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Created November 19, 2016 13:43
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MMA CTF 2015 | Alicegame (Crypto 250pt)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def egcd(m, n):
if n>0:
y,x,d = egcd(n, m%n)
return x, y-m/n*x, d
return 1, 0, m
def modinv(a, m):
(inv, q, gcd_val) = egcd(a, m)
return inv % m
def chinese_remainder(Q, X):
P = reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, Q)
result = 0
for i in xrange(len(X)):
x, y, d = egcd(Q[i], P/Q[i])
result += y*(P/Q[i])*X[i]
return result % P
# Baby-step giant-step
def baby_step_giant_step(g, y, p, q):
m = int(q**0.5 + 1)
# Baby-step
baby = {}
b = 1
for j in xrange(m):
baby[b] = j
b = (b * g) % p
# Giant-step
gm = pow(modinv(g, p), m, p)
giant = y
for i in xrange(m):
if giant in baby:
x = i*m + baby[giant]
print "Found:", x
return x
giant = (giant * gm) % p
print "not found"
return -1
# Pohlig-Hellman algorithm
def pohlig_hellman(p, g, y, phi_p):
Q = map(int, phi_p.split(" * "))
print "[+] Q:", Q
X = []
for q in Q:
x = baby_step_giant_step(pow(g,(p-1)/q,p), pow(y,(p-1)/q,p), p, q)
print "[+] X:", X
x = chinese_remainder(Q, X)
return x
g = 1828219035112142373387222893932751631772945852477987101590090
y = 1012750243445446249248731524345776923711031192963358920130436
p = 3047318456124223787871095946374791137939076290647203431778747
c1 = 1851635883910479967256646617880733235123029676545812189105888
c2 = 2279140729739532482438192630521498934347693926502811537441460
phi_p = "2 * 3 * 7 * 281 * 585131 * 2283091 * 66558319 * 38812459031 * 8407411055293 * 8899182573469"
x = pohlig_hellman(p, g, y, phi_p)
print "[+] x:", x
m = c2 * modinv(pow(c1,x,p),p) % p
print "[+] m:", m
print "[+] FLAG: ", "0"+hex(m)[2:-1].decode('hex')
# [+] FLAG: 0MMA{wrOng_wr0ng_ElGamal}
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ghost commented Apr 16, 2020

thank you so much

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