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Created July 20, 2019 02:35
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  • Save sonhanguyen/ad7755716aec10d036606a19440a37f3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Better touch tool setup for window management
"BTTPresetName" : "Default",
"BTTGeneralSettings" : {
"disableScrollingIf3" : true,
"BTTPasteWhenTriggeringClipboardAgain" : true,
"BTTForceNormalClickPressure5F" : 200,
"disableScrollingIf2" : true,
"BTTDidRegisterForUpdateStats" : "3.140",
"BTTShowControlStrip" : true,
"BTTShowControlStripItem" : true,
"BTTForceForceClickPressure5F" : 600,
"oldScale" : 1,
"BSTSnapAreaDefaultBorderWidth" : 3,
"BTTThreeFingerTipTapMinSpread" : 0.029999999999999999,
"BTTEnableUsageLogging" : false,
"BTTTouchBarHapticFeedback" : 0,
"BTTForceNormalClickPressure" : 150,
"BSTSnapAreaDefaultHighlightColor" : "92.624286, 122.650411, 161.665578, 56.100000",
"BTTLastClamshellState" : false,
"BSTSnapAreaDefaultShowPictogram" : false,
"BTTAllowThumbIfAllFingersArePlacedSimultaneously" : true,
"BTTShowESCWhenControlStripHidden" : true,
"BTTHandleThumbsRestingOnTopEdgeAndCorners" : true,
"BTTFreeSpaceAfterBTT" : 20,
"BTTForceNormalClickPressure3F" : 150,
"BSTSnapAreaDefaultBorderColor" : "0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 255.000000",
"BSTTopMissionControlTreshold" : 34,
"singleFingerTapRight" : 0.05000000074505806,
"BTTDrawingsHighlightStartPoint" : true,
"BSTWindowGrabPosX" : 67,
"BTTForceForceClickPressure4F" : 650,
"BTTHTTPServerListenInterface" : "",
"BTTAutoSwitchToOldKeyboardImplementation" : true,
"BTTMinDrawingMovement" : 2,
"BSTSnapAreaDefaultBackgroundColor" : "129.988836, 201.126536, 227.013985, 104.550000",
"SIRIScrollSpeed" : 1,
"batteryWarning" : false,
"pluginDictionary" : {
"1" : {
"Apple Remote Plugin" : {
"10" : "Play\/Pause, Holding (only on aluminum remote)",
"2" : "Up, Holding",
"3" : "Down",
"11" : "Menu",
"4" : "Down, Holding",
"5" : "Left",
"12" : "Menu, Holding",
"6" : "Left, Holding",
"13" : "Center",
"7" : "Right",
"8" : "Right, Holding",
"14" : "Center, Holding",
"1" : "Up",
"9" : "Play\/Pause (only on aluminum remote)"
"BTTWindowSnappingHighPerformanceMode" : false,
"BTTTouchBarFontSize" : 15,
"BSTLeftHalfBlock" : true,
"BTTSelectedKeyboardTabIndex" : 0,
"BSTSnapAreaDefaultDashedBorder" : false,
"BSTDontShowSnapAreasWhileModMoving" : 0,
"BTTForceForceClickPressure3F" : 700,
"BTRScrollSpeed" : 1,
"showBTTRemoteTab" : true,
"BSTSnapAreaDefaultInvisible" : false,
"BTTTouchBarKeepIconRatio" : true,
"BTTEnablePalmRecognition" : true,
"BTTFreeSpaceAfterESC" : 10,
"singleFingerTapLeft" : 0.44999998807907104,
"BTTForceForceClickPressure" : 700,
"BTTDefaultTBIconHeight" : 22,
"BSTAllowInsideDragSnap" : true,
"mmZoomRepeatDelay" : 0.10000000000000001,
"twoFingerDoubleTapDelay" : 0.5,
"BTTForceForceClickPressure2F" : 700,
"useAppleRemotePlugin" : true,
"BSTSnapAreaDefaultCornerRadius" : 20,
"BTTForcedHidden" : false,
"BSTSnapAreaDefaultAnimationDuration" : 0.30000001192092896,
"BSTMemorySaver" : true,
"BTTTpThreeFingerSwipeSensitivity" : 0.29999999999999999,
"BSTWindowGrabPosY" : 10,
"BTTTpFourFingerSwipeSensitivity" : 0.40000000000000002,
"showTouchBarTab" : true,
"BSTSnapAreaDefaultPictoDistanceFromBottom" : 0.10000000149011612,
"showOtherTriggersTab" : true,
"BTTDrawingStrokeWidth" : 4,
"BTTPathSampleSize" : 100,
"BTTMaxAllowedDrawingRotation" : 30,
"BTRMouseSpeed" : 1,
"BTTDrawingsRestoreMousePosition" : true,
"BTTCMOnTop" : true,
"BSTSnapAreaDefaultPictoDistanceFromLeft" : 0.10000000149011612,
"showTrackpadTab" : true,
"BTTMovePastedToTop" : true,
"BTTShowBTTWhenControlStripHidden" : true,
"BTTDrawingAreaWidth" : 915,
"BTTClipboardFrame" : "{{0, 576}, {678, 417}}",
"BTTCopyImgurURLToClipboard" : true,
"BTTForceNormalClickPressure4F" : 175,
"BTTScreenshotOpenImgurInBrowser" : true,
"BTTTwoFingerTipTapMinSpread" : 0.029999999999999999,
"BTTIMGURDefault" : true,
"BTTForceForceHapticResponse" : 13,
"BSTSnapAreaDefaultPictoSize" : 0.69999998807907104,
"showNormalMiceTab" : true,
"BSTDisableSnapAreas" : false,
"BTTForceNormalHapticResponse" : 12,
"showSiriRemoteTab" : true,
"BTTForceNormalClickPressure2F" : 140,
"cornerSnap" : false,
"BSTRightHalfBlock" : true,
"BTTTouchBarSupportEnabled" : true,
