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Created January 31, 2022 12:57
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GIANTS Engine Runtime 9.0.0 (26574) 64bit Steam (Build Date: Dec 20 2021)
Copyright (c) 2008-2021, GIANTS Software GmbH (, All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 2003-2021, Christian Ammann and Stefan Geiger, All Rights Reserved.
Application: FarmingSimulator2022
Main System
CPU: GenuineIntel
Memory: 40914 MB
OS: Windows NT 10.0 64-bit
Physics System
Version: 5.9.5
Thread(s): 2
Audio System
Driver: SoftMixer WASAPI Stereo
Version: 2018.11
Frequency: 48000
Max. active sources: 256
Render System
Driver: Direct 3D 12
Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060
Version: (10.1.2022)
Revision: 161
Hardware Feature Level : 12_1
Windowed Mode : off
V-Sync : on
Allow Tearing : off
Validation Layer : off
Effective Window Size : 1920 x 1080px
Effective Swap Chain Size : 1920 x 1080px
Started 2 threads for threadpool 'Render threadpool'
Hardware Profile
Level: Custom Very High
View Distance Factor: 2.000000
Shadow Quality: 2.000000 Base-Size: 2048 Filter-Size: 16
Shadow Focus Box: true
Foliage Shadows: true
Shader Quality: 3
Skip Mipmaps: 0
LOD Distance Factor: 2.000000
Terrain LOD Distance Factor: 2.000000
Terrain Quality: 3
Foliage View Distance Factor: 2.000000
Volume Mesh Tessellation Factor: 0.500000
Tyre Tracks Segments Factor: 4.000000
Max. Number of Shadow Lights: 10
Max. Number of Lights: 256
Max. Number of Dir Lights: 4
Max. Number of Lights Per Cluster: 32
Post Process AA: Off
DLSS Quality: Quality
AMD FidelityFx SR Quality: Off
Recommended Window Size: 1920 x 1080px
Bloom Quality: 4
SSAO Quality: 19
SSAO Resolution Scaling: 0.500000
DOF: Enabled
Half Resolution DOF: Disabled
Cloud Quality: 4
Texture Streaming: Enabled
EnvMap Blending: Enabled
Dynamic Specular EnvMap: Disabled
Shading Rate Quality: 3
Input System
Keyboard enabled
Mouse enabled
Gamepad/Joystick enabled
Force Feedback disabled
G27 Racing Wheel (VID: 046D PID: C29B VER: 1239 Cat: WHEEL)
Controller (XBOX 360 For Windows) (VID: 046D PID: C2AB VER: 0001 Cat: UNKNOWN)
Head Tracking System
Driver: TrackIR Client
Error: Driver locked. Please restart TrackIR software.
Started 1 threads for threadpool 'TerrainPatchOccluderManager unique worker'
Platform: loading defaults
Used Start Parameters:
exe D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Farming Simulator 22\x64\FarmingSimulator2022Game.exe
Setting 'Master Volume': 1.000
Setting 'Is Train Tabbable': true
Setting 'Radio Vehicle Only': true
Setting 'Radio Active': false
Setting 'Use Colorblind Mode': false
Setting 'Easy Arm Control': true
Setting 'Show Trigger Marker': true
Setting 'Show Help Trigger': true
Setting 'Show Field-Info': true
Setting 'Invert Y-Look': false
Setting 'Show Help Icons': true
Setting 'Radio Volume': 0.500
Setting 'Vehicle Volume': 1.000
Setting 'Environment Volume': 0.500
Setting 'GUI Volume': 0.500
Setting 'Master Volume': 1.000
Setting 'Music Volume': 0.600
Farming Simulator 22 (Steam)
Version: b14814
Available Languages: en de jp pl cz fr es ru it pt hu nl cs ct br tr ro kr ea da fi no sv fc
Language: en
Time: 2022-01-31 07:46:33
ModDesc Version: 63
Mod Directory: C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/
Available mod: (Hash: 727c0fdeda1549c1a59bff0b4b2dc16c) (Version: FS22_20ftGooseneck
Available mod: (Hash: edcc0bcc5a1c28a9e5b564dcdc434cc6) (Version: FS22_additionalFieldInfo
Available mod: (Hash: d03a1495313c225f4540864cb9182df9) (Version: FS22_airHoseConnectSound
Available mod: (Hash: ca33674bd91bf6e5ff11c3bd2659ae3d) (Version: FS22_annaburgerHTS2012
Available mod: (Hash: abb8e5886e22e5c88607d2bca05dbd75) (Version: FS22_AutoDrive
Available mod: (Hash: 1b853beba024250cefc4e8bd3ebc1f14) (Version: FS22_Bavarian_Farm_Pack
Available mod: (Hash: 2da9888821fcdabcafcd3283d78c8ee0) (Version: FS22_Calmsden
Available mod: (Hash: 220e0adc537eed057bf5fbfd1cdbb96c) (Version: FS22_caseIHMagnum7240Pro
Available mod: (Hash: df820036b3e4e84e2c806b4aff83524e) (Version: FS22_Chopped_Straw
Available mod: (Hash: c40067de34d6d6e5194eddf74f29f9e5) (Version: FS22_claasCargos
Available mod: (Hash: 1654b99a2070f0c87be1f44284091d0b) (Version: FS22_claasDominator108SL
Available mod: (Hash: 3bd6ab0648d8da190237058ff537dfea) (Version: FS22_Courseplay
Available mod: (Hash: f90a73eca121997d0f886b60db04a12f) (Version: FS22_English_Barn_Pack
dataS/character/humans/player/animations.i3d (446.04 ms)
dataS/character/humans/player/vehicleCharacterAnimations.i3d (9.25 ms)
dataS/character/humans/npc/animations.i3d (44.32 ms)
Available mod: (Hash: 66c8f3f22672c735aeabcee778a5d64a) (Version: FS22_fiat1300dt
Available mod: (Hash: 0f99a3fff55ee22e9fb23128e4014560) (Version: FS22_guidanceSteering
Available mod: (Hash: 155a08afd8e48da1bb8c023d5eac5f0d) (Version: FS22_horschJoker12RT
Available mod: (Hash: acfb9a2c43b14d7366e222eead855786) (Version: FS22_IncreaseLightRange
Available mod: (Hash: 06db9ef3e1f16882680c3819d8cc84da) (Version: FS22_kroegerTAW30
Available mod: (Hash: 0f25230a2a5078139499d40a00fb6ef3) (Version: FS22_kroneTX560D
Available mod: (Hash: 688faa9ccc211b8101adf92d24936905) (Version: FS22_kroneZX560GD
Available mod: (Hash: d5d56f5f2322aad06243d9da34fc3c67) (Version: FS22_kvernelandEnduroPro5000F
Available mod: (Hash: 954e7e07c51051f34af74944745a5c36) (Version: FS22_manualAttach
Available mod: (Hash: 283b87dc438817d010e2780cf85d7400) (Version: FS22_newHollandDiscbine313
Available mod: (Hash: 5c406378f18c755497cba1bd23994ac3) (Version: FS22_newHollandW190D
Available mod: (Hash: dd8465878d948ed70023a6e8b3dd5cc2) (Version: FS22_playerActionCamera
Available mod: (Hash: d34dc86aedd0772614131cad720f236e) (Version: FS22_RollandPack
Available mod: (Hash: 110ce03e02c691d32f3b98c8f3d66fc2) (Version: FS22_Seed_Runner_3755_XL
Available mod: (Hash: 8453bff2209453dcdd6967106aa4b989) (Version: FS22_storeDeliveries
Available mod: (Hash: acf2cebedf04dafa98ae602a0dd66263) (Version: FS22_strautmannSEK802
Available mod: (Hash: 3f0271dc6b7305ddcb3673e264a98b14) (Version: FS22_TipSideHUD
Available mod: (Hash: ed70089535db666a1fc8a1bcd86a0c8b) (Version: FS22_vaderstadSpiritR300S
Available mod: (Hash: 810b4c1bc32e995b839d80f2a3bd28c4) (Version: FS22_VehicleMonitor
NVIDIA DLSS Minimum driver version was reported as : 445.0
2022-01-31 07:46 Loaded 'vehicle' specializations
2022-01-31 07:46 Loaded 'placeable' specializations
2022-01-31 07:46 Loaded vehicle types
2022-01-31 07:46 Loaded placeable types
2022-01-31 07:46 Info: Loaded construction brush types
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_20ftGooseneck
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_additionalFieldInfo
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_airHoseConnectSound
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_annaburgerHTS2012
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_AutoDrive
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_Bavarian_Farm_Pack
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_Calmsden
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_caseIHMagnum7240Pro
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_Chopped_Straw
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_claasCargos
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_claasDominator108SL
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_Courseplay
2022-01-31 07:46 ## Courseplay: Appending pickup event listener for loader wagons/balers.
2022-01-31 07:46 ## Courseplay: Appending event listener for bale loaders
2022-01-31 07:46 :48 [dbg18 lp579] showCourse: set to default 1
2022-01-31 07:46 :48 [dbg18 lp579] openHudWithMouse: set to default true
2022-01-31 07:46 :48 [dbg18 lp579] stopAtEnd: set to default true
2022-01-31 07:46 :48 [dbg18 lp579] turnOnField: set to default true
2022-01-31 07:46 :48 [dbg18 lp579] avoidFruit: set to default true
2022-01-31 07:46 :48 [dbg18 lp579] allowReversePathfinding: set to default true
2022-01-31 07:46 :48 [dbg18 lp579] allowPathfinderTurns: set to default false
2022-01-31 07:46 :48 [dbg18 lp579] foldImplementAtEnd: set to default true
2022-01-31 07:46 :48 [dbg18 lp579] toolOffsetX: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:46 :48 [dbg18 lp579] toolOffsetZ: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:46 :48 [dbg18 lp579] strawSwath: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:46 :48 [dbg18 lp579] sowingMachineFertilizerEnabled: set to default true
2022-01-31 07:46 :48 [dbg18 lp579] convoyDistance: set to default 50
2022-01-31 07:46 :48 [dbg18 lp579] fieldWorkSpeed: set to default 25
2022-01-31 07:46 :48 [dbg18 lp579] fieldSpeed: set to default 20
2022-01-31 07:46 :48 [dbg18 lp579] turnSpeed: set to default 8
2022-01-31 07:46 :48 [dbg18 lp579] reverseSpeed: set to default 5
2022-01-31 07:46 :48 [dbg18 lp579] multiTools: set to default 1
2022-01-31 07:46 :48 [dbg18 lp579] headlandOverlapPercent: set to default 7
2022-01-31 07:46 :48 [dbg18 lp579] rowsPerLand: set to default 6
2022-01-31 07:46 :48 [dbg18 lp579] fieldMargin: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_English_Barn_Pack
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_fiat1300dt
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_guidanceSteering
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_horschJoker12RT
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_IncreaseLightRange
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_kroegerTAW30
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_kroneTX560D
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_kroneZX560GD
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_kvernelandEnduroPro5000F
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_manualAttach
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_newHollandDiscbine313
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_newHollandW190D
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_playerActionCamera
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_RollandPack
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_Seed_Runner_3755_XL
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_storeDeliveries
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_strautmannSEK802
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_TipSideHUD
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_vaderstadSpiritR300S
2022-01-31 07:46 Load mod: FS22_VehicleMonitor
2022-01-31 07:46 ## Courseplay: Registering pickup event listeners for loader wagons/balers.
2022-01-31 07:46 ## Courseplay: Registering pickup event listeners for loader wagons/balers.
2022-01-31 07:46 ## Courseplay: Registering pickup event listeners for loader wagons/balers.
2022-01-31 07:46 ## Courseplay: Registering pickup event listeners for loader wagons/balers.
2022-01-31 07:46 ## Courseplay: Registering pickup event listeners for loader wagons/balers.
2022-01-31 07:46 ## Courseplay: Registering event listeners for bale loader
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'baseColor'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'design'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'designColor'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'vehicleType'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'design2'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'design3'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'design4'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'design5'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'design6'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'design7'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'design8'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'ai'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'inputAttacherJoint'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'attacherJoint'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register workAreaType 'BALER'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'wrappingColor'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'wrappingAnimation'
2022-01-31 07:46 data/shared/ai/trafficCollision.i3d (11.25 ms)
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'baseMaterial'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'designMaterial'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'designMaterial2'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'designMaterial3'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'multipleItemPurchaseAmount'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register workAreaType 'COMBINECHOPPER'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register workAreaType 'COMBINESWATH'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'cover'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register workAreaType 'CULTIVATOR'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register workAreaType 'CUTTER'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'dischargeable'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'fillUnit'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'fillVolume'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'folding'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register workAreaType 'FORAGEWAGON'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'frontloader'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register workAreaType 'FRUITPREPARER'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'motor'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register workAreaType 'MULCHER'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register workAreaType 'MOWER'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'pipe'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'plow'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register workAreaType 'PLOW'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'powerConsumer'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register workAreaType 'RIDGEMARKER'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'roller'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register workAreaType 'ROLLER'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register workAreaType 'SALTSPREADER'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register workAreaType 'SOWINGMACHINE'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register workAreaType 'SPRAYER'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register workAreaType 'STONEPICKER'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register workAreaType 'STUMPCUTTER'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register workAreaType 'TEDDER'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'tensionBelts'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'trailer'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'treeSaplingType'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'variableWorkWidth'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register workAreaType 'WEEDER'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'wheel'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'rimColor'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register workAreaType 'WINDROWER'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register workAreaType 'DEFAULT'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register workAreaType 'AUXILIARY'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'workArea'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'workMode'
2022-01-31 07:46 Register configuration 'globalPositioningSystem'
2022-01-31 07:46 Info: Loading ConnectionHoses from 'data/shared/connectionHoses/connectionHoses.xml'
2022-01-31 07:46 data/shared/connectionHoses/hoses.i3d (104.53 ms)
2022-01-31 07:46 data/shared/connectionHoses/connectors.i3d (145.46 ms)
2022-01-31 07:46 data/shared/connectionHoses/hoseMaterialHolder.i3d (31.87 ms)
2022-01-31 07:46 data/objects/roundbales/roundbale125/roundbale125.i3d (69.93 ms)
2022-01-31 07:46 data/objects/roundbales/roundbale150/roundbale150.i3d (31.12 ms)
2022-01-31 07:46 data/objects/roundbales/roundbale180/roundbale180.i3d (57.75 ms)
2022-01-31 07:46 data/objects/squarebales/squarebale240/squarebale240.i3d (41.27 ms)
2022-01-31 07:46 dataS/character/animals/wild/crow/crow.i3d (14.97 ms)
2022-01-31 07:46 data/objects/squarebales/squarebale220/squarebale220.i3d (55.23 ms)
2022-01-31 07:46 Info: resetSplitShapes()
2022-01-31 07:46 data/objects/squarebales/squarebale180/squarebale180.i3d (50.07 ms)
2022-01-31 07:46 data/objects/squarebales/squarebale120/squarebale120.i3d (31.07 ms)
2022-01-31 07:46 data/objects/squarebales/squarebale120/packedSquareBale120.i3d (15.77 ms)
2022-01-31 07:46 data/objects/cottonModules/cottonRoundbale238.i3d (29.33 ms)
2022-01-31 07:46 data/objects/cottonModules/cottonSquarebale488.i3d (12.81 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/objects/roundbales/biomass/biomassBale125.i3d (86.75 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/aiMarker.i3d (10.47 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/alphabet/fontMaterialHolder.i3d (128.59 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/licensePlates/licensePlates.i3d (34.73 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cutter/maize/maize_harvestReadyDry.i3d (110.32 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cutter/sunflower/sunflower_harvestReady.i3d (66.53 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cutter/maize/maize_harvestReadyGreen.i3d (37.39 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cutter/grass/grass_greenBig.i3d (34.58 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cutter/grass/grass_harvestReady.i3d (70.93 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cutter/sunflower/sunflower_greenBig.i3d (101.93 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cutter/wheat/wheat_greenBig.i3d (36.79 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cutter/wheat/wheat_harvestReady.i3d (41.15 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/sky/sky.i3d (15.67 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cutter/barley/barley_greenBig.i3d (44.93 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cutter/barley/barley_harvestReady.i3d (41.49 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cutter/oat/oat_greenBig.i3d (69.78 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cutter/oat/oat_harvestReady.i3d (42.46 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cutter/canola/canola_greenBig.i3d (117.46 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cutter/canola/canola_harvestReady.i3d (77.37 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cutter/soybean/soybean_greenBig.i3d (75.66 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cutter/soybean/soybean_harvestReady.i3d (62.17 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cutter/sorghum/sorghum_greenBig.i3d (102.37 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cutter/sorghum/sorghum_harvestReady.i3d (78.21 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cutter/maize/maize_fruits.i3d (34.98 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cutter/sunflower/sunflower_fruits.i3d (54.32 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cutter/maize/maize_threshing.i3d (45.29 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cutter/sunflower/sunflower_threshing.i3d (50.17 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/fertilizer/fertilizer.i3d (102.19 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/chopper/strawChopper.i3d (267.46 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/tedder/tedder.i3d (60.11 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/windrower/windrower.i3d (81.66 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cultivator/cultivator.i3d (81.88 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/plow/plow.i3d (91.35 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/pickup/pickupIN.i3d (211.32 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/pickup/pickupOUT.i3d (35.04 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/mower/mower.i3d (354.15 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/mixerWagon/mixerWagon.i3d (18.93 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/grape/grape_fruitsLeaves.i3d (40.73 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/grape/grape_fruitsClean.i3d (19.10 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/grape/grape_fruitsHarvested.i3d (23.04 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/grape/grape_threshing.i3d (14.75 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/grape/grape_prePruner.i3d (14.31 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/olive/olive_fruitsLeaves.i3d (57.86 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/olive/olive_fruitsClean.i3d (36.95 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/olive/olive_threshing.i3d (35.95 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/manure/manure.i3d (41.12 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/stone/small/stone.i3d (34.86 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/stone/medium/stone.i3d (7.63 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/stone/big/stone.i3d (8.71 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/wood/wood_cutter.i3d (40.04 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/sugarcane/sugarcane_prepareFruit.i3d (27.23 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/sugarcane/sugarcane_chopper.i3d (40.11 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/sugarcane/sugarcane_chaffer.i3d (22.65 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/sugarcane/sugarcane_cutter.i3d (44.02 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/snow/snowPieces.i3d (37.21 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/snow/snowDust.i3d (24.35 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/sky/rain.i3d (23.35 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/sky/snow.i3d (15.40 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/map.i3d (9448.92 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/sounds.i3d (0.12 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/decoFoliage/decoFoliageUS.i3d (730.24 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/groundFoliage/groundFoliage.i3d (709.95 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/decoBush/decoBush.i3d (147.50 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/meadow/meadowUS.i3d (74.42 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 Warning (performance): Foliage lod 1 mesh 'meadow' 'cut' 'cut' is much larger than lod 0 mesh (min/maxY (-0.175/0.082 vs -0.125/0.103).
