Here are the files.
The non-obvious codes are State (1 [Alabama] to 50 [Wyoming] in strict alphabetical order--not the mail codes) and
Month (1 to 18, beginning May 2005 and ending October 2006). You can combine the months as you wish.
In the original PSQ paper, I had data only through January 2006, so there is a lot more here.
For the Governor set, the party breakdowns for September and October 2006 have not been entered.
They are available (with some tedious downloading work on your part) at the SurveyUSA website
(; there is also a full set for all offices for November 2006 that
I never go around to assembling and you can download that, too; after that month they stopped covering every state.
In the President file, there is also the state Party ID breakdown, which of can be used with the other data sets as well. I've also attached the file for state ideology (% of libs, mods, and cons) for months 2-17 (June 2005 to September 2006).
Enjoy; it is really a quite remarkable dataset. If you are interested, I've used it in two other publications that might be related to your research:
“Partisan Differences in Job Approval Ratings of George W. Bush and U.S. Senators in the States,” Facing the Challenge of Democracy: Explorations in the Analysis of Public Opinion and Political Participation, ed. Benjamin Highton and Paul Sniderman. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011, pp. 153-184.
“Party, Performance, and Strategic Politicians: The Dynamics of Elections for Senator and Governor in 2006” (with Adam R. Brown), State Politics and Policy Quarterly 8 (Winter 2008), pp. 384-409.