"showDrawingsTab" : true,
"BTTDrawingRightMouse" : true,
"BSTCornerRoundness" : 40,
"BTTDismissIfNothingToShow" : true,
"BTTCMShowDockIcon" : true,
"BSTPreventTopMissionControl" : true,
"BTTNumberOfStarts" : 5327,
"BTTHTTPServerEncrypted" : false,
"BTTConvertedDevices" : true,
"BTTTiltWheelDelay" : 0.44999998807907104,
"showKeyboardTab" : true,
"BTTDaysToKeepHistory" : 14.955068779904305,
"BTTFilterMagicMouseLeftRightEdge" : true,
"showMagicMouseTab" : true,
"BTTDefaultTBIconWidth" : 22,
"SIRIMouseSpeed" : 1,
"BTTRemoteEnabled" : true,
"BTTTouchBarChecked" : true,
"BTTDrawingAreaHeight" : 626,
"tpThreeFingerDoubleTapDelay" : 0.5,
"BTTTouchBarVisible" : false,
"BTTCMHideOnBlur" : true,
"BTTTouchBarUseMonoSpacedFont" : true,
"nextMonitorMoveWarningShowed" : true
"BTTPresetUUID" : "A06237AE-6A57-4CFF-9872-31AB6E352B1F",
"BTTPresetContent" : [
"BTTAppBundleIdentifier" : "net.kovidgoyal.kitty",
"BTTAppName" : "kitty",
"BTTAppAutoInvertIcon" : 1,
"BTTTriggers" : [
"BTTTriggerType" : -1,
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeOtherTriggers",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : -1,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "No Action",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTAlternateModifierKeys" : 0,
"BTTUUID" : "5BF8B017-5ED1-43AA-B886-78A4ACD7438E",
"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
"BTTOrder" : 0,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 128,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Send Shortcut to Specific App",
"BTTLayoutIndependentActionChar" : "\/Applications\/",
"BTTAutoAdaptActionToKeyboardLayout" : true,
"BTTShortcutApp" : "\/Applications\/",
"BTTShortcutSwitchToAppFirst" : "1",
"BTTShortcutAppUnderCursor" : "net.kovidgoyal.kitty",
"BTTShortcutToSend" : "55,13",
"BTTAdditionalConfiguration" : "262144",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 43,
"BTTUUID" : "C15C5AB4-783D-4BBF-BB23-DDAAE5EC7617",
"BTTTriggerOnDown" : 0,
"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
"BTTLayoutIndependentChar" : "ESCAPE",
"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
"BTTShortcutKeyCode" : 53,
"BTTShortcutModifierKeys" : 262144,
"BTTOrder" : 2,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0
"BTTTriggerType" : 0,
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 128,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Send Shortcut to Specific App",
"BTTLayoutIndependentActionChar" : "file:\/\/\/Applications\/",
"BTTAutoAdaptActionToKeyboardLayout" : true,
"BTTShortcutApp" : "file:\/\/\/Applications\/",
"BTTShortcutAppUnderCursor" : "net.kovidgoyal.kitty",
"BTTShortcutToSend" : "59,8",
"BTTAdditionalConfiguration" : "1048584",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 43,
"BTTUUID" : "E7EA5B6F-0470-4317-ADC9-79C3ACC08173",
"BTTTriggerOnDown" : 1,
"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
"BTTLayoutIndependentChar" : "q",
"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
"BTTShortcutKeyCode" : 12,
"BTTShortcutModifierKeys" : 1048576,
"BTTOrder" : 0,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0,
"BTTAdditionalActions" : [
"BTTTriggerType" : -1,
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 128,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Send Shortcut to Specific App",
"BTTLayoutIndependentActionChar" : "file:\/\/\/Applications\/",
"BTTAutoAdaptActionToKeyboardLayout" : true,
"BTTShortcutApp" : "file:\/\/\/Applications\/",
"BTTShortcutAppUnderCursor" : "net.kovidgoyal.kitty",
"BTTShortcutToSend" : "55,46",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 0,
"BTTUUID" : "CD0A4FA5-AA79-4E07-B199-399BFA15EB5D",
"BTTTriggerOnDown" : 1,
"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
"BTTShortcutKeyCode" : -1,
"BTTShortcutModifierKeys" : -1,
"BTTOrder" : 0,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0
"BTTTriggerType" : 0,
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 128,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Send Shortcut to Specific App",
"BTTLayoutIndependentActionChar" : "file:\/\/\/Applications\/",
"BTTAutoAdaptActionToKeyboardLayout" : true,
"BTTShortcutApp" : "file:\/\/\/Applications\/",
"BTTShortcutToSend" : "55,4",