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/textures/foliage/grass.i3d (80.69 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/wheat/wheat.i3d (259.79 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/canola/canola.i3d (209.63 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/barley/barley.i3d (234.02 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/maize/maize.i3d (257.22 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/potato/potato.i3d (366.71 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/potato/potatoHaulm.i3d (23.16 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/sugarbeet/sugarbeet.i3d (236.96 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/sugarbeet/sugarbeetHaulm.i3d (21.65 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/sunflower/sunflower.i3d (187.88 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/soybean/soybean.i3d (238.06 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/oilseedRadish/oilseedRadish.i3d (56.54 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/poplar/poplar.i3d (98.11 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/oat/oat.i3d (85.67 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/sugarcane/sugarcane.i3d (147.30 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/sugarcane/sugarCaneHaulm.i3d (19.82 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/cotton/cotton.i3d (130.13 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/sorghum/sorghum.i3d (234.02 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/olive/olive.i3d (149.97 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/grape/grape.i3d (18.96 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: transform group 'C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/savegame2/densityMap_fruits.gdm' has elements very far out from the cell edge (59.65% expansion)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/weed/weed.i3d (144.66 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/foliage/stone/stone.i3d (28.38 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 FoliageTransformGroup 'C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/savegame2/densityMap_fruits.gdm' may need space for up to 6721536 instances (1641 per cell x 4096 cells)
2022-01-31 07:47 FoliageTransformGroup 'C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/savegame2/densityMap_weed.gdm' may need space for up to 991232 instances (512 per cell x 1936 cells)
2022-01-31 07:47 FoliageTransformGroup 'C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/savegame2/densityMap_stones.gdm' may need space for up to 991232 instances (512 per cell x 1936 cells)
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: [AD] Start register later loaded mods...
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: [AD] Start register later loaded mods end
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: [AD] Map title: Calmsden Farm
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: [AD] Parsed map title: Calmsden_Farm
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: [AutoDrive] Loading xml file from C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/savegame2/AutoDrive_config.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: [AutoDrive] Loaded 3103 waypoints
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: [AD] AutoDrive.readFromXML waypoints: 3103
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: [AD] AutoDrive.readFromXML markers: 62
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: [AD] AutoDrive.readFromXML groups: 6
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: [AD] ADUserDataManager: loaded data for 0 users
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_AutoDrive/drawing/line.i3d (1.66 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_AutoDrive/drawing/arrow.i3d (0.13 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: [AD] AutoDrive.xmlFileName_telemetry C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/autoDrive\AD_telemetry_out.txt
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_AutoDrive/drawing/sphere_small.i3d (0.14 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: [AutoDrive] Loaded mod version (by Stephan). Full version number:
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_AutoDrive/drawing/sphere.i3d (0.18 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg18 lp1418] wageModifier: set to default 100
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg18 lp1418] autoRepair: set to default 70
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg18 lp1418] controllerHudSelected: set to default false
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg18 lp1418] maxDeltaAngleAtGoal: set to default 45
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg18 lp1418] deltaAngleRelaxFactor: set to default 10
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_AutoDrive/drawing/marker.i3d (4.23 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg18 lp1418] controllerHudSelected: raised Callback onHudSelectionChanged
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg18 lp1418] Loaded setting: controllerHudSelected, value:true, key: Courseplay.GlobalSettings.GlobalSetting(0)
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg17 lp1418] Created directory at C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/modSettings/FS22_Courseplay/Courses/FS22_Calmsden.SampleModMap
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_AutoDrive/drawing/marker_2.i3d (3.40 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg17 lp1418] Created directory at C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/modSettings/FS22_Courseplay/Courses/FS22_Calmsden.SampleModMap/Singleplayer
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg17 lp1418] Created directory at C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/modSettings/FS22_Courseplay/Courses/FS22_Calmsden.SampleModMap/Singleplayer/new
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_AutoDrive/drawing/marker_3.i3d (5.35 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg17 lp1418] Created directory at C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/modSettings/FS22_Courseplay/CustomFields/FS22_Calmsden.SampleModMap
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg17 lp1418] Custom field with 55 vertices loaded from C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/modSettings/FS22_Courseplay/CustomFields/FS22_Calmsden.SampleModMap/1.
2022-01-31 07:47 ## Courseplay: setting up signs
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Courseplay/img/signs/stop.i3d (0.84 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Courseplay/img/signs/start.i3d (0.74 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Courseplay/img/signs/cross.i3d (0.45 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Courseplay/img/signs/normal.i3d (0.16 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Courseplay/img/signs/unload.i3d (0.62 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Courseplay/img/signs/wait.i3d (0.78 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Loading vehicle configuration from C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Courseplay/config/VehicleConfigurations.xml ...
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for pov5xl.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ raiseLate = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ lowerEarly = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for citan15001C.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ implementWheelAlwaysOnGround = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for arcusinFSX6372.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ toolOffsetX = -2.4
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ balerUnloadDistance = -3.8
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for rootster604.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ noReverse = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for SE260.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ toolOffsetX = -1.8
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ noReverse = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for keiler2.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ toolOffsetX = -2.0
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ noReverse = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for kuhnSW4014.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ toolOffsetX = -2.5
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ noReverse = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for kuhnDeltis1302.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ ignoreCollisionBoxesWhenFolded = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for kuhnMetris4102.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ ignoreCollisionBoxesWhenFolded = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for poettingerNovaCatX8.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ workingWidth = 8.4
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for navigator6000.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ ignoreCollisionBoxesWhenFolded = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for salford4204.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ turnRadius = 3.0
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for salford8312.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ noReverse = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ turnRadius = 9.0
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for titan11.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ noReverse = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ implementWheelAlwaysOnGround = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ turnRadius = 7.5
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for titan18.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ implementWheelAlwaysOnGround = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ raiseLate = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ lowerEarly = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ turnRadius = 7.5
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for karat12.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ implementWheelAlwaysOnGround = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ lowerEarly = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for koralin9840.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ implementWheelAlwaysOnGround = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for SPSL9.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ toolOffsetX = 2.1
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ implementWheelAlwaysOnGround = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ workingWidth = 10.5
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ turnRadius = 7.5
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for SWT7.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ toolOffsetX = -2.2
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ turnRadius = 9.0
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for 980AirCart.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ noReverse = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for xlAirDrill84.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ noReverse = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ turnRadius = 10.0
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for terminator18.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ noReverse = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for th1400.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ noReverse = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for yp2425A.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ noReverse = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for st820.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ turnRadius = 7.0
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for agrisemCultiplowPlatinum8m.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ turnRadius = 7.0
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for imperador3.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ ignoreCollisionBoxesWhenFolded = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for rubicon9000.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ ignoreCollisionBoxesWhenFolded = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for RB580.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ baleCollectorOffset = 1.4
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for iXterB18.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ ignoreCollisionBoxesWhenFolded = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for iXtrackT4.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ ignoreCollisionBoxesWhenFolded = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for wrapper7850C.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ baleCollectorOffset = 1.5
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for pw10012.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ noReverse = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ implementWheelAlwaysOnGround = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for ecomat.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ raiseLate = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ lowerEarly = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for series3320.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ noReverse = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for series7950b.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ noReverse = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for series3420.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ noReverse = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for series71300.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ noReverse = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for optiJect8.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ workingWidth = 6.0
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for vector460.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ implementWheelAlwaysOnGround = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for vector620.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ implementWheelAlwaysOnGround = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for ursusT127.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ toolOffsetX = -2.4
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ noReverse = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ balerUnloadDistance = -1.8
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for z586.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ toolOffsetX = -2.5
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ baleCollectorOffset = 1.3
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ noReverse = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for claasCropSensor.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ workingWidth = 18.0
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for bigBud747.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ turnRadius = 9.0
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for jcb435s.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ directionNodeOffsetZ = -0.7
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Reading configuration for leebPT350.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] \__ ignoreCollisionBoxesWhenFolded = true
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Loading vehicle configuration from C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/modSettings/FS22_Courseplay/vehicleConfigurations.xml ...
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Vehicle configuration file C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/modSettings/FS22_Courseplay/vehicleConfigurations.xml does not exist.
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg18 lp1418] Link gui element with setting: showsAllActiveCourses
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg18 lp1418] Link gui element with setting: wageModifier
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg18 lp1418] Link gui element with setting: autoRepair
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg18 lp1418] Link gui element with setting: controllerHudSelected
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg18 lp1418] Link gui element with setting: maxDeltaAngleAtGoal
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg18 lp1418] Link gui element with setting: deltaAngleRelaxFactor
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg18 lp1418] Loaded setting: showsAllActiveCourses, value:false, key: Courseplay.GlobalSettings.GlobalSetting(0)
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg18 lp1418] Loaded setting: wageModifier, value:100, key: Courseplay.GlobalSettings.GlobalSetting(1)
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg18 lp1418] Loaded setting: autoRepair, value:70, key: Courseplay.GlobalSettings.GlobalSetting(2)
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg18 lp1418] Loaded setting: maxDeltaAngleAtGoal, value:45, key: Courseplay.GlobalSettings.GlobalSetting(3)
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [dbg18 lp1418] Loaded setting: deltaAngleRelaxFactor, value:10, key: Courseplay.GlobalSettings.GlobalSetting(4)
2022-01-31 07:47 :21 [info lp1418] Auto drive found: true
2022-01-31 07:47 Load mod: Store Deliveries : v1.0.0.0 by ViperGTS96
2022-01-31 07:47 [Vehicle Monitor] Loaded mod version
2022-01-31 07:47 [Vehicle Monitor] Loading config from C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/modSettings/VehicleMonitor/config.xml
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: Loaded navigation cost map from savegame
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cultivator/particle/soilParticle.i3d (51.17 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cultivator/cultivatorMeshes_materialHolder.i3d (30.88 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/slurry/slurryEffects_materialHolder.i3d (44.53 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/unload/unloadMeshes_materialHolder.i3d (47.15 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/unload/unloadParticles_materialHolder.i3d (17.62 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/unload/unloadParticles.i3d (9.61 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/smoke/smokeParticles.i3d (9.71 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/smoke/smokeParticles_materialHolder.i3d (9.50 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/wheel/wheelParticles.i3d (20.19 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/bees/beesParticles.i3d (14.03 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/horse/horseStepParticleSystem.i3d (10.47 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/sprayer/particle/washer.i3d (9.79 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/sprayer/sprayerMeshes_materialHolder.i3d (34.94 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/leveler/levelerMeshes_materialHolder.i3d (17.44 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/wood/particle/forestry.i3d (59.18 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/belt/beltMeshes_materialHolder.i3d (76.26 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/potato/particle/potato.i3d (32.18 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/sugarBeet/particle/sugarBeet.i3d (9.71 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/cotton/particle/cotton.i3d (21.05 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/materialHolders/tensionBeltMaterialHolder.i3d (66.74 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/materialHolders/tireTrackMaterialHolder.i3d (35.58 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/mapTargetMarker.i3d (13.28 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/fillPlanes/fillPlane_materialHolder.i3d (14.73 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/berthoud/vantage4300/vantage4300.i3d (89.86 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/store/ui/shop.i3d (176.37 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 dataS/menu/licensePlate/creationBox.i3d (0.50 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/store/ui/wardrobe.i3d (432.89 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/hubs/hubs.i3d (378.06 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/wheel/wheelEmitterShape.i3d (10.37 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/TM100/R48_TM100.i3d (27.49 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/rims/rim001.i3d (16.13 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/redTriangle_01.i3d (14.39 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/yellowRectangle_01.i3d (10.71 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/plateNumberLight02.i3d (33.60 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/powerTakeOffs/walterscheidW.i3d (32.39 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/koeckerling/allrounderFlatline600/allrounderFlatline600.i3d (93.14 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/wheelChocks/wheelChockSupport01.i3d (21.26 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/wheelChocks/wheelChock01.i3d (25.47 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/T404/R22_5_T404.i3d (25.25 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/AW305/R17_AW305.i3d (86.63 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/frontLight06White.i3d (35.96 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight05.i3d (84.61 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/dalbo/powerRoll1230/powerRoll1230.i3d (71.53 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/AW309/R17_AW309.i3d (27.14 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker04.i3d (33.72 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/bigTriangle.i3d (32.65 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/agco/weight650/weight650.i3d (40.39 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/claas/convioFlex1080/convioFlex1080.i3d (146.41 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/T510/R15_T510.i3d (30.31 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/nardi/n40bx/n40bx.i3d (85.12 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/wheelChocks/wheelChock02.i3d (21.27 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/tires/mitas/FL02/R10_FL02.i3d (31.24 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/redRound_02.i3d (15.21 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/yellowRound_02.i3d (12.30 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/beaconLights/lizard/beaconLight03.i3d (38.16 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/vaderstad/rapidA800S/rapidA800S.i3d (211.63 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/tires/bkt/AS504/_16_AS504.i3d (32.83 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/redTriangle_02.i3d (13.52 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/yellowRound_03.i3d (9.65 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker05White.i3d (25.41 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/hella/hellaWorkingLightRound_01.i3d (37.09 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/jcb/series547/series547.i3d (180.63 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/TH400/R24_TH400.i3d (64.09 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/jcb/series547/sounds/series547_loop.gls version 14 (0.68 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/effects/exhaust/exhaust.i3d (29.44 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/yellowRound_01.i3d (10.95 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/workingLight02.i3d (29.02 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/beaconLights/lizard/beaconLight01.i3d (17.02 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 :28 [dbg18 lp1520] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :28 [dbg18 lp1520] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 :28 [dbg18 lp1520] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :28 [dbg18 lp1520] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 :28 [dbg18 lp1520] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :28 [dbg18 lp1520] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 :28 [dbg18 lp1520] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :28 [dbg18 lp1520] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 :28 [dbg18 lp1521] Bound setting startAt
2022-01-31 07:47 :28 [dbg18 lp1521] Bound setting laneOffset
2022-01-31 07:47 :28 [dbg18 lp1521] Bound setting workWidth
2022-01-31 07:47 :28 [dbg18 lp1521] Bound setting toolOffsetX
2022-01-31 07:47 :28 [dbg18 lp1521] Bound setting toolOffsetZ
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/magsi/telehandlerBaleFork/telehandlerBaleFork.i3d (39.03 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/magsi/telehandlerShovel/telehandlerShovel.i3d (18.81 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/magsi/telehandlerFork/telehandlerFork.i3d (22.30 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/kuhn/vb3190/vb3190.i3d (104.55 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/hubs/hubSmall01.i3d (31.54 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/T510/R08_T510.i3d (14.48 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/whiteRound_02.i3d (9.64 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight40.i3d (41.81 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker03.i3d (44.07 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/powerTakeOffs/walterscheidWWZ.i3d (28.10 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/krampe/hp20/hp20.i3d (59.18 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/TwinRadial/R26_5_TwinRadial.i3d (25.11 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker05Orange.i3d (10.94 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight13.i3d (29.22 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/claas/trion750/trion750.i3d (190.96 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/extinguisher.i3d (36.46 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/TM800/R28_TM800.i3d (21.21 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/claas/lexion8000/sounds/lexion8000_loop.gls version 14 (0.30 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/crawlers/claas/terraTracLexion/terraTracLexion.i3d (112.96 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight22Red.i3d (35.11 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight54.i3d (39.66 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/beaconLights/lizard/beaconLight07.i3d (40.42 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 :30 [dbg18 lp1557] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :30 [dbg18 lp1557] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 :30 [dbg18 lp1557] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :30 [dbg18 lp1557] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 :30 [dbg18 lp1557] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :30 [dbg18 lp1557] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/bredal/k105/k105.i3d (102.32 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/TM600/R34_TM600.i3d (23.26 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight10.i3d (24.44 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight26Orange.i3d (27.04 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight26White.i3d (26.05 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/objects/pallets/liquidTank/liquidTank.i3d (48.08 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/johnDeere/series6R/series6R.i3d (264.64 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/starfire.i3d (37.88 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/TM900/R30_TM900.i3d (27.37 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/johnDeere/series6R/sounds/series6R_loop.gls version 14 (0.35 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 :31 [dbg18 lp1586] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :31 [dbg18 lp1586] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/TM900/R38_TM900.i3d (16.96 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 :31 [dbg17 lp1586] setting waypoint visibility true, mode 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :31 [dbg18 lp1586] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :31 [dbg18 lp1586] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 :31 [dbg18 lp1586] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :31 [dbg18 lp1586] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 :31 [dbg18 lp1586] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :31 [dbg18 lp1586] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/upperLinks/walterscheid03.i3d (44.01 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/toolbar.i3d (23.75 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/upperLinks/johnDeereUpperlink.i3d (25.65 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/fendt/vario700/vario700.i3d (222.15 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/TM600/R30_TM600.i3d (19.59 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/TM600/R46_TM600.i3d (13.22 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/fendt/vario700/sounds/vario700_loop.gls version 14 (0.30 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/hella/hellaWorkingLightSquare_02.i3d (20.67 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/upperLinks/walterscheid04.i3d (11.24 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 :31 [dbg18 lp1604] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :31 [dbg18 lp1604] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 :31 [dbg18 lp1604] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :31 [dbg18 lp1604] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 :31 [dbg18 lp1604] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :31 [dbg18 lp1604] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/upperLinks/walterscheid01.i3d (15.81 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/objects/bigBagPallet/bigBagPallet.i3d (90.71 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/kuhn/gmd3123F/gmd3123F.i3d (64.27 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/kuhn/gmd8730/gmd8730.i3d (142.65 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/redRound_03.i3d (12.63 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/lizard/s710/s710.i3d (41.57 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/T510/R06_T510.i3d (11.93 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 :32 [dbg18 lp1636] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :32 [dbg18 lp1636] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 :32 [dbg18 lp1636] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :32 [dbg18 lp1636] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 :32 [dbg18 lp1636] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :32 [dbg18 lp1636] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/grimme/sl8022/sl8022.i3d (59.07 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/wheelChocks/wheelChock03.i3d (30.74 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/jungheinrich/efgS50S/sounds/efgS50S_loop.gls version 14 (0.06 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 :32 [dbg18 lp1642] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :32 [dbg18 lp1642] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 :32 [dbg18 lp1642] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :32 [dbg18 lp1642] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 :32 [dbg18 lp1642] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :32 [dbg18 lp1642] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/kuhn/ga15131/ga15131.i3d (83.88 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/TwinRadial/R22_5_TwinRadial.i3d (14.49 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker05Red.i3d (9.84 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/vehicles/poettinger/jumbo10020Tridem/jumbo10020Tridem.i3d (206.90 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/cargoXBib/R26_5_cargoXBib.i3d (23.87 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/plateNumberLight01.i3d (39.56 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/workingLight14.i3d (29.73 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight32.i3d (30.49 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/frontLight06Orange.i3d (10.42 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker06Orange.i3d (37.53 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker06White.i3d (21.71 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker06Red.i3d (12.47 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/axioBib/R30_axioBib.i3d (28.84 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/axioBib/R38_axioBib.i3d (24.80 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg17 lp1674] setting waypoint visibility true, mode 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1674] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1674] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1674] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1674] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1674] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1674] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/wheels/weights/weight003.i3d (25.78 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 541-70 AGRI PRO/13: getting working width...
