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Created October 12, 2019 06:14
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import random
import time
from sys import exit
import pygame
from pygame.locals import QUIT, KEYDOWN, K_UP, K_DOWN, K_LEFT, K_RIGHT
random.seed(int(time.strftime('%H%M%S', time.localtime(time.time()))))
def get_random_integer(min_value=0, max_value=255):
return random.randint(min_value, max_value)
def random_color(start_r=0, start_g=0, start_b=0, end_r=255, end_g=255, end_b=255):
generate random rgb value
:param start_r: minimum value for red, default is 0
:param start_g: minimum value for green, default is 0
:param start_b: minimum value for blue, default is 0
:param end_r: maximum value for red, default is 255
:param end_g: maximum value for green, default is 255
:param end_b: maximum value for blue, default is 255
:return: a tuple(r,g,b)
r = max(min(random.randint(start_r, end_r), 255), 0)
g = max(min(random.randint(start_g, end_g), 255), 0)
b = max(min(random.randint(start_b, end_b), 255), 0)
logs_print("r, g, b: {0}, {1}, {2}".format(r, g, b))
return r, g, b
def logs_print(text, level=0):
print logsw
:param text: log text
:param level: levels 0, 1, and 2 correspond to normal logs, warnings, and errors;default level is normal logs
:return: none
level = max(min(level, 2), 0)
level_tuple = ("Logs", "Warning", "Error")
print("{time} [{level}]: {text}".format(level=level_tuple[level], text=text,
time=time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time()))))
def refresh_screen(screen, fps=60., clear=True, background=(0, 0, 0)):
refresh screen
:param screen: which screen to refresh
:param fps: frame per second
:param clear: whether clear old content; Notice: this will clear all old content
:param background: backound color;(r, g, b)
:return: none
if clear:
fps = max(0.001, fps)
time.sleep(1 / fps)
screen.fill(background, )
def init_program(caption="Pygame", the_screen_size=(640, 480), icon=None):
if icon is not None:
icon = pygame.image.load(icon)
return pygame.display.set_mode(the_screen_size, 0, 32), the_screen_size
class Circle:
""" draw a solid circle, automatic detect border and automatic reverse
def __init__(self, surface, border, position, width=5, color=random_color(), speed=[5, 5],
constructor function
:param surface: assign surface to draw
:param border: take a list (x, y); x and y correspond to the surface' x and y border
:param position: position
:param width: line width, when it is a circle it equals to radius
:param color: (r, g, b); default value is random
:param speed: take a list (x, y); it moves x unit length int the x direction and so is param y;can be minus
:param disappear_after_collision: whether the circle disappear after collision with border
:param rebound: whether the circle rebound after collision with border
self.surface = surface
self.border = border
self.x = position[0]
self.y = position[1]
self.width = width
self.radius = [self.width, self.width]
self.color = color
self.speed = speed
self.speed_value = list(map(abs, speed))
self.throwaway = disappear_after_collision
self.rebound = rebound
self.movable = True
logs_print("generating obj...")
def move(self):
if self.movable:
x_direction, y_direction = self.can_continue()
if x_direction:
self.x += self.speed[0]
if self.rebound:
self.speed[0] = -self.speed[0]
if self.throwaway:
self.movable = False
if y_direction:
self.y += self.speed[1]
if self.rebound:
self.speed[1] = -self.speed[1]
logs_print("rebound occurs...")
if self.throwaway:
self.movable = False
logs_print("try to move but unmovable now", 1)
# logs_print("current position: {0},{1}".format(self.x, self.y))
def set_speed(self, key):
if key == K_UP:
self.speed = [0, -self.speed_value[1]]
elif key == K_DOWN:
self.speed = [0, self.speed_value[1]]
elif key == K_LEFT:
self.speed = [-self.speed_value[0], 0]
elif key == K_RIGHT:
self.speed = [self.speed_value[0], 0]
def blit(self):, self.color, (self.x, self.y), self.width)
def can_continue(self):
if self.x + self.speed[0] + self.radius[0] > self.border[0] or self.x + self.speed[0] - self.radius[0] < 0:
x_direction = False
x_direction = True
if self.y + self.speed[1] + self.radius[1] > self.border[1] or self.y + self.speed[1] - self.radius[1] < 0:
y_direction = False
y_direction = True
# logs_print("can continue: {0}, {1}".format(x_direction, y_direction))
return x_direction, y_direction
screen, screen_size = init_program("Balls", (1800, 1000))
# ball_1 = Circle(screen, screen_size, (100, 150), width=5, speed=[1, 3])
# ball_2 = Circle(screen, screen_size, (400, 350), width=10, speed=[3, 1])
# ball_3 = Circle(screen, screen_size, (200, 450), width=15, speed=[3, 3])
ball_0 = Circle(screen, screen_size, (320, 240), width=10, color=(233, 159, 231), speed=[12, 12])
ball_list = []
for i in range(10000):
locals()['ball' + str(i)] = Circle(screen, screen_size, (get_random_integer(50, 600), get_random_integer(30, 450)),
width=7, speed=[get_random_integer(3, 10), get_random_integer(3, 10)],
color=[get_random_integer(), get_random_integer(), get_random_integer()])
ball_list.append(locals()['ball' + str(i)])
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
if event.type == KEYDOWN:
# ball_1.move()
# ball_2.move()
# ball_3.move()
for ball in ball_list:
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