"BTTAdditionalConfiguration" : "8388608",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 43,
"BTTUUID" : "110C14EF-ABF4-47DD-9B19-13C9341B16A7",
"BTTTriggerOnDown" : 1,
"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
"BTTLayoutIndependentChar" : "`",
"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
"BTTShortcutKeyCode" : 50,
"BTTShortcutModifierKeys" : 8388608,
"BTTOrder" : 1,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0
"BTTAppBundleIdentifier" : "BT.G",
"BTTAppName" : "Global",
"BTTAppAutoInvertIcon" : 1,
"BTTAppSpecificSettings" : {
"BTTTriggers" : [
"BTTTriggerType" : 108,
"BTTTriggerTypeDescription" : "4 Finger Swipe Up",
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeTouchpadAll",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 261,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Brightness Up (Small Step, External Display)",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTAlternateModifierKeys" : 0,
"BTTUUID" : "36375F32-11CA-47F1-9D53-E942A5395801",
"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
"BTTOrder" : 10,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 84,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Restore Old Window Size",
"BTTAdditionalConfiguration" : "9699328",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 0,
"BTTUUID" : "EC744974-CF68-4B9B-B22B-4E9A293BEE90",
"BTTTriggerOnDown" : 1,
"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
"BTTShortcutKeyCode" : 125,
"BTTShortcutModifierKeys" : 9699328,
"BTTOrder" : 8,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0
"BTTTriggerType" : 103,
"BTTTriggerTypeDescription" : "3 Finger Swipe Down",
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeTouchpadAll",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 95,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Maximize Window to Bottom Half",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTAlternateModifierKeys" : 0,
"BTTUUID" : "5A14CBD5-3DA8-4DA5-8407-FD14F454997B",
"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
"BTTOrder" : 4,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 97,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Center Window",
"BTTAdditionalConfiguration" : "9699328",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 0,
"BTTUUID" : "5B44BB2D-846C-4281-9665-BF9F11E379B4",
"BTTTriggerOnDown" : 1,
"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
"BTTShortcutKeyCode" : 126,
"BTTShortcutModifierKeys" : 9699328,
"BTTOrder" : 9,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0
"BTTTriggerType" : 102,
"BTTTriggerTypeDescription" : "3 Finger Swipe Up",
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeTouchpadAll",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 96,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Maximize Window to Top Half",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTAlternateModifierKeys" : 0,
"BTTUUID" : "C6F6493C-342F-4812-B7D4-9721B6B13593",
"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
"BTTOrder" : 5,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0
"BTTTriggerType" : 0,
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 18,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Move Window Right",
"BTTAdditionalConfiguration" : "1310729",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 43,
"BTTUUID" : "C68744B9-8CC4-4736-9BE6-4C1A8F2D06E7",
"BTTTriggerOnDown" : 1,
"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
"BTTLayoutIndependentChar" : ".",
"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
"BTTShortcutKeyCode" : 47,
"BTTShortcutModifierKeys" : 1310720,
"BTTOrder" : 1,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0
"BTTTriggerType" : 148,
"BTTTriggerTypeDescription" : "Triangle Swipe Top Right Corner",
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeTouchpadAll",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 92,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Resize Window to Top Right Quarter \/ Corner",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTAlternateModifierKeys" : 0,
"BTTUUID" : "1532E1F7-374B-4072-B79E-FFA9821B416C",
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"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