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 541-70 AGRI PRO/13: has NO work area.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] Universal Bucket/?: getting working width...
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] Universal Bucket/?: has NO work area.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] Universal Bucket/?: working width is 0.0.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 541-70 AGRI PRO/13: working width is 0.0.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] startAt: value 4 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value -2 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value -1 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value 1 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value 2 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 6230 R/22: getting working width...
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 6230 R/22: has NO work area.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] GMD 3123 F/?: getting working width...
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] GMD 3123 F/?: aiMarkers: left=1.58, right=-1.58 (width 3.17)
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] GMD 3123 F/?: working width is 3.2.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 6230 R/22: working width is 3.2.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] startAt: value 4 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value -2 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value -1 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value 1 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value 2 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 6230 R/22: getting working width...
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 6230 R/22: has NO work area.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] GMD 3123 F/?: getting working width...
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] GMD 3123 F/?: aiMarkers: left=1.58, right=-1.58 (width 3.17)
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] GMD 3123 F/?: working width is 3.2.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] GMD 8730-FF/?: getting working width...
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] GMD 8730-FF/?: aiMarkers: left=4.30, right=-4.30 (width 8.60)
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] GMD 8730-FF/?: working width is 8.6.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 6230 R/22: working width is 8.6.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] startAt: value 4 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value -2 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value -1 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value 1 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value 2 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 718 Vario/23: getting working width...
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 718 Vario/23: has NO work area.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 650/?: getting working width...
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 650/?: has NO work area.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 650/?: working width is 0.0.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 718 Vario/23: working width is 0.0.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] startAt: value 4 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value -2 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value -1 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value 1 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value 2 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 718 Vario/23: getting working width...
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 718 Vario/23: has NO work area.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 650/?: getting working width...
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 650/?: has NO work area.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 650/?: working width is 0.0.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] HALFPIPE HP 20/?: getting working width...
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] HALFPIPE HP 20/?: has NO work area.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] HALFPIPE HP 20/?: working width is 0.0.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 718 Vario/23: working width is 0.0.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] startAt: value 4 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value -2 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value -1 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value 1 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value 2 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] SL 80-22 Quantum/31: getting working width...
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] SL 80-22 Quantum/31: has NO work area.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] S-710/?: getting working width...
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] S-710/?: has NO work area.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] S-710/?: working width is 0.0.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] SL 80-22 Quantum/31: working width is 0.0.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] startAt: value 4 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value -2 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value -1 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value 1 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value 2 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 6250 R/41: getting working width...
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 6250 R/41: has NO work area.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] GA 15131/?: getting working width...
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] GA 15131/?: aiMarkers: left=7.41, right=-7.37 (width 14.78)
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] GA 15131/?: working width is 14.8.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg20 lp1676] 6250 R/41: working width is 14.8.
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] startAt: value 4 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value -2 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value -1 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value 1 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 :33 [dbg18 lp1676] laneOffset: value 2 is disabled
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/placeables/sellingStationBales/sellingStationBales.i3d (0.23 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/marker/markerIcons.i3d (14.25 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/placeables/farma800/farma800.i3d (0.85 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/placeables/farma800/farma8001.i3d (1.08 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/placeables/sellingStationGeneric/sellingStationGeneric.i3d (3.40 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/placeables/sellingStationGenericnolid/sellingStationGeneric.i3d (3.09 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/placeables/lizard/limeStation/limeStation.i3d (39.17 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/placeables/lizard/doghouse/doghouse.i3d (32.90 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/placeables/lizard/doghouse/dogball.i3d (13.66 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/placeables/lizard/dieselTanks/level02/dieselTanksLevel02.i3d (35.21 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/placeables/fert/fert.i3d (0.30 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/placeables/watertank/watertank.i3d (0.27 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/placeables/sleeptrigger/sleeptrigger.i3d (0.26 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/placeables/lizard/sellingPoints/debrisCrusher/debrisCrusher.i3d (47.29 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/placeables/sawmill/sawmillTriggers.i3d (22.71 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/placeables/lizard/sellingStationVehicles/sellingStationVehicles.i3d (13.63 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/placeables/planET/bga250kw/bga250kw.i3d (65.15 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/placeables/bunker/bunker.i3d (0.27 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/placeables/pigBarnSmall/pigBarnSmall.i3d (56.27 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/placeables/pigBarnSmall/navigationMesh.i3d (0.49 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/placeables/horseBarnMedium/horseBarnMedium.i3d (190.23 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/terraLed/switch.i3d (71.31 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/placeables/rudolfHormann/controlPanel/controlPanel.i3d (42.99 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/terraLed/fluorescentTube50W.i3d (40.88 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/placeables/horseBarnMedium/navigationMesh.i3d (0.29 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/placeables/sheepBarnSmall/sheepBarnSmall.i3d (0.77 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/placeables/sheepBarnSmall/navigationMesh.i3d (0.46 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/placeables/chickenBarnSmall/chickenBarnSmall.i3d (96.80 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/shared/assets/lights/rudolfHormann/light150.i3d (34.61 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/placeables/chickenBarnSmall/navigationMesh.i3d (0.28 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/placeables/cowBarnBig/cowBarnBig.i3d (1.39 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Calmsden/maps/placeables/cowBarnBig/navigationMesh.i3d (0.37 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/placeables/kaercher/hds9184M/hds9184M.i3d (50.25 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 data/placeables/lizard/floodLights/level05/floodLight05.i3d (34.19 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 dataS/character/animals/domesticated/dog/dog.i3d (51.00 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 Setting 'Radio Volume': 0.500
2022-01-31 07:47 Setting 'Vehicle Volume': 1.000
2022-01-31 07:47 Setting 'Environment Volume': 0.500
2022-01-31 07:47 Setting 'GUI Volume': 0.500
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: Savegame Setting 'dirtInterval': 3
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: Savegame Setting 'snowEnabled': true
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: Savegame Setting 'growthMode': 1
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: Savegame Setting 'fuelUsage': 2
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: Savegame Setting 'plowingRequiredEnabled': false
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: Savegame Setting 'weedsEnabled': true
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: Savegame Setting 'limeRequired': true
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: Savegame Setting 'stonesEnabled': false
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: Savegame Setting 'economicDifficulty': 1
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: Savegame Setting 'fixedSeasonalVisuals': nil
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: Savegame Setting 'plannedDaysPerPeriod': 1
2022-01-31 07:47 dataS/character/humans/player/player01.i3d (8.05 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 Info: [AD] Info: g_server table: 0x01d78f354a88 g_client table: 0x01d7921837b8 g_dedicatedServer nil g_dedicatedServerInfo nil getUserProfileAppPath C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/ getIsClient true getIsServer true isMasterUser true
2022-01-31 07:47 dataS/character/player01/beards/facialHair01.i3d (3.29 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 dataS/character/player01/clothes/bottoms/botJeans.i3d (4.10 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 dataS/character/player01/heads/maleHead01.i3d (75.12 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 dataS/character/player01/clothes/footwear/footwearWorkboot02.i3d (3.51 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 dataS/character/player01/hairStyles/hairStyleReceding02.i3d (2.50 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 dataS/character/player01/attachments/horseShoe.i3d (0.21 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 dataS/character/player01/clothes/tops/topTeeShirt.i3d (2.43 ms)
2022-01-31 07:47 :47 [dbg17 lp2264] setting waypoint visibility true, mode 1
2022-01-31 07:47 :48 [dbg17 lp2301] setting waypoint visibility false, mode 1
2022-01-31 07:47 :48 [dbg17 lp2301] setting waypoint visibility true, mode 1
2022-01-31 07:47 :48 [dbg17 lp2352] setting waypoint visibility false, mode 1
2022-01-31 07:47 :48 [dbg17 lp2352] setting waypoint visibility true, mode 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :52 [dbg17 lp2495] setting waypoint visibility false, mode 2
2022-01-31 07:47 :52 [dbg17 lp2495] setting waypoint visibility true, mode 1
2022-01-31 07:47 :54 [dbg17 lp2617] setting waypoint visibility false, mode 1
2022-01-31 07:47 :54 [dbg17 lp2617] setting waypoint visibility true, mode 2
2022-01-31 07:48 [Vehicle Monitor] Switched to display mode FULL
2022-01-31 07:48 [Vehicle Monitor] Switched to display mode NONE
2022-01-31 07:48 :16 [dbg18 lp3901] Link gui element with setting: startAt
2022-01-31 07:48 :16 [dbg18 lp3901] Link gui element with setting: laneOffset
2022-01-31 07:48 :16 [dbg18 lp3901] Link gui element with setting: workWidth
2022-01-31 07:48 :16 [dbg18 lp3901] Link gui element with setting: toolOffsetX
2022-01-31 07:48 :16 [dbg18 lp3901] Link gui element with setting: toolOffsetZ
2022-01-31 07:48 :20 [dbg17 lp4144] setting waypoint visibility true, mode 2
2022-01-31 07:48 :20 [dbg17 lp4144] setting waypoint visibility true, mode 2
2022-01-31 07:48 :20 [dbg17 lp4144] setting waypoint visibility true, mode 2
2022-01-31 07:48 :22 [dbg18 lp4274] Unlink gui element with setting: startAt
2022-01-31 07:48 :22 [dbg18 lp4274] Unlink gui element with setting: laneOffset
2022-01-31 07:48 :22 [dbg18 lp4274] Unlink gui element with setting: workWidth
2022-01-31 07:48 :22 [dbg18 lp4274] Unlink gui element with setting: toolOffsetX
2022-01-31 07:48 :22 [dbg18 lp4274] Unlink gui element with setting: toolOffsetZ
2022-01-31 07:49 :53 [dbg18 lp9625] Link gui element with setting: startAt
2022-01-31 07:49 :53 [dbg18 lp9625] Link gui element with setting: laneOffset
2022-01-31 07:49 :53 [dbg18 lp9625] Link gui element with setting: workWidth
2022-01-31 07:49 :53 [dbg18 lp9625] Link gui element with setting: toolOffsetX
2022-01-31 07:49 :53 [dbg18 lp9625] Link gui element with setting: toolOffsetZ
2022-01-31 07:49 :55 [dbg17 lp9709] setting waypoint visibility false, mode 2
2022-01-31 07:49 :56 [dbg17 lp9819] Saving custom field CP-2
2022-01-31 07:49 :56 [dbg17 lp9819] Saved custom field C:/Users/ScottM/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/modSettings/FS22_Courseplay/CustomFields/FS22_Calmsden.SampleModMap/2
2022-01-31 07:49 :59 [dbg18 lp9948] Unlink gui element with setting: startAt
2022-01-31 07:49 :59 [dbg18 lp9948] Unlink gui element with setting: laneOffset
2022-01-31 07:49 :59 [dbg18 lp9948] Unlink gui element with setting: workWidth
2022-01-31 07:49 :59 [dbg18 lp9948] Unlink gui element with setting: toolOffsetX
2022-01-31 07:49 :59 [dbg18 lp9948] Unlink gui element with setting: toolOffsetZ
2022-01-31 07:50 :06 [dbg18 lp10412] Link gui element with setting: showCourse
2022-01-31 07:50 :06 [dbg18 lp10412] Link gui element with setting: openHudWithMouse
2022-01-31 07:50 :06 [dbg18 lp10412] Link gui element with setting: stopAtEnd
2022-01-31 07:50 :06 [dbg18 lp10412] Link gui element with setting: turnOnField
2022-01-31 07:50 :06 [dbg18 lp10412] Link gui element with setting: avoidFruit
2022-01-31 07:50 :06 [dbg18 lp10412] Link gui element with setting: allowReversePathfinding
2022-01-31 07:50 :06 [dbg18 lp10412] Link gui element with setting: allowPathfinderTurns
2022-01-31 07:50 :06 [dbg18 lp10412] Link gui element with setting: foldImplementAtEnd
2022-01-31 07:50 :06 [dbg18 lp10412] Link gui element with setting: raiseImplementLate
2022-01-31 07:50 :06 [dbg18 lp10412] Link gui element with setting: lowerImplementEarly
2022-01-31 07:50 :06 [dbg18 lp10412] Link gui element with setting: turnDiameter
2022-01-31 07:50 :06 [dbg18 lp10412] Link gui element with setting: toolOffsetX
2022-01-31 07:50 :06 [dbg18 lp10412] Link gui element with setting: toolOffsetZ
2022-01-31 07:50 :06 [dbg18 lp10412] Link gui element with setting: symmetricLaneChange
2022-01-31 07:50 :06 [dbg18 lp10412] Link gui element with setting: convoyDistance
2022-01-31 07:50 :06 [dbg18 lp10412] Link gui element with setting: fieldWorkSpeed
2022-01-31 07:50 :06 [dbg18 lp10412] Link gui element with setting: fieldSpeed
2022-01-31 07:50 :06 [dbg18 lp10412] Link gui element with setting: turnSpeed
2022-01-31 07:50 :06 [dbg18 lp10412] Link gui element with setting: reverseSpeed
2022-01-31 07:50 :06 [dbg18 lp10412] Link gui element with setting: debugActive
2022-01-31 07:50 :13 [dbg18 lp10834] Unknown: onFrameClose CpVehicleSettingsFrame
2022-01-31 07:50 :13 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: showCourse
2022-01-31 07:50 :13 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: openHudWithMouse
2022-01-31 07:50 :13 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: stopAtEnd
2022-01-31 07:50 :13 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: turnOnField
2022-01-31 07:50 :13 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: avoidFruit
2022-01-31 07:50 :13 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: allowReversePathfinding
2022-01-31 07:50 :13 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: allowPathfinderTurns
2022-01-31 07:50 :13 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: foldImplementAtEnd
2022-01-31 07:50 :13 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: raiseImplementLate
2022-01-31 07:50 :13 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: lowerImplementEarly
2022-01-31 07:50 :13 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: turnDiameter
2022-01-31 07:50 :13 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: toolOffsetX
2022-01-31 07:50 :13 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: toolOffsetZ
2022-01-31 07:50 :13 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: pipeAlwaysUnfold
2022-01-31 07:50 :13 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: stopForUnload
2022-01-31 07:50 :13 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: selfUnload
2022-01-31 07:50 :13 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: unloadOnFirstHeadland
2022-01-31 07:50 :13 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: strawSwath
2022-01-31 07:50 :13 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: ridgeMarkersAutomatic
2022-01-31 07:50 :14 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: sowingMachineFertilizerEnabled
2022-01-31 07:50 :14 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: symmetricLaneChange
2022-01-31 07:50 :14 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: convoyDistance
2022-01-31 07:50 :14 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: fieldWorkSpeed
2022-01-31 07:50 :14 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: fieldSpeed
2022-01-31 07:50 :14 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: turnSpeed
2022-01-31 07:50 :14 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: reverseSpeed
2022-01-31 07:50 :14 [dbg18 lp10834] Unlink gui element with setting: debugActive
2022-01-31 07:50 :16 [dbg18 lp10982] controllerHudSelected: raised Callback onHudSelectionChanged
2022-01-31 07:50 :16 [dbg18 lp10982] Global settings: reset action events for 6250 R
2022-01-31 07:50 :19 [dbg18 lp11186] Link gui element with setting: showCourse
2022-01-31 07:50 :19 [dbg18 lp11186] Link gui element with setting: openHudWithMouse
2022-01-31 07:50 :19 [dbg18 lp11186] Link gui element with setting: stopAtEnd
2022-01-31 07:50 :19 [dbg18 lp11186] Link gui element with setting: turnOnField
2022-01-31 07:50 :19 [dbg18 lp11186] Link gui element with setting: avoidFruit
2022-01-31 07:50 :19 [dbg18 lp11186] Link gui element with setting: allowReversePathfinding
2022-01-31 07:50 :19 [dbg18 lp11186] Link gui element with setting: allowPathfinderTurns
2022-01-31 07:50 :19 [dbg18 lp11186] Link gui element with setting: foldImplementAtEnd
2022-01-31 07:50 :19 [dbg18 lp11186] Link gui element with setting: raiseImplementLate
2022-01-31 07:50 :19 [dbg18 lp11186] Link gui element with setting: lowerImplementEarly
2022-01-31 07:50 :19 [dbg18 lp11186] Link gui element with setting: turnDiameter
2022-01-31 07:50 :19 [dbg18 lp11186] Link gui element with setting: toolOffsetX
2022-01-31 07:50 :19 [dbg18 lp11186] Link gui element with setting: toolOffsetZ
2022-01-31 07:50 :19 [dbg18 lp11186] Link gui element with setting: symmetricLaneChange
2022-01-31 07:50 :19 [dbg18 lp11186] Link gui element with setting: convoyDistance
2022-01-31 07:50 :19 [dbg18 lp11186] Link gui element with setting: fieldWorkSpeed
2022-01-31 07:50 :19 [dbg18 lp11186] Link gui element with setting: fieldSpeed
2022-01-31 07:50 :19 [dbg18 lp11186] Link gui element with setting: turnSpeed
2022-01-31 07:50 :19 [dbg18 lp11186] Link gui element with setting: reverseSpeed
2022-01-31 07:50 :19 [dbg18 lp11186] Link gui element with setting: debugActive
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unknown: onFrameClose CpVehicleSettingsFrame
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: showCourse
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: openHudWithMouse
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: stopAtEnd
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: turnOnField
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: avoidFruit
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: allowReversePathfinding
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: allowPathfinderTurns
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: foldImplementAtEnd
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: raiseImplementLate
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: lowerImplementEarly
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: turnDiameter
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: toolOffsetX
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: toolOffsetZ
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: pipeAlwaysUnfold
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: stopForUnload
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: selfUnload
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: unloadOnFirstHeadland
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: strawSwath
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: ridgeMarkersAutomatic
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: sowingMachineFertilizerEnabled
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: symmetricLaneChange
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: convoyDistance
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: fieldWorkSpeed
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: fieldSpeed
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: turnSpeed
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: reverseSpeed
2022-01-31 07:50 :31 [dbg18 lp11871] Unlink gui element with setting: debugActive
2022-01-31 07:50 :32 [dbg18 lp11952] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:50 :32 [dbg18 lp11952] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:50 :34 [dbg18 lp12056] Hud element: hover state changed to true
2022-01-31 07:50 :35 [dbg18 lp12091] Hud element: hover state changed to true
2022-01-31 07:50 :35 [dbg18 lp12093] Hud element: hover state changed to false
2022-01-31 07:50 :35 [dbg18 lp12113] Hud element: hover state changed to true
2022-01-31 07:50 dataS/character/animals/wild/deer/deerAdult.i3d (42.69 ms)
2022-01-31 07:50 :35 [dbg18 lp12132] Hud element: onClickPrimary
2022-01-31 07:50 :35 [dbg18 lp12132] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:50 :35 [dbg18 lp12132] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:50 :35 [dbg18 lp12132] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:50 :35 [dbg18 lp12132] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:50 :35 [dbg18 lp12132] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:50 :35 [dbg18 lp12132] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:50 :35 [dbg18 lp12132] startAt: set to default 2
2022-01-31 07:50 :35 [dbg18 lp12132] laneOffset: set to default 0
2022-01-31 07:50 :35 [info lp12132] 6250 R/41: Scanning field 31 on Calmsden Farm
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Start scanning field 31 at -45.8/-341.4
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Field edge found at -24.9/-298.0 after 241 steps
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5, -51.6°), -2.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8, -28.6°), -1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11, 34.4°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (35, -67.6°), -2.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (41, 29.8°), 2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (49, -65.3°), -0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (70, -55.0°), -2.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (83, 30.9°), -0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (91, -40.1°), -3.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (94, -33.2°), 2.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (117, -80.2°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (159, -83.7°), -1.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (178, -76.8°), -3.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (215, -44.7°), -3.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (221, -50.4°), -3.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (227, 130.6°), 2.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (230, -87.1°), -1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (237, -18.3°), -0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (251, 29.8°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (258, 119.2°), 3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (262, 182.2°), -71.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (266, 41.3°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (274, -18.3°), -0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (277, -24.1°), -0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (283, 35.5°), -1.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (287, 32.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (293, 85.9°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (298, -76.8°), -4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (301, 74.5°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (315, -59.6°), -3.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (324, -35.5°), -0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (327, 35.5°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (335, 21.8°), -0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (341, -53.9°), -0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (358, -48.1°), -2.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (361, -29.8°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (373, 16.0°), -2.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (385, 34.4°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (396, -49.3°), -2.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (410, -17.2°), 1.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (425, -77.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (429, 72.2°), 1.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (434, 40.1°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (476, -80.2°), -1.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (495, -74.5°), -2.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (532, -45.8°), -3.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (538, -50.4°), -3.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (544, 130.6°), 2.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (547, -87.1°), -1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (550, -16.0°), 4.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (553, 33.2°), -0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (556, 64.2°), 3.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (564, -81.4°), -0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (567, -36.7°), -2.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (575, 105.4°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (579, 29.8°), 1.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (584, 18.3°), -1.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (588, -49.3°), -2.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (595, -64.2°), -0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (598, -49.3°), 0.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (602, -17.2°), -0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (606, -72.2°), -2.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (609, -35.5°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (612, -169.6°), 3.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (616, 82.5°), 4.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (622, -59.6°), 1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (627, -51.6°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (630, -90.5°), -3.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (633, 77.9°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (639, 30.9°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (643, -71.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (646, 103.1°), 2.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (649, -19.5°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (652, -28.6°), 3.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (655, 87.1°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (658, -71.0°), -3.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (661, 22.9°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (664, 51.6°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (668, 144.4°), -0.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (671, 51.6°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (676, 165.0°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (681, 134.1°), 2.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (685, 41.3°), 1.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (691, 52.7°), -0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (694, 186.8°), -42.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (698, 119.2°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (705, 75.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (708, 186.8°), -42.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (712, 118.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (719, 73.3°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (722, 189.1°), -31.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (726, 118.0°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (733, 75.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (736, 186.8°), -42.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (740, 118.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (747, 74.5°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (750, 187.9°), -36.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (754, 119.2°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (761, 75.6°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (764, 185.6°), -50.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (768, 118.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (775, 74.5°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (778, 186.8°), -42.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (782, 118.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (789, 75.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (792, 72.2°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (795, 104.3°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (801, 115.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (804, 89.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (810, 185.6°), -51.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (814, 118.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (821, 75.6°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (824, 186.8°), -42.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (828, 118.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (835, 75.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (838, 186.8°), -42.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (842, 119.2°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (849, 74.5°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (852, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (855, 105.4°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (861, 116.9°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (864, 87.1°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (870, 188.0°), -36.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (874, 119.2°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (881, 75.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (884, 186.8°), -42.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (888, 119.2°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (895, 75.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (898, 186.8°), -42.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (902, 119.2°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (909, 74.5°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (912, 188.0°), -36.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (916, 119.2°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (923, 76.8°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (926, 185.7°), -50.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (930, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (937, 74.5°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (940, 188.0°), -36.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (944, 119.2°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (951, 75.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (954, 186.8°), -42.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (958, 120.3°), 1.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (965, 74.5°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (968, 188.0°), -36.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (972, 119.2°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (979, 74.5°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (982, 188.0°), -36.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (986, 119.2°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (993, 76.7°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (996, 185.5°), -51.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1000, 118.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1007, 74.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1010, 187.8°), -36.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1014, 119.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1021, 74.4°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1024, 187.8°), -36.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1028, 119.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1035, 73.3°), -0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1038, 189.0°), -32.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1042, 119.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1049, 75.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1052, 72.2°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1055, 105.4°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1061, 113.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1064, 89.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1067, 181.0°), -285.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1071, 187.8°), -36.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1075, 119.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1082, 75.6°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1085, 185.5°), -51.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1089, 119.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1096, 74.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1099, 187.8°), -36.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1103, 119.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1110, 74.4°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1113, 187.8°), -36.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1117, 118.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1124, 76.7°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1127, 186.7°), -42.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1131, 119.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1138, 74.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1141, 73.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1144, 105.4°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1150, 116.8°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1153, 87.0°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1159, 186.7°), -42.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1163, 118.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1170, 76.7°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1173, 185.5°), -51.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1177, 119.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1184, 75.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1187, 186.7°), -43.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1191, 118.0°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1198, 75.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1201, 186.7°), -42.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1205, 118.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1212, 75.6°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1215, 186.7°), -42.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1219, 119.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1226, 75.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1229, 186.7°), -43.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1233, 119.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1240, 75.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1243, 186.7°), -43.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1247, 119.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1254, 74.4°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1257, 186.7°), -43.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1261, 119.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1268, 74.4°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1271, 187.8°), -36.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1275, 119.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1282, 76.7°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1285, 185.5°), -51.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1289, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1296, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1299, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1302, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1308, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1311, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1314, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1318, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1322, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1329, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1332, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1336, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1343, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1346, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1350, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1357, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1360, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1364, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1371, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1374, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1378, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1385, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1388, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1392, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1399, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1402, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1406, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1413, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1416, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1420, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1427, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1430, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1434, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1441, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1444, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1448, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1455, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1458, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1462, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1469, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1472, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1476, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1483, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1486, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1490, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1497, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1500, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1504, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1511, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1514, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1518, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1525, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1528, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1532, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1539, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1542, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1546, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1553, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1556, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1560, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1567, 73.4°), -0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1570, 74.6°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1573, 104.4°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1579, 117.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1582, 88.3°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1588, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1592, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1599, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1602, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1605, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1611, 105.5°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1616, 109.0°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1622, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1625, 88.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1628, 180.1°), -3231.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1632, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1636, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1643, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1646, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1650, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1657, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1660, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1664, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1671, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1674, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1678, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1685, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1688, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1692, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1699, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1702, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1706, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1713, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1716, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1720, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1727, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1730, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1734, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1741, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1744, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1748, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1755, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1758, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1762, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1769, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1772, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1776, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1783, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1786, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1790, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1797, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1800, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1804, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1811, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1814, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1818, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1825, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1828, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1832, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1839, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1842, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1846, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1853, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1856, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1860, 120.4°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1867, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1870, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1874, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1881, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1884, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1888, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1895, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1898, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1902, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1909, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1912, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1916, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1923, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1926, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1930, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1937, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1940, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1944, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1951, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1954, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1958, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1965, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1968, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1971, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1977, 117.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1980, 88.3°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1986, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1990, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1997, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2000, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2004, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2011, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2014, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2017, 104.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2023, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2026, 88.3°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2032, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2036, 118.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2039, 159.4°), 4.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2044, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2047, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2051, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2058, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2061, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2065, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2072, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2075, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2079, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2086, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2089, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2093, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2100, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2103, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2107, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2114, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2117, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2121, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2128, 76.9°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2131, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2135, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2142, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2145, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2148, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2154, 105.5°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2159, 109.0°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2165, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2168, 88.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2171, 180.1°), -3231.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2175, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2179, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2186, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2189, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2193, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2200, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2203, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2207, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2214, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2217, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2221, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2228, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2231, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2235, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2242, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2245, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2249, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2256, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2259, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2263, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2270, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2273, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2277, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2284, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2287, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2291, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2298, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2301, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2305, 120.4°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2312, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2315, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2319, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2326, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2329, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2333, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2340, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2343, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2347, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2354, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2357, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2361, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2368, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2371, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2375, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2382, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2385, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2389, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2396, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2399, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2403, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2410, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2413, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2416, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2422, 114.7°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2425, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2431, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2435, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2442, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2445, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2449, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2456, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2459, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2463, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2470, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2473, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2477, 120.4°), 1.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2484, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2487, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2491, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2498, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2501, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2505, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2512, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2515, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2519, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2526, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2529, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2533, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2540, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2543, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2547, 120.4°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2554, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2557, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2561, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2568, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2571, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2575, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2582, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2585, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2589, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2596, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2599, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2603, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2610, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2613, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2617, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2624, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2627, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2631, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2638, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2641, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2645, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2652, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2655, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2659, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2666, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2669, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2672, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2678, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2681, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2684, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2688, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2692, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2699, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2702, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2706, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2713, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2716, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2720, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2727, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2730, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2734, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2741, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2744, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2748, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2755, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2758, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2762, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2769, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2772, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2776, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2783, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2786, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2790, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2797, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2800, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2804, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2811, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2814, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2818, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2825, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2828, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2832, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2839, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2842, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2846, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2853, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2856, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2860, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2867, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2870, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2874, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2881, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2884, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2888, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2895, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2898, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2902, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2909, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2912, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2915, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2921, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2924, 88.3°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2930, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2934, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2941, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2944, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2948, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2955, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2958, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2962, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2969, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2972, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2976, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2983, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2986, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2990, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2997, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3000, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3003, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3009, 104.4°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3014, 107.8°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3020, 105.5°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3025, 107.8°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3031, 105.5°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3036, 107.8°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3042, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3045, 89.5°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3048, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3052, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3056, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3063, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3066, 74.6°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3069, 104.4°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3075, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3078, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3081, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3085, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3089, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3096, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3099, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3103, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3110, 73.4°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3113, 74.6°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3116, 104.4°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3122, 118.1°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3125, 84.9°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3128, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3132, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3135, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3141, 96.4°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3146, 107.8°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3152, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3155, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3158, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3162, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3166, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3173, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3176, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3180, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3187, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3190, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3194, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3201, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3204, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3208, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3215, 73.4°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3218, 74.6°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3221, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3227, 117.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3230, 88.3°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3236, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3240, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3247, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3250, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3253, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3259, 105.5°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3264, 109.0°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3270, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3273, 88.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3276, 180.1°), -3231.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3280, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3284, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3291, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3294, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3298, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3305, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3308, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3312, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3319, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3322, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3326, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3333, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3336, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3340, 120.4°), 1.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3347, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3350, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3354, 117.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3361, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3364, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3368, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3375, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3378, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3382, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3389, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3392, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3395, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3401, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3404, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3407, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3411, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3415, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3422, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3425, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3429, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3436, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3439, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3443, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3450, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3453, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3457, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3464, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3467, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3471, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3478, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3481, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3485, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3492, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3495, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3499, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3506, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3509, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3513, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3520, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3523, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3527, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3534, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3537, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3541, 117.