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Last active March 7, 2020 02:55
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madge 识别 vue 单文件组件. 支持 alias 需添加 filing-cabinet 参数
const precinct = require('precinct')
const compiler = require('vue-template-compiler')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const cabinet = require('filing-cabinet')
const debug = require('debug')('vue-madge polyfill');
// 修饰 precinct.paperwork, 令之遇到vue文件, 去除template部分, 当作js文件处理
function decoratePrecinct() {
const old = precinct.paperwork
if (!old._old) {
precinct.paperwork = function (filename, options) {
var ext = path.extname(filename);
let newOptions = options
if (newOptions.fileSystem && newOptions.fileSystem._vue) {'遭到了沿用')
delete newOptions.fileSystem
let newFilename = filename
if (ext === '.vue') {
newFilename = filename.replace(/\.vue$/, '.jsx') // 替换为 jsx 结尾
newOptions = {
...options, fileSystem: {
readFileSync() {
const originStr = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');
delete newOptions.fileSystem
return compiler.parseComponent(originStr, { pad: 'line' }).script.content
newOptions.fileSystem._vue = true
return, newFilename, newOptions)
precinct.paperwork._old = old
// 配置 filing-cabiet 的Lookup, 让其能够取得带alias的vue路径如 '@/src/something.vue'
function configCabiet() {
let webpackResolve;
const isRelative = require('is-relative-path');
// copy from cabiet
function stripLoader(dependency) {
const exclamationLocation = dependency.indexOf('!');
if (exclamationLocation === -1) { return dependency; }
return dependency.slice(exclamationLocation + 1);
// copy from cabiet
function resolveWebpackPath({ dependency, filename, directory, webpackConfig }) {
if (!webpackResolve) {
webpackResolve = require('enhanced-resolve');
webpackConfig = path.resolve(webpackConfig);
let loadedConfig;
try {
loadedConfig = require(webpackConfig);
if (typeof loadedConfig === 'function') {
loadedConfig = loadedConfig();
} catch (e) {
debug('error loading the webpack config at ' + webpackConfig);
return '';
const resolveConfig = Object.assign({}, loadedConfig.resolve);
if (!resolveConfig.modules && (resolveConfig.root || resolveConfig.modulesDirectories)) {
resolveConfig.modules = [];
if (resolveConfig.root) {
resolveConfig.modules = resolveConfig.modules.concat(resolveConfig.root);
if (resolveConfig.modulesDirectories) {
resolveConfig.modules = resolveConfig.modules.concat(resolveConfig.modulesDirectories);
try {
const resolver = webpackResolve.create.sync(resolveConfig);
dependency = stripLoader(dependency);
const lookupPath = isRelative(dependency) ? path.dirname(filename) : directory;
return resolver(lookupPath, dependency);
} catch (e) {
debug('error when resolving ' + dependency);
return '';
// copy and modify from jsLookup in cabiet
function vueLookup({ dependency, filename, directory, config, webpackConfig, configPath, nodeModulesConfig, ast }) {
const type = cabinet._getJSType({
config: config,
webpackConfig: webpackConfig,
filename: filename,
ast: ast
switch (type) {
case 'webpack':
debug('using webpack resolver for es6');
return resolveWebpackPath({ dependency, filename, directory, webpackConfig });
case 'amd':
case 'commonjs':
case 'es6':
throw new Error('only webpack ')
cabinet.register('.vue', vueLookup)
// polyfill for this version of node-precinct
// polyfill for madge to parse vue files (with <template/> <script/> dropped)
const precinct = require('precinct')
const compiler = require('vue-template-compiler')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
function decorate() {
const old = precinct.paperwork
if (!old._old) {
precinct.paperwork = function(filename, options) {
var ext = path.extname(filename)
let newOptions = options
let newFilename = filename
if (ext === '.vue') {
newFilename = filename.replace(/\.vue$/, '.jsx') // 替换为 jsx 结尾
newOptions = {
fileSystem: {
readFileSync() {
const originStr = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8')
return compiler.parseComponent(originStr, { pad: 'line' }).script
return, newFilename, newOptions)
precinct.paperwork._old = old
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