"BTTOrder" : 1,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 163,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Open Native OS X Split View for Window (Left)",
"BTTAdditionalConfiguration" : "1310720",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 43,
"BTTUUID" : "61D49732-860C-4B5C-98A7-A20E2B4B4219",
"BTTTriggerOnDown" : 1,
"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
"BTTShortcutKeyCode" : 42,
"BTTShortcutModifierKeys" : 1310720,
"BTTOrder" : 4,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0
"BTTTriggerType" : 0,
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 128,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Send Shortcut to Specific App",
"BTTLayoutIndependentActionChar" : "file:\/\/\/Users\/sonha\/Applications\/",
"BTTAutoAdaptActionToKeyboardLayout" : true,
"BTTShortcutApp" : "file:\/\/\/Users\/sonha\/Applications\/",
"BTTShortcutAppUnderCursor" : "",
"BTTShortcutToSend" : "56,55,3",
"BTTAdditionalConfiguration" : "524320",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 43,
"BTTUUID" : "11898618-88A5-4998-A337-C1A12432C1DF",
"BTTTriggerOnDown" : 1,
"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
"BTTLayoutIndependentChar" : "d",
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"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
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"BTTShortcutModifierKeys" : 524288,
"BTTOrder" : 12,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0
"BTTTriggerType" : 149,
"BTTTriggerTypeDescription" : "Triangle Swipe Bottom Left Corner",
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeTouchpadAll",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 91,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Resize Window to Bottom Left Quarter \/ Corner",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTAlternateModifierKeys" : 0,
"BTTUUID" : "F026E888-668F-4AEC-970C-9994DB651B7B",
"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
"BTTOrder" : 2,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 50,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Hide All Windows",
"BTTAdditionalConfiguration" : "1048576",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 0,
"BTTUUID" : "F330428B-5FFD-4A65-8369-46C7D3BD083A",
"BTTTriggerOnDown" : 1,
"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
"BTTEnabled" : 1,
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"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 49,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Launch Application \/ Open File \/ Start Apple Script …",
"BTTLaunchPath" : "file:\/\/\/Applications\/",
"BTTAdditionalConfiguration" : "8388608",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 43,
"BTTUUID" : "4E2B0DFB-4F7C-4530-B554-0ED80311035C",
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"BTTEnabled" : 1,
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"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 128,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Send Shortcut to Specific App",
"BTTLayoutIndependentActionChar" : "\/Users\/sonha\/Applications\/",
"BTTAutoAdaptActionToKeyboardLayout" : true,
"BTTShortcutApp" : "\/Users\/sonha\/Applications\/",
"BTTShortcutSwitchToAppFirst" : "1",
"BTTShortcutAppUnderCursor" : "",
"BTTShortcutToSend" : "55,17",
"BTTAdditionalConfiguration" : "1048576",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 43,
"BTTUUID" : "BEB0E9C4-860D-4E49-A0AF-C9DE636DA075",
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"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
"BTTShortcutKeyCode" : 37,
"BTTShortcutModifierKeys" : 1048576,
"BTTOrder" : 14,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 174,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Resize window to Left Two Thirds",
"BTTAdditionalConfiguration" : "9699328",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 0,
"BTTUUID" : "BC2D52D5-8F2C-4460-A928-6A40E428B89E",
"BTTTriggerOnDown" : 1,
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"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
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"BTTShortcutModifierKeys" : 9699328,
"BTTOrder" : 6,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0
"BTTTriggerType" : 0,