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3548, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3551, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3555, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3562, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3565, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3569, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3576, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3579, 74.6°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3582, 104.4°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3588, 118.1°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3591, 84.9°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3594, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3598, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3601, 106.7°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3607, 115.9°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3610, 88.3°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3616, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3620, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3627, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3630, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3634, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3641, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3644, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3648, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3655, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3658, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3662, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3669, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3672, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3676, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3683, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3686, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3690, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3697, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3700, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3704, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3711, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3714, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3718, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3725, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3728, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3732, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3739, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3742, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3746, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3753, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3756, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3760, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3767, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3770, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3774, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3781, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3784, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3788, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3795, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3798, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3802, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3809, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3812, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3816, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3823, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3826, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3830, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3837, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3840, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3844, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3851, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3854, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3858, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3865, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3868, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3872, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3879, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3882, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3886, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3893, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3896, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3899, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3905, 114.7°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3908, 88.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3914, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3918, 119.3°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3925, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3928, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3931, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3937, 117.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3940, 87.2°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3946, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3950, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3957, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3960, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3964, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3971, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3974, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3977, 104.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3983, 117.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3986, 86.0°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3989, 181.2°), -221.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3993, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3996, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4002, 117.0°), 3.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4005, 87.2°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4011, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4015, 117.0°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4022, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4025, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4029, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4036, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4039, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4043, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4050, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4053, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4057, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4064, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4067, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4071, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4078, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4081, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4084, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4090, 117.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4093, 86.0°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4096, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4100, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4103, 106.7°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4109, 115.9°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4112, 88.3°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4118, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4122, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4129, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4132, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4135, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4141, 114.7°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4144, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4150, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4154, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4161, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4164, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4168, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4175, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4178, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4182, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4189, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4192, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4196, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4203, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4206, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4210, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4217, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4220, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4224, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4231, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4234, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4238, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4245, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4248, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4252, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4259, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4262, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4266, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4273, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4276, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4280, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4287, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4290, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4294, 120.4°), 1.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4301, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4304, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4308, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4315, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4318, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4322, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4329, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4332, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4336, 120.4°), 1.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4343, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4346, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4350, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4357, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4360, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4364, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4371, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4374, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4378, 120.4°), 1.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4385, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4388, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4392, 118.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4399, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4402, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4406, 117.0°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4413, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4416, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4420, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4427, 76.9°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4430, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4434, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4441, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4444, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4448, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4455, 73.4°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4458, 189.3°), -31.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4462, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4469, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4472, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4476, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4483, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4486, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4490, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4497, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4500, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4504, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4511, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4514, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4518, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4525, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4528, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4532, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4539, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4542, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4546, 120.4°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4553, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4556, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4560, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4567, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4570, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4574, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4581, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4584, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4588, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4595, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4598, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4602, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4609, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4612, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4615, 104.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4621, 117.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4624, 86.0°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4627, 181.2°), -221.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4631, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4634, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4640, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4643, 88.3°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4649, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4653, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4660, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4663, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4667, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4674, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4677, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4681, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4688, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4691, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4695, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4702, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4705, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4709, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4716, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4719, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4723, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4730, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4733, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4736, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4742, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4745, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4748, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4752, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4756, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4763, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4766, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4770, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4777, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4780, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4784, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4791, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4794, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4798, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4805, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4808, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4812, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4819, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4822, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4826, 120.4°), 1.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4833, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4836, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4840, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4847, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4850, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4854, 120.4°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4861, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4864, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4868, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4875, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4878, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4882, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4889, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4892, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4896, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4903, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4906, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4910, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4917, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4920, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4924, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4931, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4934, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4938, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4945, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4948, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4952, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4959, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4962, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4966, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4973, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4976, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4980, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4987, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4990, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4994, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5001, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5004, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5008, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5015, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5018, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5022, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5029, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5032, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5036, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5043, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5046, 185.8°), -49.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5050, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5057, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5060, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5064, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5071, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5074, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5078, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5085, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5088, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5092, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5099, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5102, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5106, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5113, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5116, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5120, 118.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5127, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5130, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5134, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5141, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5144, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5148, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5155, 76.9°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5158, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5162, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5169, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5172, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5176, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5183, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5186, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5190, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5197, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5200, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5203, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5209, 117.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5212, 86.0°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5215, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5219, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5222, 106.7°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5228, 115.9°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5231, 88.3°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5237, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5241, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5248, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5251, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5255, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5262, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5265, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5269, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5276, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5279, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5283, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5290, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5293, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5297, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5304, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5307, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5311, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5318, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5321, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5325, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5332, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5335, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5339, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5346, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5349, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5353, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5360, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5363, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5367, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5374, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5377, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5381, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5388, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5391, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5395, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5402, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5405, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5409, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5416, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5419, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5423, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5430, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5433, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5436, 104.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5442, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5445, 88.3°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5448, 180.1°), -3231.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5452, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5456, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5463, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5466, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5470, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5477, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5480, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5484, 117.0°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5491, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5494, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5498, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5505, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5508, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5512, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5519, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5522, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5526, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5533, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5536, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5540, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5547, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5550, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5553, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5559, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5562, 89.5°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5565, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5569, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5572, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5578, 105.5°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5583, 109.0°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5589, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5592, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5598, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5602, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5609, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5612, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5616, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5623, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5626, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5630, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5637, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5640, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5644, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5651, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5654, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5657, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5663, 114.7°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5666, 88.3°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5672, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5676, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5683, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5686, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5690, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5697, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5700, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5704, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5711, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5714, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5718, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5725, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5728, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5732, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5739, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5742, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5746, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5753, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5756, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5760, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5767, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5770, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5774, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5781, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5784, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5788, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5795, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5798, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5802, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5809, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5812, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5815, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5821, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5824, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5827, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5831, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5835, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5842, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5845, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5849, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5856, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5859, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5863, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5870, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5873, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5877, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5884, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5887, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5891, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5898, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5901, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5905, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5912, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5915, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5919, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5926, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5929, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5933, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5940, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5943, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5947, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5954, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5957, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5961, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5968, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5971, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5975, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5982, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5985, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5989, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5996, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5999, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6003, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6010, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6013, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6017, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6024, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6027, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6031, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6038, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6041, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6045, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6052, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6055, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6059, 118.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6066, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6069, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6073, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6080, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6083, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6087, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6094, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6097, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6101, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6108, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6111, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6115, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6122, 75.7°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6125, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6129, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6136, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6139, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6143, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6150, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6153, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6157, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6164, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6167, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6171, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6178, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6181, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6185, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6192, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6195, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6199, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6206, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6209, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6213, 120.4°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6220, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6223, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6227, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6234, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6237, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6241, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6248, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6251, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6255, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6262, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6265, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6269, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6276, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6279, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6283, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6290, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6293, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6297, 118.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6304, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6307, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6311, 117.0°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6318, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6321, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6325, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6332, 76.9°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6335, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6339, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6346, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6349, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6352, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6358, 105.5°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6363, 109.0°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6369, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6372, 88.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6375, 180.1°), -3231.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6379, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6383, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6390, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6393, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6397, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6404, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6407, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6411, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6418, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6421, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6425, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6432, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6435, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6439, 120.4°), 1.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6446, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6449, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6453, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6460, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6463, 185.8°), -49.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6467, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6474, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6477, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6481, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6488, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6491, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6495, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6502, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6505, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6509, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6516, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6519, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6522, 104.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6528, 117.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6531, 86.0°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6534, 181.2°), -221.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6538, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6541, 106.7°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6547, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6550, 88.3°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6556, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6560, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6567, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6570, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6574, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6581, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6584, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6588, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6595, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6598, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6602, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6609, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6612, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6616, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6623, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6626, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6630, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6637, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6640, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6644, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6651, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6654, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6658, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6665, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6668, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6672, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6679, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6682, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6686, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6693, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6696, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6700, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6707, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6710, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6714, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6721, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6724, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6728, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6735, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6738, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6742, 118.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6749, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6752, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6756, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6763, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6766, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6770, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6777, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6780, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6784, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6791, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6794, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6798, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6805, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6808, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6812, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6819, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6822, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6826, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6833, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6836, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6840, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6847, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6850, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6854, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6861, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6864, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6868, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6875, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6878, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6882, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6889, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6892, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6896, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6903, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6906, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6909, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6915, 114.7°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6918, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6924, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6928, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6935, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6938, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6942, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6949, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6952, 185.8°), -49.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6956, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6963, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6966, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6970, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6977, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6980, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6984, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6991, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6994, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6998, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7005, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7008, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7012, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7019, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7022, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7026, 119.3°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7033, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7036, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7040, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7047, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7050, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7054, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7061, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7064, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7068, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7075, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7078, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7082, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7089, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7092, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7096, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7103, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7106, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7110, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7117, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7120, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7124, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7131, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7134, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7138, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7145, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7148, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7152, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7159, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7162, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7165, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7171, 117.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7174, 87.2°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7180, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7184, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7191, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7194, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7198, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7205, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7208, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7211, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7217, 114.7°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7220, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7226, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7230, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7237, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7240, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7244, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7251, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7254, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7257, 104.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7263, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7266, 88.3°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7272, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7276, 118.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7283, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7286, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7290, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7297, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7300, 185.8°), -49.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7304, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7311, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7314, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7318, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7325, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7328, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7332, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7339, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7342, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7346, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7353, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7356, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7360, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7367, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7370, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7374, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7381, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7384, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7388, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7395, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7398, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7402, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7409, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7412, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7416, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7423, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7426, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7430, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7437, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7440, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7444, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7451, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7454, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7458, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7465, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7468, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7472, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7479, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7482, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7486, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7493, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7496, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7500, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7507, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7510, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7514, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7521, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7524, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7528, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7535, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7538, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7542, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7549, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7552, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7556, 120.4°), 1.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7563, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7566, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7570, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7577, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7580, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7584, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7591, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7594, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7598, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7605, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7608, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7612, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7619, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7622, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7626, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7633, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7636, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7640, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7647, 76.9°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7650, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7654, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7661, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7664, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7668, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7675, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7678, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7682, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7689, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7692, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7696, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7703, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7706, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7709, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7715, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7718, 89.5°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7721, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7725, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7729, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7736, 75.7°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7739, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7743, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7750, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7753, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7757, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7764, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7767, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7771, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7778, 75.7°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7781, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7785, 120.4°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7792, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7795, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7799, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7806, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7809, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7813, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7820, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7823, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7827, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7834, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7837, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7841, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7848, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7851, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7855, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7862, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7865, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7869, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7876, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7879, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7883, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7890, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7893, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7897, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7904, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7907, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7911, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7918, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7921, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7925, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7932, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7935, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7939, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7946, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7949, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7953, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7960, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7963, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7967, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7974, 75.7°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7977, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7981, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7988, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7991, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7995, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8002, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8005, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8009, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8016, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8019, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8023, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8030, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8033, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8037, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8044, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8047, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8051, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8058, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8061, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8065, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8072, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8075, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8079, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8086, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8089, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8093, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8100, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8103, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8107, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8114, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8117, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8121, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8128, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8131, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8135, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8142, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8145, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8149, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8156, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8159, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8163, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8170, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8173, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8177, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8184, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8187, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8191, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8198, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8201, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8205, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8212, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8215, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8219, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8226, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8229, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8233, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8240, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8243, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8247, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8254, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8257, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8261, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8268, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8271, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8275, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8282, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8285, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8289, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8296, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8299, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8303, 120.4°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8310, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8313, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8317, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8324, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8327, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8331, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8338, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8341, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8345, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8352, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8355, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8359, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8366, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8369, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8373, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8380, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8383, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8387, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8394, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8397, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8401, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8408, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8411, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8415, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8422, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8425, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8429, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8436, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8439, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8443, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8450, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8453, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8456, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8462, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8465, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8468, 180.1°), -3231.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8472, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8476, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8483, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8486, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8490, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8497, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8500, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8504, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8511, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8514, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8518, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8525, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8528, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8532, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8539, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8542, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8546, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8553, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8556, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8559, 104.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8565, 117.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8568, 86.0°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8571, 181.2°), -221.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8575, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8578, 106.7°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8584, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8587, 88.3°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8593, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8597, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8604, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8607, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8611, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8618, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8621, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8625, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8632, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8635, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8639, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8646, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8649, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8653, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8660, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8663, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8667, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8674, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8677, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8681, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8688, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8691, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8695, 120.4°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8702, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8705, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8709, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8716, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8719, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8723, 117.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8730, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8733, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8737, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8744, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8747, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8751, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8758, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8761, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8765, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8772, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8775, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8779, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8786, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8789, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8793, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8800, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8803, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8807, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8814, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8817, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8820, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8826, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8829, 89.5°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8832, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8836, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8840, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8847, 75.7°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8850, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8854, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8861, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8864, 74.6°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8867, 104.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8873, 95.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8878, 106.7°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8884, 96.4°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8889, 106.7°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8895, 96.4°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8900, 105.5°), -3.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8906, 95.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8911, 106.7°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8917, 97.5°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8922, 106.7°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8928, 103.2°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8933, 109.0°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8939, 96.4°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8944, 107.8°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8950, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8953, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8956, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8960, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8964, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8971, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8974, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8978, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8985, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8988, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8992, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8999, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9002, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9006, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9013, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9016, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9020, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9027, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9030, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9034, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9041, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9044, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9048, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9055, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9058, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9062, 117.0°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9069, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9072, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9076, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9083, 76.9°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9086, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9090, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9097, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9100, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9103, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9109, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9112, 89.5°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9115, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9119, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9123, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9130, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9133, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9137, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9144, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9147, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9151, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9158, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9161, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9165, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9172, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9175, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9179, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9186, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9189, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9193, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9200, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9203, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9207, 117.0°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9214, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9217, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9221, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9228, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9231, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9235, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9242, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9245, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9249, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9256, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9259, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9263, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9270, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9273, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9277, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9284, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9287, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9291, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9298, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9301, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9305, 120.4°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9312, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9315, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9319, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9326, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9329, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9333, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9340, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9343, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9347, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9354, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9357, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9361, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9368, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9371, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9374, 104.