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Created August 16, 2020 11:40
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// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © sooch
// TradingViewのMACDストラテジーに期間指定パラメータを追加したPineScriptです.
strategy("MACD Strategy", overlay=true)
// Input parameters
start_y = input(2020, minval=1900, maxval=2100, title="Start Year")
start_m = input(01, minval=01, maxval=12, title="Start Month")
start_d = input(01, minval=01, maxval=31, title="Start day")
end_y = input(2020, minval=1900, maxval=2100, title="End Year")
end_m = input(12, minval=01, maxval=12, title="End Month")
end_d = input(31, minval=01, maxval=31, title="End day")
ema1 = input(12, title="EMA1 length")
ema2 = input(26, title="EMA2 length")
signal = input(9, title="Signal length")
src = input(close, "source")
start_time = timestamp("Asia/Tokyo", start_y, start_m, start_d, 00, 00)
end_time = timestamp("Asia/Tokyo", end_y, end_m, end_d, 00, 00)
is_testing = time >= start_time and time <= end_time
bgcolor(is_testing ? : color.white)
[macd, sig, hist] = macd(src, ema1, ema2, signal)
goldencross = crossover(macd, sig)
deadcross = crossunder(macd, sig)
if is_testing and goldencross
strategy.entry("MacdLE", strategy.long)
if is_testing and deadcross
strategy.entry("MacdSE", strategy.short)
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