# Set random seed for reproducibility |
set.seed(123) |
# Parameters |
k <- 30 # 30% more likely to read type x |
total_readings <- 800 # Fixed total reading capacity |
# Time t: 50-50 split |
n_novels_x_t <- 500 |
n_novels_y_t <- 500 |
# Base probability of reading x (incorporating preference k) |
prob_x_t <- (1 + k/100)/(2 + k/100) |
prob_y_t <- 1/(2 + k/100) |
# Simulate readings at time t |
readings_t <- numeric(total_readings) |
for(i in 1:total_readings) { |
if(runif(1) < prob_x_t) { |
readings_t[i] <- 1 # Read type x |
} else { |
readings_t[i] <- 0 # Read type y |
} |
} |
# Time t+1: 70-30 split |
n_novels_x_t1 <- 700 |
n_novels_y_t1 <- 300 |
# Adjust probabilities for supply change |
prob_x_t1 <- prob_x_t * (n_novels_x_t/n_novels_x_t1) # Adjust down due to oversupply |
prob_y_t1 <- 1 - prob_x_t1 |
# Simulate readings at t+1 |
readings_t1 <- numeric(total_readings) |
for(i in 1:total_readings) { |
if(runif(1) < prob_x_t1) { |
readings_t1[i] <- 1 |
} else { |
readings_t1[i] <- 0 |
} |
} |
# Create data frames for regressions |
data_t <- data.frame( |
read_x = readings_t, |
period = "t", |
type = factor(ifelse(readings_t == 1, "x", "y")) |
) |
data_t1 <- data.frame( |
read_x = readings_t1, |
period = "t+1", |
type = factor(ifelse(readings_t1 == 1, "x", "y")) |
) |
# Combine data for both periods |
all_data <- rbind(data_t, data_t1) |
# Create period-type interaction for regression |
all_data$period_t1 <- ifelse(all_data$period == "t+1", 1, 0) |
all_data$type_x <- ifelse(all_data$type == "x", 1, 0) |
all_data$period_type <- all_data$period_t1 * all_data$type_x |
# Run regression |
model <- lm(read_x ~ type_x + period_t1 + period_type, data = all_data) |
# Print results |
cat("Regression Results:\n") |
print(summary(model)) |
# Calculate and display proportions |
prop_x_t <- mean(readings_t) |
prop_y_t <- 1 - prop_x_t |
ratio_t <- prop_x_t/prop_y_t |
prop_x_t1 <- mean(readings_t1) |
prop_y_t1 <- 1 - prop_x_t1 |
ratio_t1 <- prop_x_t1/prop_y_t1 |
cat("\nTime t (50-50 split):\n") |
cat("Proportion reading x:", prop_x_t, "\n") |
cat("Proportion reading y:", prop_y_t, "\n") |
cat("Ratio x/y:", ratio_t, "\n") |
cat("\nTime t+1 (70-30 split):\n") |
cat("Proportion reading x:", prop_x_t1, "\n") |
cat("Proportion reading y:", prop_y_t1, "\n") |
cat("Ratio x/y:", ratio_t1, "\n") |
Recovered k at time t: 33.91813 %
Recovered k at time t+1: -34.36853 %