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9380, 117.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9383, 86.0°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9386, 181.2°), -221.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9390, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9393, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9399, 117.0°), 3.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9402, 86.0°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9405, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9409, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9412, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9418, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9421, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9424, 181.2°), -221.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9428, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9432, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9439, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9442, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9445, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9451, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9454, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9457, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9461, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9465, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9472, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9475, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9479, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9486, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9489, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9493, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9500, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9503, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9507, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9514, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9517, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9521, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9528, 73.4°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9531, 74.6°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9534, 104.4°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9540, 118.1°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9543, 84.9°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9546, 181.2°), -221.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9550, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9553, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9559, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9562, 88.3°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9568, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9572, 120.4°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9579, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9582, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9585, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9591, 114.7°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9594, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9600, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9604, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9611, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9614, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9618, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9625, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9628, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9632, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9639, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9642, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9645, 104.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9651, 117.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9654, 86.0°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9657, 181.2°), -221.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9661, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9664, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9670, 117.0°), 3.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9673, 86.0°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9676, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9680, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9683, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9689, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9692, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9695, 181.2°), -221.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9699, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9703, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9710, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9713, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9716, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9722, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9725, 89.5°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9728, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9732, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9735, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9741, 105.5°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9746, 109.0°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9752, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9755, 88.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9758, 180.1°), -3231.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9762, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9766, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9773, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9776, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9780, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9787, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9790, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9794, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9801, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9804, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9808, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9815, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9818, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9822, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9829, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9832, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9836, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9843, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9846, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9850, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9857, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9860, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9864, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9871, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9874, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9878, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9885, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9888, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9892, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9899, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9902, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9906, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9913, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9916, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9920, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9927, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9930, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9934, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9941, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9944, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9948, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9955, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9958, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9962, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9969, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9972, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9976, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9983, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9986, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9990, 120.4°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9997, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10000, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10004, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10011, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10014, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10018, 117.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10025, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10028, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10032, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10039, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10042, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10046, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10053, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10056, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10059, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10065, 117.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10068, 87.2°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10074, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10078, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10085, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10088, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10092, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10099, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10102, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10105, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10111, 114.7°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10114, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10120, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10124, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10131, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10134, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10138, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10145, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10148, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10151, 104.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10157, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10160, 88.3°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10166, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10170, 118.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10177, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10180, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10184, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10191, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10194, 185.8°), -49.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10198, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10205, 74.8°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10208, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10212, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10219, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10222, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10226, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10233, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10236, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10240, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10247, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10250, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10254, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10261, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10264, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10268, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10275, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10278, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10281, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10287, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10290, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10296, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10300, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10307, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10310, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10313, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10319, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10322, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10328, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10332, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10339, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10342, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10346, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10353, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10356, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10360, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10367, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10370, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10373, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10379, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10382, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10385, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10389, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10392, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10398, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10401, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10407, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10411, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10418, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10421, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10425, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10432, 76.1°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10435, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10439, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10446, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10449, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10453, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10460, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10463, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10467, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10474, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10477, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10481, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10488, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10491, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10495, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10502, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10505, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10508, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10514, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10517, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10523, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10527, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10534, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10537, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10540, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10546, 116.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10549, 88.4°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10555, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10559, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10566, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10569, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10572, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10578, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10583, 107.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10589, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10594, 106.3°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10600, 105.2°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10605, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10611, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10614, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10617, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10621, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10625, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10632, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10635, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10639, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10646, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10649, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10652, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10658, 116.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10661, 86.2°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10664, 182.4°), -114.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10668, 189.1°), -31.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10672, 117.5°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10679, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10682, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10686, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10693, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10696, 184.6°), -61.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10700, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10707, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10710, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10714, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10721, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10724, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10728, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10735, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10738, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10742, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10749, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10752, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10756, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10763, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10766, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10769, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10775, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10778, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10784, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10788, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10795, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10798, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10801, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10807, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10810, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10816, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10820, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10827, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10830, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10834, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10841, 76.1°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10844, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10848, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10855, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10858, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10862, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10869, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10872, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10876, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10883, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10886, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10890, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10897, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10900, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10904, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10911, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10914, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10917, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10923, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10926, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10932, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10936, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10943, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10946, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10949, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10955, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10958, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10964, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10968, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10975, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10978, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10982, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10989, 76.1°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10992, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10996, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11003, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11006, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11010, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11017, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11020, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11024, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11031, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11034, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11038, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11045, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11048, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11052, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11059, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11062, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11065, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11071, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11074, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11080, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11084, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11091, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11094, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11097, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11103, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11106, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11112, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11116, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11123, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11126, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11129, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11135, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11138, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11144, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11148, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11155, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11158, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11162, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11169, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11172, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11176, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11183, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11186, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11190, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11197, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11200, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11204, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11211, 76.1°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11214, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11218, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11225, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11228, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11232, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11239, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11242, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11246, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11253, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11256, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11260, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11267, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11270, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11274, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11281, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11284, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11287, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11293, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11296, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11299, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11303, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11307, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11314, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11317, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11321, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11328, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11331, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11335, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11342, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11345, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11349, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11356, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11359, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11362, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11368, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11371, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11377, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11381, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11388, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11391, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11394, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11400, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11403, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11409, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11413, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11420, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11423, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11426, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11432, 97.4°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11437, 106.3°), -3.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11443, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11446, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11449, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11453, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11456, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11462, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11465, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11468, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11472, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11476, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11483, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11486, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11490, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11497, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11500, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11503, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11509, 116.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11512, 86.2°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11515, 182.4°), -114.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11519, 189.1°), -31.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11523, 117.5°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11530, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11533, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11537, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11544, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11547, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11550, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11556, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11559, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11562, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11566, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11569, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11575, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11578, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11581, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11585, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11588, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11594, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11597, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11603, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11606, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11612, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11615, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11618, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11622, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11626, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11633, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11636, 184.6°), -61.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11640, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11647, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11650, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11654, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11661, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11664, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11668, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11675, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11678, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11682, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11689, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11692, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11696, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11703, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11706, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11709, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11715, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11718, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11724, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11728, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11735, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11738, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11741, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11747, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11750, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11756, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11760, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11767, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11770, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11774, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11781, 76.1°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11784, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11788, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11795, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11798, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11802, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11809, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11812, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11816, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11823, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11826, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11830, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11837, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11840, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11844, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11851, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11854, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11857, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11863, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11866, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11872, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11876, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11883, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11886, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11889, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11895, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11898, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11904, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11908, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11915, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11918, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11922, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11929, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11932, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11936, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11943, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11946, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11950, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11957, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11960, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11964, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11971, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11974, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11978, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11985, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11988, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11992, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11999, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12002, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12005, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12011, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12014, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12020, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12024, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12031, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12034, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12038, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12045, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12048, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12052, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12059, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12062, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12066, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12073, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12076, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12079, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12085, 117.5°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12088, 87.3°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12094, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12098, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12105, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12108, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12112, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12119, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12122, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12126, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12133, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12136, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12140, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12147, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12150, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12153, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12159, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12162, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12168, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12172, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12179, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12182, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12185, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12191, 105.2°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12196, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12202, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12205, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12208, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12212, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12216, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12223, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12226, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12230, 120.9°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12237, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12240, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12243, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12249, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12252, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12258, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12262, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12269, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12272, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12276, 119.7°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12283, 75.0°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12286, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12290, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12297, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12300, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12304, 120.9°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12311, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12314, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12317, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12323, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12326, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12329, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12333, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12337, 118.6°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12344, 75.0°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12347, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12350, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12356, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12361, 107.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12367, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12370, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12373, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12377, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12380, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12386, 105.2°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12391, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12397, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12400, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12403, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12407, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12410, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12416, 114.1°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12419, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12425, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12429, 117.5°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12436, 75.0°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12439, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12442, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12448, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12451, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12454, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12458, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12461, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12467, 113.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12470, 90.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12476, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12480, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12487, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12490, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12494, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12501, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12504, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12508, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12515, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12518, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12521, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12527, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12530, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12533, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12537, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12541, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12548, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12551, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12555, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12562, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12565, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12569, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12576, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12579, 185.8°), -49.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12583, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12590, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12593, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12597, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12604, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12607, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12611, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12618, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12621, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12625, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12632, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12635, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12639, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12646, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12649, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12652, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12658, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12661, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12667, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12671, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12678, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12681, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12684, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12690, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12693, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12699, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12703, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12710, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12713, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12716, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12722, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12725, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12731, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12735, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12742, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12745, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12749, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12756, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12759, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12763, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12770, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12773, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12776, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12782, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12785, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12788, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12792, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12795, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12801, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12804, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12807, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12811, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12815, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12822, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12825, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12828, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12834, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12837, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12840, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12844, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12848, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12855, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12858, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12862, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12869, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12872, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12876, 119.7°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12883, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12886, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12890, 118.6°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12897, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12900, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12904, 119.7°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12911, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12914, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12918, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12925, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12928, 185.8°), -49.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12932, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12939, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12942, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12945, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12951, 117.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12954, 86.2°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12957, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12961, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12964, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12970, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12973, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12979, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12982, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12988, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12991, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12994, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12998, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13001, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13007, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13010, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13016, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13019, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13025, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13028, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13031, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13035, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13039, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13046, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13049, 184.6°), -61.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13053, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13060, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13063, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13067, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13074, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13077, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13081, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13088, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13091, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13095, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13102, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13105, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13109, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13116, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13119, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13122, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13128, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13131, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13137, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13141, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13148, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13151, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13155, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13162, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13165, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13169, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13176, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13179, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13183, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13190, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13193, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13196, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13202, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13205, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13211, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13215, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13222, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13225, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13229, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13236, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13239, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13243, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13250, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13253, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13257, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13264, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13267, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13270, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13276, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13279, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13282, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13286, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13290, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13297, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13300, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13304, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13311, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13314, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13318, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13325, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13328, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13332, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13339, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13342, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13345, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13351, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13354, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13360, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13364, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13371, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13374, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13377, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13383, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13386, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13392, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13396, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13403, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13406, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13409, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13415, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13418, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13421, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13425, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13428, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13434, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13437, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13443, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13447, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13454, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13457, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13461, 117.5°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13468, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13471, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13475, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13482, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13485, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13488, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13494, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13499, 107.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13505, 117.5°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13508, 86.2°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13511, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13515, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13518, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13524, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13527, 87.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13530, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13534, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13537, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13543, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13546, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13549, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13553, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13557, 119.7°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13564, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13567, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13571, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13578, 73.9°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13581, 189.1°), -31.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13585, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13592, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13595, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13599, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13606, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13609, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13612, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13618, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13621, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13627, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13631, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13638, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13641, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13644, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13650, 111.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13653, 90.6°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13659, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13663, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13670, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13673, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13677, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13684, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13687, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13691, 117.5°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13698, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13701, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13705, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13712, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13715, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13718, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13724, 113.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13727, 90.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13733, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13737, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13744, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13747, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13751, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13758, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13761, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13764, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13770, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13775, 106.3°), -3.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13781, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13786, 106.3°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13792, 104.1°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13797, 107.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13803, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13806, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13812, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13815, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13821, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13824, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13827, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13831, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13834, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13840, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13843, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13846, 181.3°), -213.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13850, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13853, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13859, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13862, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13868, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13872, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13879, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13882, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13885, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13891, 105.2°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13896, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13902, 105.2°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13907, 107.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13913, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13916, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13919, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13923, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13926, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13932, 114.1°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13935, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13941, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13945, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13952, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13955, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13958, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13964, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13967, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13970, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13974, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13978, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13985, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13988, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13991, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13997, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14000, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14003, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14007, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14010, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14016, 105.2°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14021, 107.4°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14027, 104.1°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14032, 107.4°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14038, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14041, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14044, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14048, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14051, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14057, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14062, 107.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14068, 117.5°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14071, 86.2°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14074, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14078, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14081, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14087, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14090, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14093, 181.3°), -213.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14097, 189.1°), -31.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14101, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14108, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14111, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14115, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14122, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14125, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14128, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14134, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14137, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14143, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14147, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14154, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14157, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14161, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14168, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14171, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14175, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14182, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14185, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14189, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14196, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14199, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14202, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14208, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14211, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14214, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14218, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14222, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14229, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14232, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14236, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14243, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14246, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14249, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14255, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14258, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14261, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14265, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14268, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14274, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14277, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14280, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14284, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14288, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14295, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14298, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14302, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14309, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14312, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14316, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14323, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14326, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14329, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14335, 105.2°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14340, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14346, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14349, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14352, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14356, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14360, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14367, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14370, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14374, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14381, 75.0°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14384, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14388, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14395, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14398, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14402, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14409, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14412, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14415, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14421, 105.2°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14426, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14432, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14435, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14441, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14445, 118.6°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14452, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14455, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14459, 120.9°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14466, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14469, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14472, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14478, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14481, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14487, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14491, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14498, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14501, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14505, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14512, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14515, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14518, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14524, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14527, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14530, 181.3°), -213.