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 49,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Launch Application \/ Open File \/ Start Apple Script …",
"BTTLaunchPath" : "file:\/\/\/Applications\/",
"BTTAdditionalConfiguration" : "262145",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 43,
"BTTUUID" : "96EB65AF-478D-4E51-AC8D-B03CE07C8676",
"BTTTriggerOnDown" : 1,
"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
"BTTLayoutIndependentChar" : "ESCAPE",
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"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
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"BTTShortcutModifierKeys" : 262144,
"BTTOrder" : 3,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0,
"BTTAdditionalActions" : [
"BTTTriggerType" : -1,
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 128,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Send Shortcut to Specific App",
"BTTLayoutIndependentActionChar" : "file:\/\/\/Applications\/",
"BTTAutoAdaptActionToKeyboardLayout" : true,
"BTTShortcutApp" : "file:\/\/\/Applications\/",
"BTTShortcutSwitchToAppFirst" : "1",
"BTTShortcutToSend" : "55,17",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 0,
"BTTUUID" : "79E8033A-5842-44B1-965E-5175421459CA",
"BTTTriggerOnDown" : 1,
"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
"BTTShortcutKeyCode" : -1,
"BTTShortcutModifierKeys" : -1,
"BTTOrder" : 0,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0
"BTTTriggerType" : -1,
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 118,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Insert \/ Type \/ Paste Custom Text",
"BTTAdditionalActionData" : {
"BTTMoveCursorLeftBy" : "(null)",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 0,
"BTTUUID" : "003EFA0D-906C-4065-BB45-40488ACF1913",
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"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
"BTTShortcutKeyCode" : -1,
"BTTShortcutModifierKeys" : -1,
"BTTOrder" : 1,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0
"BTTTriggerType" : -1,
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : -1,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "No Action",
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"BTTShortcutToSend" : "36",
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"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Resize window to Right Third",
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"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0
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"BTTTriggerTypeDescription" : "Triangle Swipe Bottom Right Corner",
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeTouchpadAll",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 93,
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"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
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"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 43,
"BTTUUID" : "322533A1-8B2C-43ED-95E5-D680A161A29A",
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"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0
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"BTTTriggerTypeDescription" : "Please Select a Trigger ",
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 22,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Mute",
"BTTAdditionalConfiguration" : "8388608",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 0,
"BTTUUID" : "FC4E05EC-FF9C-4F53-A627-67BFCE55E496",
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"BTTKeySequence" : {
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"BTTPauseBetween" : 0.29999999999999999,
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"BTTKeyCount" : 4,
"BTTKeySequenceDownKeys" : [
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"BTTKEYTime" : 567746368
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"BTTKEYCode" : 109,
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"BTTKEYOrderRelevant" : 1,
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"BTTKeySequenceMixedKeys" : [
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"BTTKEYCharacter" : " F10",
"BTTKEYCode" : 109,
"BTTKEYTime" : 567746368
"BTTKEYCharacter" : " F10",
