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Created March 3, 2009 15:49
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Function CreatePDF(ByVal items As Dictionary(Of String, Object)(), ByVal language As String) As String
Dim pdf As Pdf = New Pdf()
Dim license As License = New License
Dim section As Section = pdf.Sections.Add()
'section.PageInfo.PageWidth = 360 ' 1 inch = 72 points = 5 * 72 = 360
'section.PageInfo.PageHeight = 504
section.PageInfo.PageWidth = 450
section.PageInfo.PageHeight = 300
section.PageInfo.Margin.Left = 20
section.PageInfo.Margin.Right = 20
section.PageInfo.Margin.Top = 5
section.PageInfo.Margin.Bottom = 5
Dim table As Aspose.Pdf.Table = New Aspose.Pdf.Table()
table.ColumnWidths = "360 50"
Dim style As String = String.Empty
Dim alu As String = String.Empty
Dim desc As String = String.Empty
Dim color As String = String.Empty
Dim price As String = String.Empty
Dim si As StyleInfo = Nothing
Dim pdfRow As Row = Nothing
For Each item As Dictionary(Of String, Object) In items
alu = item("ALU")
style = item("Style")
si = PrintCards.GetDescriptionColorByALU(alu, language)
desc = si.Description
color = si.ColorName
price = PrintCards.GetPriceByALU(alu)
AddItem(style, price, desc, color, table, pdf)
Dim filename As String = String.Concat(Guid.NewGuid.ToString.Replace("-", ""), ".pdf")
pdf.Save(Server.MapPath(String.Concat("~/filestmp/", filename)))
Return filename
End Function
Function GetStyleTextInfo() As TextInfo
Dim info As New TextInfo
info.FontSize = 24
info.FontName = "HelveticaNeueLT Std Med"
Return info
End Function
Private Sub AddItem(ByVal style As String, ByVal price As Integer, ByVal desc As String, ByVal color As String, ByRef table As Table, ByRef pdf As Pdf)
Dim lastCellMarginInfo As New MarginInfo
lastCellMarginInfo.Bottom = 10
Dim styleRow As Row = table.Rows.Add()
Dim styleCell As Cell = AddCell(style, styleRow)
styleCell.DefaultCellTextInfo = GetStyleTextInfo()
Dim priceCell As Cell = AddCell(String.Concat("$ ", price), styleRow)
priceCell.Alignment = AlignmentType.Right
priceCell.DefaultCellTextInfo = GetStyleTextInfo()
Dim descRow As Row = table.Rows.Add()
AddCell(desc, descRow)
Dim colorRow As Row = table.Rows.Add()
Dim lastCell As Cell = AddCell(color, colorRow)
lastCell.Padding = lastCellMarginInfo
Dim h As Single = table.GetHeight(pdf)
If h >= 245 Then
table = AddTable(pdf)
End If
End Sub
Sub SetFont(ByVal t As Text)
Dim info As TextInfo = t.TextInfo.Clone
info.FontSize = 13
info.FontName = "HelveticaNeueLT Std Med"
t.TextInfo = info
End Sub
Function AddCell(ByVal data As String, ByRef row As Row) As Cell
Dim cell As Cell = row.Cells.Add
Dim text As Text = New Text(data)
Return cell
End Function
Function AddTable(ByRef pdf As Pdf) As Table
Dim section As Section = pdf.Sections.Add()
section.PageInfo.PageWidth = 450
section.PageInfo.PageHeight = 300
section.PageInfo.Margin.Left = 20
section.PageInfo.Margin.Right = 20
section.PageInfo.Margin.Top = 5
section.PageInfo.Margin.Bottom = 5
section.IsNewPage = True
Dim table As Aspose.Pdf.Table = New Aspose.Pdf.Table()
table.ColumnWidths = "360 50"
Return table
End Function
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