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Created May 31, 2015 22:52
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Weighting datasets by propensity scores (~YouGov Method for Sampling)
Weighting by Propensity Scores
Last Edited: 5/31/2015
Task Outline:
1. Two datasets:
dataset 1: large pop. representative sample
dataset 2: convenient sample
2. Create weights for dataset 2 so that its marginals are close to dataset 1 on some vars.
How to:
1. Standardize coding of variables you want to match on across datasets
- You can create a separate dummy variable for missing values for each variable in each dataset
2. Follow steps below
# Get some data
library(anesrake); data(anes04)
library(Zeling); data(voteincome)
Picking common cols + making data similar + add a column identifying
# dat1
data1 <- anes04[,c("female", "age", "educcats")]
names(data1)[3] <- "education"
data1$education[data1$education==5] <- 4
data1 <- data.frame(pop=1, data1)
# dat2
data2 <- voteincome[,c("female", "age", "education")]
data2 <- data.frame(pop=0, data2)
# rbind data
data <- rbind(data1, data2)
# Fit Logistic
# Model this well
est <- glm(I(pop==0) ~ female + ns(age,3)*as.factor(education), data=data, family=binomial(link="logit"))
# Get prop. scores
data$prop.scores <- est$linear.predictors
# summary(data$prop.scores)
# Break prop.scores into quintiles
# Use control group (pop.) for this
pop.quantiles <- quantile(data$prop.scores[data$pop == 1], probs = seq(0, 1, .2))
data$quantile <- cut(data$prop.scores, breaks=pop.quantiles, include.lowest=TRUE)
tbl <- prop.table(xtabs( ~ quantile + pop, data=data), 2)
mult <- tbl[,1] / tbl[,2]
# Create weights
data$new.weight <- ifelse(data$pop == 1, mult[as.integer(data$quantile)], 1)
# Checking how the new weights work
# Age
summary(lm(age ~ pop, weight=new.weight, data=data))$coef[2,1]
# -0.8366
summary(lm(age ~ pop, data=data))$coef[2,1]
# -1.9891
# Sex
summary(lm(female ~ pop, weight=new.weight, data=data))$coef[2,1]
# 0.009970668
summary(lm(female ~ pop, data=data))$coef[2,1]
# -0.02633
# Education
summary(lm(education ~ pop, weight=new.weight, data=data))$coef[2,1]
# [1] 0.05121831
summary(lm(education ~ pop, data=data))$coef[2,1]
# [1] 0.2702838
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