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Created August 16, 2013 21:07
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NestedSet, Categorias anidadas...
Ponemos el Behaivor:
Timestampable: ~
hasManyRoots: true
rootColumnName: root_id
name: { type: string(100) }
Ponemos en el configure del form:
// create a new widget to represent this category's "parent"
$this->setWidget('parent', new sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoiceNestedSet(array(
'model' => 'Category',
'add_empty' => true,
// if the current category has a parent, make it the default choice
if ($this->getObject()->getNode()->hasParent())
$this->setDefault('parent', $this->getObject()->getNode()->getParent()->getId());
// only allow the user to change the name of the category, and its parent
// set labels of fields
'name' => 'Category',
'parent' => 'Parent category',
// set a validator for parent which prevents a category being moved to one of its own descendants
$this->setValidator('parent', new sfValidatorDoctrineChoiceNestedSet(array(
'required' => false,
'model' => 'Category',
'node' => $this->getObject(),
$this->getValidator('parent')->setMessage('node', 'A category cannot be made a descendent of itself.');
if ($this->isNew()) {
if($this->getObject()->getNode()->getParent()->getId() != $this->getValue(‘parent’)) // test to see if the parent has changed
Y por último en el evento doSave() del form:
* Updates and saves the current object. Overrides the parent method
* by treating the record as a node in the nested set and updating
* the tree accordingly.
* @param Doctrine_Connection $con An optional connection parameter
public function doSave($con = null)
// save the record itself
// if a parent has been specified, add/move this node to be the child of that node
if ($this->getValue('parent'))
$parent = Doctrine::getTable('Category')->findOneById($this->getValue('parent'));
if ($this->isNew())
// if no parent was selected, add/move this node to be a new root in the tree
$categoryTree = Doctrine::getTable('Category')->getTree();
if ($this->isNew())
Creamos el un metodo en el table para ordenar el query por jerarquia.
public function retrieveSorted()
return $this->createQuery()
->orderBy('root_id asc, lft asc')
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