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14534, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14537, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14543, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14546, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14549, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14553, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14556, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14562, 95.1°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14567, 107.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14573, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14576, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14582, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14586, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14593, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14596, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14599, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14605, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14608, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14611, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14615, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14618, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14624, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14627, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14633, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14637, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14644, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14647, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14650, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14656, 105.2°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14661, 109.7°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14667, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14670, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14676, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14680, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14687, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14690, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14693, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14699, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14702, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14708, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14712, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14719, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14722, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14725, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14731, 105.2°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14736, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14742, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14745, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14748, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14752, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14756, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14763, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14766, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14770, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14777, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14780, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14784, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14791, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14794, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14798, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14805, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14808, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14812, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14819, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14822, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14826, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14833, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14836, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14839, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14845, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14848, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14851, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14855, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14858, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14864, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14867, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14870, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14874, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14878, 117.5°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14885, 75.0°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14888, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14891, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14897, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14900, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14906, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14910, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14917, 73.9°), -0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14920, 189.1°), -31.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14924, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14931, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14934, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14938, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14945, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14948, 184.6°), -61.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14952, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14959, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14962, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14966, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14973, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14976, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14980, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14987, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14990, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14994, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15001, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15004, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15008, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15015, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15018, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15021, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15027, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15030, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15033, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15037, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15041, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15048, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15051, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15055, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15062, 75.0°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15065, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15069, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15076, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15079, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15083, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15090, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15093, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15096, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15102, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15105, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15111, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15115, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15122, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15125, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15129, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15136, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15139, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15142, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15148, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15151, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15154, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15158, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15162, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15169, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15172, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15176, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15183, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15186, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15190, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15197, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15200, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15204, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15211, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15214, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15218, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15225, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15228, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15232, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15239, 76.1°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15242, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15246, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15253, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15256, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15260, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15267, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15270, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15274, 117.5°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15281, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15284, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15288, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15295, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15298, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15301, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15307, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15310, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15316, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15320, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15327, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15330, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15334, 120.9°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15341, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15344, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15347, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15353, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15356, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15362, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15366, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15373, 73.9°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15376, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15379, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15385, 105.2°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15390, 107.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15396, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15399, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15402, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15406, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15409, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15415, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15418, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15424, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15428, 118.6°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15435, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15438, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15442, 119.7°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15449, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15452, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15456, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15463, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15466, 185.8°), -49.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15470, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15477, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15480, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15483, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15489, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15492, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15498, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15502, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15509, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15512, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15516, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15523, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15526, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15530, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15537, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15540, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15543, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15549, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15552, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15555, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15559, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15562, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15568, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15571, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15574, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15578, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15582, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15589, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15592, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15595, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15601, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15604, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15607, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15611, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15614, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15620, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15623, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15629, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15633, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15640, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15643, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15647, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15654, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15657, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15661, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15668, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15671, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15675, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15682, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15685, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15689, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15696, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15699, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15703, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15710, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15713, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15717, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15724, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15727, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15730, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15736, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15739, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15745, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15749, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15756, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15759, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15762, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15768, 105.2°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15773, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15779, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15782, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15785, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15789, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15793, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15800, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15803, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15807, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15814, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15817, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15821, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15828, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15831, 185.8°), -49.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15835, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15842, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15845, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15849, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15856, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15859, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15863, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15870, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15873, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15877, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15884, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15887, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15891, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15898, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15901, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15904, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15910, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15913, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15919, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15923, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15930, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15933, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15936, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15942, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15945, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15951, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15955, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15962, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15965, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15969, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15976, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15979, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15983, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15990, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15993, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15997, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16004, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16007, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16010, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16016, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16019, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16025, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16029, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16036, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16039, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16043, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16050, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16053, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16057, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16064, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16067, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16070, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16076, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16079, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16082, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16086, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16089, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16095, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16098, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16104, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16108, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16115, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16118, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16122, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16129, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16132, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16136, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16143, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16146, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16150, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16157, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16160, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16164, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16171, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16174, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16177, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16183, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16186, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16189, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16193, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16196, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16202, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16205, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16208, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16212, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16216, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16223, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16226, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16229, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16235, 117.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16238, 86.2°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16241, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16245, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16248, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16254, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16257, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16263, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16267, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16274, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16277, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16281, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16288, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16291, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16294, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16300, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16303, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16306, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16310, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16314, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16321, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16324, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16328, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16335, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16338, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16341, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16347, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16350, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16353, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16357, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16360, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16366, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16369, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16372, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16376, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16380, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16387, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16390, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16393, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16399, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16402, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16405, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16409, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16412, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16418, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16421, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16427, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16431, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16438, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16441, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16445, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16452, 76.1°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16455, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16459, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16466, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16469, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16473, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16480, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16483, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16487, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16494, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16497, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16501, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16508, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16511, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16515, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16522, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16525, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16528, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16534, 117.5°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16537, 87.3°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16543, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16547, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16554, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16557, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16561, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16568, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16571, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16575, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16582, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16585, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16589, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16596, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16599, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16602, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16608, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16611, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16617, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16621, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16628, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16631, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16634, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16640, 105.2°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16645, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16651, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16654, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16657, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16661, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16665, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16672, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16675, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16679, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16686, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16689, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16693, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16700, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16703, 185.8°), -49.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16707, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16714, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16717, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16721, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16728, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16731, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16735, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16742, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16745, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16749, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16756, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16759, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16763, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16770, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16773, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16776, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16782, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16785, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16791, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16795, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16802, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16805, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16808, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16814, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16817, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16823, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16827, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16834, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16837, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16840, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16846, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16849, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16855, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16859, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16866, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16869, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16873, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16880, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16883, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16887, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16894, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16897, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16900, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16906, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16909, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16912, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16916, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16919, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16925, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16928, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16931, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16935, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16939, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16946, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16949, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16952, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16958, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16961, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16964, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16968, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16972, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16979, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16982, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16986, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16993, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16996, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17000, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17007, 76.1°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17010, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17014, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17021, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17024, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17028, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17035, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17038, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17042, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17049, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17052, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17056, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17063, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17066, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17070, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17077, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17080, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17083, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17089, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17092, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17095, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17099, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17103, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17110, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17113, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17117, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17124, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17127, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17131, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17138, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17141, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17145, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17152, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17155, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17158, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17164, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17167, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17173, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17177, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17184, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17187, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17190, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17196, 116.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17199, 86.2°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17202, 180.2°), -1604.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17206, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17210, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17217, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17220, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17223, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17229, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17232, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17235, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17239, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17243, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17250, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17253, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17257, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17264, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17267, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17271, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17278, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17281, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17285, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17292, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17295, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17299, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17306, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17309, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17312, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17318, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17321, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17327, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17331, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17338, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17341, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17344, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17350, 116.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17353, 86.2°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17356, 182.4°), -114.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17360, 189.1°), -31.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17364, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17371, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17374, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17378, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17385, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17388, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17392, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17399, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17402, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17406, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17413, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17416, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17420, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17427, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17430, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17434, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17441, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17444, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17448, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17455, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17458, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17461, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17467, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17470, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17476, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17480, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17487, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17490, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17493, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17499, 105.2°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17504, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17510, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17513, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17516, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17520, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17524, 118.6°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17531, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17534, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17538, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17545, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17548, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17552, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17559, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17562, 185.8°), -49.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17566, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17573, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17576, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17580, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17587, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17590, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17594, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17601, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17604, 185.8°), -49.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17608, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17615, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17618, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17622, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17629, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17632, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17636, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17643, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17646, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17650, 117.5°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17657, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17660, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17664, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17671, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17674, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17678, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17685, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17688, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17692, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17699, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17702, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17705, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17711, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17714, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17720, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17724, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17731, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17734, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17737, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17743, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17746, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17752, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17756, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17763, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17766, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17769, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17775, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17778, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17784, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17788, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17795, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17798, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17802, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17809, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17812, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17816, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17823, 73.9°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17826, 189.1°), -31.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17830, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17837, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17840, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17844, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17851, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17854, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17857, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17863, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17868, 106.3°), -3.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17874, 95.1°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17879, 107.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17885, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17888, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17891, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17895, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17899, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17906, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17909, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17913, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17920, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17923, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17927, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17934, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17937, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17941, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17948, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17951, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17955, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17962, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17965, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17969, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17976, 73.9°), -0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17979, 189.1°), -31.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17983, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17990, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17993, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17997, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18004, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18007, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18010, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18016, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18019, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18022, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18026, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18030, 119.7°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18037, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18040, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18044, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18051, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18054, 185.8°), -49.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18058, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18065, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18068, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18071, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18077, 116.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18080, 86.2°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18083, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18087, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18090, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18096, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18101, 107.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18107, 105.2°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18112, 107.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18118, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18121, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18124, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18128, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18131, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18137, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18140, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18146, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18150, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18157, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18160, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18164, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18171, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18174, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18178, 117.5°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18185, 75.0°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18188, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18191, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18197, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18200, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18206, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18210, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18217, 73.9°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18220, 189.1°), -31.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18224, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18231, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18234, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18238, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18245, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18248, 184.6°), -61.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18252, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18259, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18262, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18266, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18273, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18276, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18280, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18287, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18290, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18294, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18301, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18304, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18308, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18315, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18318, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18321, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18327, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18330, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18333, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18337, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18341, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18348, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18351, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18355, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18362, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18365, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18369, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18376, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18379, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18383, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18390, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18393, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18396, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18402, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18405, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18411, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18415, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18422, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18425, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18428, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18434, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18437, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18443, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18447, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18454, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18457, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18460, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18466, 97.4°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18471, 106.3°), -3.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18477, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18480, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18483, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18487, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18490, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18496, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18499, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18502, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18506, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18510, 118.6°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18517, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18520, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18524, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18531, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18534, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18537, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18543, 113.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18546, 90.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18552, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18556, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18563, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18566, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18570, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18577, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18580, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18584, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18591, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18594, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18598, 119.7°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18605, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18608, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18611, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18617, 113.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18620, 90.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18626, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18630, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18637, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18640, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18644, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18651, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18654, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18657, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18663, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18666, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18672, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18676, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18683, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18686, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18690, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18697, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18700, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18704, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18711, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18714, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18718, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18725, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18728, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18731, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18737, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18740, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18743, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18747, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18751, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18758, 76.1°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18761, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18765, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18772, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18775, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18779, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18786, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18789, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18793, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18800, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18803, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18806, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18812, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18815, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18821, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18825, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18832, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18835, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18839, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18846, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18849, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18853, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18860, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18863, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18867, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18874, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18877, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18880, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18886, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18889, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18892, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18896, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18900, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18907, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18910, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18914, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18921, 75.0°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18924, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18928, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18935, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18938, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18942, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18949, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18952, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18955, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18961, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18964, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18970, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18974, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18981, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18984, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18988, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18995, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18998, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19002, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19009, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19012, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19016, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19023, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19026, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19029, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19035, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19038, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19044, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19048, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19055, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19058, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19061, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19067, 105.2°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19072, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19078, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19081, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19084, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19088, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19092, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19099, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19102, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19106, 120.9°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19113, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19116, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19119, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19125, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19128, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19131, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19135, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19139, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19146, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19149, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19153, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19160, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19163, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19166, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19172, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19175, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19181, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19185, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19192, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19195, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19199, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19206, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19209, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19213, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19220, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19223, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19226, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19232, 116.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19235, 87.3°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19241, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19245, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19252, 73.9°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19255, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19258, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19264, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19267, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19273, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19277, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19284, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19287, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19291, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19298, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19301, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19305, 119.7°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19312, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19315, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19318, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19324, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19327, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19330, 181.3°), -213.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19334, 189.1°), -31.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19338, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19345, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19348, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19352, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19359, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19362, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19366, 117.5°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19373, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19376, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19380, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19387, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19390, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19393, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19399, 113.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19402, 90.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19408, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19412, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19419, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19422, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19426, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19433, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19436, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19440, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19447, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19450, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19454, 119.7°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19461, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19464, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19467, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19473, 111.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19476, 90.6°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19479, 181.3°), -213.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19483, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19486, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19492, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19495, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19501, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19505, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19512, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19515, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19519, 117.5°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19526, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19529, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19533, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19540, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19543, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19546, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19552, 113.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19555, 90.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19561, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19565, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19572, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19575, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19579, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19586, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19589, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19592, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19598, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19603, 106.3°), -3.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19609, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19614, 106.3°), -3.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19620, 106.3°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19625, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19631, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19634, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19640, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19644, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19651, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19654, 184.6°), -61.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19658, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19665, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19668, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19672, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19679, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19682, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19686, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19693, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19696, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19699, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19705, 105.2°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19710, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19716, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19719, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19722, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19726, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19730, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19737, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19740, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19744, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19751, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19754, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19758, 117.5°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19765, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19768, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19772, 120.9°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19779, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19782, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19785, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19791, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19794, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19797, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19801, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19805, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19812, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19815, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19819, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19826, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19829, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19832, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19838, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19841, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19847, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19851, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19858, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19861, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19864, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19870, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19873, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19879, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19883, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19890, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19893, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19897, 119.7°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19904, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19907, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19911, 118.6°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19918, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19921, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19925, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19932, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19935, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19938, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19944, 113.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19947, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19950, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19954, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19958, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19965, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19968, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19972, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19979, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19982, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19986, 118.6°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19993, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19996, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Field contour with 20001 points generated, total rotation 925009.1°