"BTTKEYCode" : 109,
"BTTKEYDown" : 1,
"BTTKEYOrderRelevant" : 1,
"BTTKEYRequired" : 1,
"BTTKEYTime" : 567746368
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"BTTKEYCode" : 109,
"BTTKEYRequired" : 1,
"BTTKEYTime" : 567746368
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"BTTKEYTime" : 567746368
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"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Send Shortcut to Specific App",
"BTTLayoutIndependentActionChar" : "file:\/\/\/Applications\/",
"BTTAutoAdaptActionToKeyboardLayout" : true,
"BTTShortcutApp" : "file:\/\/\/Applications\/",
"BTTShortcutSwitchToAppFirst" : "1",
"BTTShortcutToSend" : "58,55,34",
"BTTAdditionalConfiguration" : "1572864",
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"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 43,
"BTTUUID" : "6D389AF0-38DD-435D-A8C1-FE89A8799385",
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"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
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"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0
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"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 175,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Resize window to Right Two Thirds",
"BTTAdditionalConfiguration" : "9699337",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 0,
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"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
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"BTTOrder" : 7,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0
"BTTTriggerType" : 624,
"BTTTriggerTypeDescription" : "Please Select a Trigger ",
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 125,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Show Menubar in Context Menu",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 0,
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"BTTKeySequence" : {
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"BTTPauseBetween" : 0.29999999999999999,
"BTTKeyCount" : 4,
"BTTKeySequenceDownKeys" : [
"BTTKEYCode" : 58,
"BTTKEYDown" : 1,
"BTTKEYOrderRelevant" : 1,
"BTTKEYRequired" : 1,
"BTTKEYTime" : 567746752
"BTTKEYCode" : 58,
"BTTKEYDown" : 1,
"BTTKEYOrderRelevant" : 1,
"BTTKEYRequired" : 1,
"BTTKEYTime" : 567746752
"BTTKeySequenceMixedKeys" : [
"BTTKEYCode" : 58,
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"BTTKEYRequired" : 1,
"BTTKEYTime" : 567746752
"BTTKEYCode" : 58,
"BTTKEYTime" : 567746752
"BTTKEYCode" : 58,
"BTTKEYDown" : 1,
"BTTKEYOrderRelevant" : 1,
"BTTKEYRequired" : 1,
"BTTKEYTime" : 567746752
"BTTKEYCode" : 58,
"BTTKEYRequired" : 1,
"BTTKEYTime" : 567746752
"BTTKeySequenceUpKeys" : [
"BTTKEYCode" : 58,
"BTTKEYTime" : 567746752
"BTTKEYCode" : 58,
"BTTKEYRequired" : 1,
"BTTKEYTime" : 567746752
"BTTTriggerType" : 0,
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 164,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Open Native OS X Split View for Window (Right)",
"BTTAdditionalConfiguration" : "1310729",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 43,
"BTTUUID" : "4A3FB3B2-6C1E-4FEA-A6E8-26E985F4037B",
"BTTTriggerOnDown" : 1,
"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
"BTTLayoutIndependentChar" : "\/",
"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
"BTTShortcutKeyCode" : 44,
"BTTShortcutModifierKeys" : 1310720,
"BTTOrder" : 5,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0
"BTTTriggerType" : 600,
"BTTTriggerTypeDescription" : "Doubleclick Window Titlebar",
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeOtherTriggers",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 21,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Maximize Window",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTAlternateModifierKeys" : 0,
"BTTUUID" : "95FB8757-B7B1-4763-A562-50CCE2CA04F4",
"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
"BTTOrder" : 1,
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"BTTTriggerType" : 147,
"BTTTriggerTypeDescription" : "Triangle Swipe Top Left Corner",
