FILENAME.cer" -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit
Homebrew and wget
It is a just a must to have the number one package manager and wget for recursive resource downloads. Follow Homebew website to install brew and wget:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
$ brew install wget
Homebrew services is also essential to maintain services on you Mac. You can install, start, stop, view background services like redis or mysql:
brew services start redis
brew services restart redis
brew services stop redis
brew services list
- Tree
View folder structure in terminal is just a must:
brew install tree
- terminal