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: 2. try, edge not found, we may have hit an island or corner, reset/rotate the probe a bit and retry
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Field edge found at -15.3/-317.0 after 196 steps
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5, -30.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9, -43.5°), -3.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12, -48.1°), -3.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16, 24.1°), 1.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (39, -40.1°), -1.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (42, -30.9°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (47, 41.3°), 1.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (54, -88.2°), -3.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (58, -27.5°), -1.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (76, -45.8°), -2.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (79, -39.0°), -2.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (91, 32.1°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (99, -41.3°), -3.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (102, -33.2°), 2.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (125, -79.1°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (167, -82.5°), -1.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (186, -76.8°), -3.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (223, -45.8°), -3.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (229, -49.3°), -3.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (235, 131.8°), 2.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (238, -88.2°), -1.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (241, -16.0°), 3.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (244, 35.5°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (247, 61.9°), 3.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (255, -82.5°), -0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (258, -35.5°), -2.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (266, 107.7°), 3.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (269, 74.5°), 3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (272, -16.0°), 4.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (285, -85.9°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (292, 36.7°), -4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (296, 34.4°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (299, 185.6°), -22.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (302, 222.3°), -2.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (305, 57.3°), -0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (310, 140.9°), -1.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (313, 58.4°), 3.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (316, 79.1°), 3.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (319, 214.3°), -7.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (322, 233.8°), -6.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (325, 45.8°), 1.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (330, 114.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (333, -45.8°), -2.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (342, 63.0°), 3.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (345, 74.5°), 4.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (348, 95.1°), -0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (353, 95.1°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (362, 45.8°), -1.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (367, 113.4°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (370, 43.5°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (378, -18.3°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (381, -25.2°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (387, 37.8°), -1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (391, 33.2°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (395, -59.6°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (402, 97.4°), -2.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (405, 34.4°), 1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (408, -37.8°), 0.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (411, -61.9°), -2.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (414, 56.2°), 2.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (420, -124.9°), -0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (423, 100.8°), 3.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (426, 35.5°), -0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (429, -22.9°), -0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (444, 16.0°), -1.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (450, 30.9°), -3.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (459, 21.8°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (464, 43.5°), 1.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (467, -66.5°), 1.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (474, -22.9°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (481, -94.0°), -4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (484, -77.9°), -0.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (487, 40.1°), 1.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (490, -52.7°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (495, -126.1°), -4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (500, -25.2°), -1.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (503, -67.6°), 1.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (506, -44.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (514, 40.1°), 1.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (517, -52.7°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (522, -124.9°), -4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (527, -26.4°), -0.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (530, -68.8°), 1.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (533, -45.8°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (543, 44.7°), -3.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (546, -22.9°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (550, 80.2°), 4.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (553, 71.0°), -0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (556, 55.0°), 2.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (559, -41.3°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (566, 45.8°), 3.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (572, -124.9°), -1.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (575, -123.8°), -0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (581, -34.4°), 3.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (589, 30.9°), -0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (592, 102.0°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (595, 52.7°), 2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (598, -36.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (603, 84.8°), 3.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (606, -89.4°), -1.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (609, -39.0°), -2.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (613, -35.5°), -0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (616, -39.0°), 1.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (625, -94.0°), -4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (633, 55.0°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (636, 132.9°), 3.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (640, 83.7°), 2.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (643, 191.4°), -25.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (649, 106.6°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (655, 104.3°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (660, 108.9°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (666, 115.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (669, 88.2°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (675, 185.6°), -50.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (679, 119.2°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (686, 74.5°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (689, 187.9°), -36.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (693, 119.2°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (700, 75.6°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (703, 185.6°), -51.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (707, 119.2°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (714, 74.5°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (717, 187.9°), -36.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (721, 119.2°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (728, 75.6°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (731, 185.6°), -51.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (735, 119.2°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (742, 74.5°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (745, 186.8°), -42.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (749, 118.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (756, 75.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (759, 72.2°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (762, 105.4°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (768, 104.3°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (773, 108.9°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (779, 116.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (782, 87.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (788, 188.0°), -36.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (792, 119.2°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (799, 75.6°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (802, 186.8°), -42.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (806, 119.2°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (813, 75.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (816, 186.8°), -42.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (820, 119.2°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (827, 74.5°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (830, 188.0°), -36.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (834, 119.2°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (841, 74.5°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (844, 188.0°), -36.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (848, 119.2°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (855, 75.6°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (858, 185.7°), -50.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (862, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (869, 75.6°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (872, 186.8°), -42.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (876, 119.2°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (883, 75.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (886, 186.8°), -42.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (890, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (897, 74.5°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (900, 188.0°), -36.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (904, 119.2°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (911, 75.6°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (914, 185.5°), -51.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (918, 118.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (925, 75.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (928, 186.7°), -42.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (932, 119.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (939, 74.4°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (942, 186.7°), -43.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (946, 118.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (953, 75.6°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (956, 185.5°), -51.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (960, 119.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (967, 74.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (970, 187.8°), -36.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (974, 119.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (981, 75.6°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (984, 186.7°), -42.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (988, 118.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (995, 76.7°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (998, 185.5°), -51.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1002, 119.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1009, 75.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1012, 186.7°), -43.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1016, 118.0°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1023, 74.4°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1026, 186.7°), -43.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1030, 118.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1037, 73.3°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1040, 189.0°), -32.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1044, 119.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1051, 75.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1054, 186.7°), -43.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1058, 118.0°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1065, 75.6°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1068, 186.7°), -42.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1072, 120.3°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1079, 73.3°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1082, 189.0°), -32.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1086, 118.0°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1093, 75.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1096, 186.7°), -43.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1100, 119.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1107, 75.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1110, 186.7°), -43.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1114, 119.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1121, 74.4°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1124, 186.7°), -43.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1128, 119.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1135, 75.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1138, 187.8°), -36.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1142, 120.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1149, 75.6°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1152, 186.7°), -43.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1156, 119.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1163, 74.4°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1166, 187.8°), -36.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1170, 119.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1177, 75.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1180, 72.2°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1183, 105.4°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1189, 118.0°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1192, 85.9°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1195, 181.2°), -232.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1199, 74.6°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1202, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1208, 117.0°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1211, 86.0°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1214, 181.2°), -221.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1218, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1221, 106.7°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1227, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1230, 88.3°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1233, 180.1°), -3231.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1237, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1241, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1248, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1251, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1255, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1262, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1265, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1269, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1276, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1279, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1283, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1290, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1293, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1297, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1304, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1307, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1311, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1318, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1321, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1325, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1332, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1335, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1339, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1346, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1349, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1353, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1360, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1363, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1367, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1374, 76.9°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1377, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1381, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1388, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1391, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1394, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1400, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1403, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1406, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1410, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1414, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1421, 76.9°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1424, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1428, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1435, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1438, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1441, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1447, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1450, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1453, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1457, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1461, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1468, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1471, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1475, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1482, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1485, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1489, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1496, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1499, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1503, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1510, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1513, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1517, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1524, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1527, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1531, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1538, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1541, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1545, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1552, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1555, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1559, 120.4°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1566, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1569, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1573, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1580, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1583, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1587, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1594, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1597, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1601, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1608, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1611, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1614, 104.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1620, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1623, 88.3°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1626, 180.1°), -3231.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1630, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1634, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1641, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1644, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1648, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1655, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1658, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1662, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1669, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1672, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1676, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1683, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1686, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1689, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1695, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1698, 89.5°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1701, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1705, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1709, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1716, 75.7°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1719, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1723, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1730, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1733, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1737, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1744, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1747, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1751, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1758, 75.7°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1761, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1765, 120.4°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1772, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1775, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1779, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1786, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1789, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1793, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1800, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1803, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1807, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1814, 75.7°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1817, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1821, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1828, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1831, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1835, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1842, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1845, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1849, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1856, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1859, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1863, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1870, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1873, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1877, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1884, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1887, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1891, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1898, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1901, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1905, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1912, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1915, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1919, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1926, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1929, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1933, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1940, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1943, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1947, 120.4°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1954, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1957, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1961, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1968, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1971, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1975, 117.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1982, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1985, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1989, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1996, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (1999, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2003, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2010, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2013, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2017, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2024, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2027, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2031, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2038, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2041, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2045, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2052, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2055, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2059, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2066, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2069, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2072, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2078, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2081, 89.5°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2084, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2088, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2092, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2099, 75.7°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2102, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2106, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2113, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2116, 74.6°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2119, 104.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2125, 95.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2130, 106.7°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2136, 96.4°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2141, 106.7°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2147, 96.4°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2152, 105.5°), -3.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2158, 95.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2163, 106.7°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2169, 97.5°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2174, 106.7°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2180, 103.2°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2185, 109.0°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2191, 96.4°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2196, 107.8°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2202, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2205, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2208, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2212, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2216, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2223, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2226, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2230, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2237, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2240, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2244, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2251, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2254, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2258, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2265, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2268, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2272, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2279, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2282, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2286, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2293, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2296, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2300, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2307, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2310, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2314, 117.0°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2321, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2324, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2328, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2335, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2338, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2342, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2349, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2352, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2356, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2363, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2366, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2370, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2377, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2380, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2384, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2391, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2394, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2398, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2405, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2408, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2412, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2419, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2422, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2426, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2433, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2436, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2440, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2447, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2450, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2454, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2461, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2464, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2467, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2473, 117.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2476, 86.0°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2479, 181.2°), -221.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2483, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2487, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2494, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2497, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2501, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2508, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2511, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2515, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2522, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2525, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2529, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2536, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2539, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2543, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2550, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2553, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2557, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2564, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2567, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2571, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2578, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2581, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2585, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2592, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2595, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2599, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2606, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2609, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2613, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2620, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2623, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2627, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2634, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2637, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2641, 118.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2648, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2651, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2655, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2662, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2665, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2669, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2676, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2679, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2682, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2688, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2691, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2694, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2698, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2702, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2709, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2712, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2716, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2723, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2726, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2729, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2735, 117.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2738, 88.3°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2744, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2748, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2755, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2758, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2762, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2769, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2772, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2775, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2781, 114.7°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2784, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2790, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2794, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2801, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2804, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2808, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2815, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2818, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2822, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2829, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2832, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2836, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2843, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2846, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2850, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2857, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2860, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2864, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2871, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2874, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2878, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2885, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2888, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2892, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2899, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2902, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2906, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2913, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2916, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2920, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2927, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2930, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2934, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2941, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2944, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2948, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2955, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2958, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2962, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2969, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2972, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2976, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2983, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2986, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2990, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (2997, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3000, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3004, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3011, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3014, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3018, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3025, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3028, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3031, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3037, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3040, 89.5°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3043, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3047, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3051, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3058, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3061, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3065, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3072, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3075, 74.6°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3078, 104.4°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3084, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3087, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3090, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3094, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3098, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3105, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3108, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3112, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3119, 73.4°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3122, 74.6°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3125, 104.4°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3131, 118.1°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3134, 84.9°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3137, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3141, 73.4°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3144, 104.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3150, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3153, 87.2°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3156, 181.2°), -223.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3160, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3164, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3171, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3174, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3178, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3185, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3188, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3192, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3199, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3202, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3206, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3213, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3216, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3220, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3227, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3230, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3234, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3241, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3244, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3248, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3255, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3258, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3262, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3269, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3272, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3276, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3283, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3286, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3290, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3297, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3300, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3304, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3311, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3314, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3318, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3325, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3328, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3331, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3337, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3340, 89.5°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3343, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3347, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3350, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3356, 105.5°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3361, 109.0°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3367, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3370, 88.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3373, 180.1°), -3231.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3377, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3381, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3388, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3391, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3395, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3402, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3405, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3409, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3416, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3419, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3423, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3430, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3433, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3437, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3444, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3447, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3451, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3458, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3461, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3465, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3472, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3475, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3479, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3486, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3489, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3492, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3498, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3501, 89.5°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3504, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3508, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3511, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3517, 114.7°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3520, 88.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3526, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3530, 120.4°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3537, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3540, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3544, 118.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3551, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3554, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3558, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3565, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3568, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3572, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3579, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3582, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3586, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3593, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3596, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3599, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3605, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3608, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3611, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3615, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3619, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3626, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3629, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3633, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3640, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3643, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3647, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3654, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3657, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3661, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3668, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3671, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3675, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3682, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3685, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3689, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3696, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3699, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3703, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3710, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3713, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3717, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3724, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3727, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3731, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3738, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3741, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3745, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3752, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3755, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3759, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3766, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3769, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3773, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3780, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3783, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3787, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3794, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3797, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3801, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3808, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3811, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3815, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3822, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3825, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3829, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3836, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3839, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3843, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3850, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3853, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3857, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3864, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3867, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3871, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3878, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3881, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3884, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3890, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3893, 89.5°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3896, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3900, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3903, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3909, 105.5°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3914, 109.0°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3920, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3923, 88.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3926, 180.1°), -3231.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3930, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3934, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3941, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3944, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3948, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3955, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3958, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3962, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3969, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3972, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3976, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3983, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3986, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3990, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (3997, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4000, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4004, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4011, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4014, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4018, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4025, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4028, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4032, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4039, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4042, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4046, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4053, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4056, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4060, 120.4°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4067, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4070, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4074, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4081, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4084, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4088, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4095, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4098, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4102, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4109, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4112, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4116, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4123, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4126, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4130, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4137, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4140, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4144, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4151, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4154, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4158, 120.4°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4165, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4168, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4172, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4179, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4182, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4186, 117.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4193, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4196, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4200, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4207, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4210, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4214, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4221, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4224, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4227, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4233, 117.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4236, 87.2°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4242, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4246, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4253, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4256, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4260, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4267, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4270, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4273, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4279, 114.7°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4282, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4288, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4292, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4299, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4302, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4306, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4313, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4316, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4319, 104.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4325, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4328, 88.3°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4334, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4338, 119.3°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4345, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4348, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4352, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4359, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4362, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4366, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4373, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4376, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4380, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4387, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4390, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4394, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4401, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4404, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4408, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4415, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4418, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4422, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4429, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4432, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4436, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4443, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4446, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4450, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4457, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4460, 185.8°), -49.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4464, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4471, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4474, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4478, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4485, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4488, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4492, 117.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4499, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4502, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4506, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4513, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4516, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4520, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4527, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4530, 73.4°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4533, 104.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4539, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4542, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4548, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4552, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4559, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4562, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4565, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4571, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4574, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4577, 180.1°), -3231.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4581, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4585, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4592, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4595, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4599, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4606, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4609, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4613, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4620, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4623, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4627, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4634, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4637, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4641, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4648, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4651, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4655, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4662, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4665, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4669, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4676, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4679, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4683, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4690, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4693, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4697, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4704, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4707, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4711, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4718, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4721, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4725, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4732, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4735, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4739, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4746, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4749, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4753, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4760, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4763, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4766, 104.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4772, 117.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4775, 86.0°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4778, 181.2°), -221.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4782, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4785, 106.7°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4791, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4794, 88.3°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4800, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4804, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4811, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4814, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4818, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4825, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4828, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4832, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4839, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4842, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4846, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4853, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4856, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4860, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4867, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4870, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4874, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4881, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4884, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4888, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4895, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4898, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4902, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4909, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4912, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4916, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4923, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4926, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4929, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4935, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4938, 88.3°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4944, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4948, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4955, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4958, 185.8°), -49.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4962, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4969, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4972, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4976, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4983, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4986, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4990, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (4997, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5000, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5004, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5011, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5014, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5018, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5025, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5028, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5032, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5039, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5042, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5046, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5053, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5056, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5060, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5067, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5070, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5074, 120.4°), 1.