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gruber / Liberal Regex Pattern for All URLs
Last active February 21, 2025 04:19
Liberal, Accurate Regex Pattern for Matching All URLs
The regex patterns in this gist are intended to match any URLs,
including "mailto:[email protected]", "x-whatever://foo", etc. For a
pattern that attempts only to match web URLs (http, https), see:
# Single-line version of pattern:
konklone / icpsr_to_bioguide.rb
Created January 19, 2012 20:32
Matching up ICPSR IDs to Bioguide IDs using Charles Stewart's data, and the Sunlight Labs Congress API.
# house-icpsr.csv and senate-icpsr.csv are made by converting the XLS files found here to CSV:
# Specifically, these files that list information and IDs for members from the 103rd to 112th Congress:
# This script looks through the two original CSVs, caches the ICPSR ID of every member from the 110th Congress onward,
# then goes through every legislator in the Sunlight Labs Congress API and tries to match them up by a combination of
# last name, state, and party.
patrickfuller /
Created December 27, 2013 06:19
A basic graph traversal script using the Github API. Starting from a specified root-node Github user, this will traverse everyone they are following. This repeats in a breadth-first pattern until a threshold is reached.
import requests
import getpass
import sys
import json
import Queue
# This is a script, let's be lazy. We'll fill up this global and print it.
g = {"nodes": {}, "edges": []}
# And here's the cutoff criterion
MAX_NODES = 1000
Some things journalists may want to consider:
1. Anecdotes can mislead. People seeing another yet another episodic story on crime may infer that crime is increasing.
So report numbers where trustworthy numerical data are available.
2. But numbers need to be reported carefully. Most people, when reading news, do not do back of the envelope calculations to interpret data correctly.
So ill-reported numbers can mislead.
3. Rules for numbers:
a. % changes than changes in %. The former is more impressive when the base rate is low. Latter generally a better way to report things. If confused, report t1 and t2.
soodoku /
Last active September 14, 2016 13:21
Get text from Wisconsin ad pdfs using pyPdf
Text from Searchable pdfs
Scrape Text off Wisconsin Ads pdfs
Uses pyPdf to get text from searchable pdfs. The script is for tailored for getting data
from Wisconsin Political Ads Database:
@author: Gaurav Sood
Created on November 02, 2011
soodoku /
Last active November 14, 2015 05:51
Basic sentiment analysis with AFINN or custom word database
Basic Sentiment Analysis
Builds on:
Utilizes AFINN or a custom sentiment db
Example Snippets at end from:
soodoku / Hillary_Clinton
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
Calculating Hillary's Missing Emails
55000/(365*4) ~ 37.7. That seems a touch low for Sec. of state.
1. Clinton may have used more than one private server
2. Clinton may have sent emails from other servers to unofficial accounts of other state department employees
Lower bound for missing emails from Clinton:
Take a small weighted random sample (weighting seniority more) of top state department employees.
soodoku /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
Get Congressional Speech Data Via CapitolWords API
Gets Congressional speech text, arranged by speaker.
Produces a csv (capitolwords.csv) with the following columns:
Uses the Sunlight foundation library:
soodoku /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
Salvage Corrupted CSV
What does it do?
Goes through a corrupted csv sequentially and outputs rows that are clean.
Also outputs, total n, total corrupted n
@author: Gaurav Sood
Run: python input_csv output_csv
soodoku / text_classifier.R
Last active December 15, 2016 17:44
Basic Text Classifier
Basic Text Classifier
- Takes a csv with a text column, and column of labels
- Splits into train and test
- Preprocesses text using tm/bag-of-words, 1/2-order Markov
- Uses SVM and Lasso
@author: Gaurav Sood