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeTouchpadAll",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 90,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Resize Window to Top Left Quarter \/ Corner",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTAlternateModifierKeys" : 0,
"BTTUUID" : "94F47256-5653-464B-B0EB-4F79782D14F3",
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"BTTEnabled" : 1,
"BTTModifierMode" : 0,
"BTTOrder" : 0,
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"BTTTriggerType" : 0,
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 177,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Show \/ Hide Specific Application",
"BTTAppToShowOrHide" : "",
"BTTAdditionalConfiguration" : "393219",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 43,
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"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 262,
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"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
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"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeTouchpadAll",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 108,
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"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
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"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 49,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Launch Application \/ Open File \/ Start Apple Script …",
"BTTLaunchPath" : "file:\/\/\/Users\/sonha\/Applications\/",
"BTTAdditionalConfiguration" : "786465",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 0,
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"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0,
"BTTAdditionalActions" : [
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"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 128,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Send Shortcut to Specific App",
"BTTLayoutIndependentActionChar" : "\/Users\/sonha\/Applications\/Commander",
"BTTAutoAdaptActionToKeyboardLayout" : true,
"BTTShortcutApp" : "\/Users\/sonha\/Applications\/Commander",
"BTTShortcutSwitchToAppFirst" : "1",
"BTTShortcutAppUnderCursor" : "com.eltima.cmd1",
"BTTShortcutToSend" : "59,31",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 0,
"BTTUUID" : "30670FB5-808A-48B0-968C-96C8D4B2D4BC",
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"BTTOrder" : 0,
"BTTDisplayOrder" : 0,
"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0
"BTTTriggerType" : 624,
"BTTTriggerTypeDescription" : "Please Select a Trigger ",
"BTTTriggerClass" : "BTTTriggerTypeKeyboardShortcut",
"BTTPredefinedActionType" : 203,
"BTTPredefinedActionName" : "Show Clipboard \/ Pasteboard History",
"BTTAdditionalConfiguration" : "1048584",
"BTTEnabled2" : 1,
"BTTKeyboardShortcutKeyboardType" : 43,
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"BTTTriggerOnDown" : 1,
"BTTNotesInsteadOfDescription" : 0,
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"BTTOrder" : 2,
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"BTTAutoAdaptToKeyboardLayout" : 0,
"BTTKeySequence" : {
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"BTTKeySequenceDownKeys" : [
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"BTTKEYOrderRelevant" : 1,
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"BTTKEYCode" : 8,
"BTTKEYDown" : 1,
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"BTTKEYRequired" : 1,
"BTTKEYTime" : 582697536
"BTTKEYCharacter" : " C",
"BTTKEYCode" : 8,
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"BTTKEYOrderRelevant" : 1,
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"BTTKEYTime" : 582697536
"BTTKeySequenceMixedKeys" : [
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"BTTKEYTime" : 582697536
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"BTTKEYTime" : 582697536
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"BTTKEYCode" : 8,
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"BTTKEYTime" : 582697536
"BTTKEYCharacter" : " C",
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"BTTKEYTime" : 582697536
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"BTTKEYCode" : 8,
"BTTKEYRequired" : 1,
"BTTKEYTime" : 582697536
"BTTPresetSnapAreas" : [
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