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5081, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5084, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5088, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5095, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5098, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5102, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5109, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5112, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5116, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5123, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5126, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5130, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5137, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5140, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5144, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5151, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5154, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5158, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5165, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5168, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5172, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5179, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5182, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5186, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5193, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5196, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5200, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5207, 76.9°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5210, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5214, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5221, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5224, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5227, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5233, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5236, 89.5°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5239, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5243, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5247, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5254, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5257, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5261, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5268, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5271, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5275, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5282, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5285, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5289, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5296, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5299, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5303, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5310, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5313, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5317, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5324, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5327, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5331, 117.0°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5338, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5341, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5345, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5352, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5355, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5359, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5366, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5369, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5373, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5380, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5383, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5387, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5394, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5397, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5401, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5408, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5411, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5415, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5422, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5425, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5429, 120.4°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5436, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5439, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5443, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5450, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5453, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5457, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5464, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5467, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5471, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5478, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5481, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5485, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5492, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5495, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5498, 104.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5504, 117.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5507, 86.0°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5510, 181.2°), -221.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5514, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5517, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5523, 117.0°), 3.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5526, 86.0°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5529, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5533, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5536, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5542, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5545, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5548, 181.2°), -221.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5552, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5556, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5563, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5566, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5569, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5575, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5578, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5581, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5585, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5589, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5596, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5599, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5603, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5610, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5613, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5617, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5624, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5627, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5631, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5638, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5641, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5645, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5652, 75.7°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5655, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5659, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5666, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5669, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5672, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5678, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5681, 89.5°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5684, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5688, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5692, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5699, 75.7°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5702, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5706, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5713, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5716, 74.6°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5719, 104.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5725, 95.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5730, 106.7°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5736, 96.4°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5741, 106.7°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5747, 96.4°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5752, 106.7°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5758, 114.7°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5761, 88.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5764, 181.2°), -223.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5768, 74.6°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5771, 104.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5777, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5780, 88.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5783, 180.1°), -3231.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5787, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5791, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5798, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5801, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5805, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5812, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5815, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5819, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5826, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5829, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5833, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5840, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5843, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5847, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5854, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5857, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5861, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5868, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5871, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5875, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5882, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5885, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5889, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5896, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5899, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5903, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5910, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5913, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5917, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5924, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5927, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5931, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5938, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5941, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5945, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5952, 75.7°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5955, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5959, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5966, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5969, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5973, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5980, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5983, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5987, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5994, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (5997, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6001, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6008, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6011, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6015, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6022, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6025, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6029, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6036, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6039, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6043, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6050, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6053, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6057, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6064, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6067, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6071, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6078, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6081, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6085, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6092, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6095, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6099, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6106, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6109, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6112, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6118, 114.7°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6121, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6127, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6131, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6138, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6141, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6145, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6152, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6155, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6158, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6164, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6167, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6170, 180.1°), -3231.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6174, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6178, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6185, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6188, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6192, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6199, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6202, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6206, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6213, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6216, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6220, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6227, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6230, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6234, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6241, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6244, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6247, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6253, 114.7°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6256, 88.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6262, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6266, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6273, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6276, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6280, 118.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6283, 159.4°), 4.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6288, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6291, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6295, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6302, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6305, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6309, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6316, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6319, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6323, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6330, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6333, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6337, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6344, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6347, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6351, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6358, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6361, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6365, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6372, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6375, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6379, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6386, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6389, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6393, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6400, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6403, 185.8°), -49.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6407, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6414, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6417, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6421, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6428, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6431, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6435, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6442, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6445, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6449, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6456, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6459, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6462, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6468, 114.7°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6471, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6477, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6481, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6488, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6491, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6495, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6502, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6505, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6508, 104.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6514, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6517, 88.3°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6523, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6527, 118.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6530, 159.4°), 4.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6535, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6538, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6542, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6549, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6552, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6556, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6563, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6566, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6570, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6577, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6580, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6584, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6591, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6594, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6598, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6605, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6608, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6612, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6619, 76.9°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6622, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6626, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6633, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6636, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6640, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6647, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6650, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6654, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6661, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6664, 74.6°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6667, 104.4°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6673, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6676, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6679, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6683, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6687, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6694, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6697, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6701, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6708, 73.4°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6711, 74.6°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6714, 104.4°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6720, 118.1°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6723, 84.9°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6726, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6730, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6733, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6739, 117.0°), 3.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6742, 86.0°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6745, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6749, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6753, 117.0°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6760, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6763, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6767, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6774, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6777, 73.4°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6780, 104.4°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6786, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6789, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6792, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6796, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6800, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6807, 75.7°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6810, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6814, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6821, 73.4°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6824, 74.6°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6827, 104.4°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6833, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6836, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6839, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6843, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6847, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6854, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6857, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6861, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6868, 73.4°), -0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6871, 74.6°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6874, 104.4°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6880, 118.1°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6883, 84.9°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6886, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6890, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6893, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6899, 96.4°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6904, 107.8°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6910, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6913, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6916, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6920, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6924, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6931, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6934, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6938, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6945, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6948, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6952, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6959, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6962, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6966, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6973, 73.4°), -0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6976, 74.6°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6979, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6985, 117.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6988, 88.3°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6994, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (6998, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7005, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7008, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7011, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7017, 105.5°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7022, 109.0°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7028, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7031, 88.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7034, 180.1°), -3231.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7038, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7042, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7049, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7052, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7056, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7063, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7066, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7070, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7077, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7080, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7084, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7091, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7094, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7098, 120.4°), 1.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7105, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7108, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7112, 117.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7119, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7122, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7126, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7133, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7136, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7140, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7147, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7150, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7153, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7159, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7162, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7165, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7169, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7173, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7180, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7183, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7187, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7194, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7197, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7201, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7208, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7211, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7215, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7222, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7225, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7229, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7236, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7239, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7243, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7250, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7253, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7257, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7264, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7267, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7271, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7278, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7281, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7285, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7292, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7295, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7299, 117.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7306, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7309, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7313, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7320, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7323, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7327, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7334, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7337, 74.6°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7340, 104.4°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7346, 118.1°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7349, 84.9°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7352, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7356, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7359, 106.7°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7365, 115.9°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7368, 88.3°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7374, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7378, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7385, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7388, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7392, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7399, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7402, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7406, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7413, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7416, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7420, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7427, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7430, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7434, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7441, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7444, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7447, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7453, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7456, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7459, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7463, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7467, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7474, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7477, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7481, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7488, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7491, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7495, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7502, 76.9°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7505, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7509, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7516, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7519, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7523, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7530, 75.7°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7533, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7537, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7544, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7547, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7550, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7556, 104.4°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7561, 109.0°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7567, 114.7°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7570, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7576, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7580, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7587, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7590, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7594, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7601, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7604, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7608, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7615, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7618, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7622, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7629, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7632, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7636, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7643, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7646, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7650, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7657, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7660, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7664, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7671, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7674, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7678, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7685, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7688, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7692, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7699, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7702, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7706, 118.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7713, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7716, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7720, 117.0°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7727, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7730, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7734, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7741, 76.9°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7744, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7748, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7755, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7758, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7761, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7767, 105.5°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7772, 109.0°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7778, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7781, 88.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7784, 180.1°), -3231.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7788, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7792, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7799, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7802, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7806, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7813, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7816, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7820, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7827, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7830, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7834, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7841, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7844, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7848, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7855, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7858, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7862, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7869, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7872, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7876, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7883, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7886, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7890, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7897, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7900, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7904, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7911, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7914, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7917, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7923, 114.7°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7926, 88.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7932, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7936, 119.3°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7943, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7946, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7950, 118.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7957, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7960, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7964, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7971, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7974, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7978, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7985, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7988, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7991, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (7997, 104.4°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8002, 107.8°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8008, 105.5°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8013, 107.8°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8019, 105.5°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8024, 107.8°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8030, 104.4°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8035, 109.0°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8041, 104.4°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8046, 109.0°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8052, 104.4°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8057, 109.0°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8063, 103.2°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8068, 109.0°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8074, 104.4°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8079, 107.8°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8085, 96.4°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8090, 106.7°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8096, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8099, 87.2°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8102, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8106, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8110, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8117, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8120, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8124, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8131, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8134, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8138, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8145, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8148, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8152, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8159, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8162, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8166, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8173, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8176, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8180, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8187, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8190, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8194, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8201, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8204, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8208, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8215, 76.9°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8218, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8222, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8229, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8232, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8235, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8241, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8244, 89.5°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8247, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8251, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8255, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8262, 75.7°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8265, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8269, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8276, 76.9°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8279, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8283, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8290, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8293, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8296, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8302, 105.5°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8307, 109.0°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8313, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8316, 88.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8319, 180.1°), -3231.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8323, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8327, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8334, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8337, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8341, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8348, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8351, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8355, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8362, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8365, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8369, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8376, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8379, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8383, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8390, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8393, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8397, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8404, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8407, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8411, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8418, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8421, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8425, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8432, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8435, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8439, 117.0°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8446, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8449, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8453, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8460, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8463, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8467, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8474, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8477, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8480, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8486, 114.7°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8489, 88.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8492, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8496, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8500, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8507, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8510, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8514, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8521, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8524, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8527, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8533, 117.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8536, 86.0°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8539, 181.2°), -221.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8543, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8546, 106.7°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8552, 115.9°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8555, 88.3°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8561, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8565, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8572, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8575, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8579, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8586, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8589, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8593, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8600, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8603, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8607, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8614, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8617, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8621, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8628, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8631, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8634, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8640, 104.4°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8645, 107.8°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8651, 105.5°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8656, 107.8°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8662, 114.7°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8665, 88.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8668, 181.2°), -223.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8672, 74.6°), -1.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8675, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8681, 96.4°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8686, 106.7°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8692, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8695, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8698, 180.1°), -3231.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8702, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8706, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8713, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8716, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8720, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8727, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8730, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8734, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8741, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8744, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8748, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8755, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8758, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8762, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8769, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8772, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8776, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8783, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8786, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8789, 104.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8795, 117.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8798, 88.3°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8804, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8808, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8815, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8818, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8822, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8829, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8832, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8836, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8843, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8846, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8850, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8857, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8860, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8864, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8871, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8874, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8878, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8885, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8888, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8892, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8899, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8902, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8906, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8913, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8916, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8920, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8927, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8930, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8934, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8941, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8944, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8948, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8955, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8958, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8962, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8969, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8972, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8976, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8983, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8986, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8990, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (8997, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9000, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9004, 118.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9011, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9014, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9018, 117.0°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9025, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9028, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9032, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9039, 76.9°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9042, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9046, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9053, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9056, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9060, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9067, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9070, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9074, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9081, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9084, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9088, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9095, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9098, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9102, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9109, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9112, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9116, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9123, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9126, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9130, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9137, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9140, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9144, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9151, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9154, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9158, 120.4°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9165, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9168, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9172, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9179, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9182, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9186, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9193, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9196, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9200, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9207, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9210, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9214, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9221, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9224, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9228, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9235, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9238, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9242, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9249, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9252, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9256, 120.4°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9263, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9266, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9270, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9277, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9280, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9284, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9291, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9294, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9298, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9305, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9308, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9312, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9319, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9322, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9326, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9333, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9336, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9340, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9347, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9350, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9354, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9361, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9364, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9368, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9375, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9378, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9382, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9389, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9392, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9396, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9403, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9406, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9410, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9417, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9420, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9423, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9429, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9432, 89.5°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9435, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9439, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9442, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9448, 105.5°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9453, 109.0°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9459, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9462, 88.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9465, 180.1°), -3231.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9469, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9473, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9480, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9483, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9487, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9494, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9497, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9501, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9508, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9511, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9515, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9522, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9525, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9529, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9536, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9539, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9543, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9550, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9553, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9557, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9564, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9567, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9571, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9578, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9581, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9585, 118.1°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9592, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9595, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9599, 118.1°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9606, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9609, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9613, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9620, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9623, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9627, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9634, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9637, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9641, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9648, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9651, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9655, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9662, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9665, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9669, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9676, 74.6°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9679, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9683, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9690, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9693, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9697, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9704, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9707, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9711, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9718, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9721, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9725, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9732, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9735, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9739, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9746, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9749, 185.8°), -49.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9753, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9760, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9763, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9767, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9774, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9777, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9781, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9788, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9791, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9795, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9802, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9805, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9809, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9816, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9819, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9823, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9830, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9833, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9837, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9844, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9847, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9851, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9858, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9861, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9865, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9872, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9875, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9879, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9886, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9889, 184.7°), -61.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9893, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9900, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9903, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9907, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9914, 76.9°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9917, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9921, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9928, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9931, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9935, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9942, 75.7°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9945, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9949, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9956, 73.4°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9959, 73.4°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9962, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9968, 113.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9971, 89.5°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9974, 180.1°), -3210.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9978, 72.3°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9981, 105.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9987, 105.5°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9992, 109.0°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (9998, 115.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10001, 88.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10004, 180.1°), -3231.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10008, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10012, 119.3°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10019, 74.6°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10022, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10026, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10033, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10036, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10040, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10047, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10050, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10054, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10061, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10064, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10068, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10075, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10078, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10082, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10089, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10092, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10096, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10103, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10106, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10110, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10117, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10120, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10124, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10131, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10134, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10138, 120.4°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10145, 74.6°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10148, 188.1°), -35.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10152, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10159, 75.7°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10162, 187.0°), -41.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10166, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10173, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10176, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10180, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10187, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10190, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10194, 118.1°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10201, 76.9°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10204, 184.7°), -61.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10208, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10215, 75.7°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10218, 185.8°), -49.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10222, 119.3°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10229, 73.9°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10232, 189.1°), -31.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10236, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10243, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10246, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10250, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10257, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10260, 184.6°), -61.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10264, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10271, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10274, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10278, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10285, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10288, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10292, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10299, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10302, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10306, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10313, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10316, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10320, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10327, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10330, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10333, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10339, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10342, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10345, 180.2°), -1615.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10349, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10353, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10360, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10363, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10367, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10374, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10377, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10381, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10388, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10391, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10395, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10402, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10405, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10409, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10416, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10419, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10423, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10430, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10433, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10437, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10444, 73.9°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10447, 189.1°), -31.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10451, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10458, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10461, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10465, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10472, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10475, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10478, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10484, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10487, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10493, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10497, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10504, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10507, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10510, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10516, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10519, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10525, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10529, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10536, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10539, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10543, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10550, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10553, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10556, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10562, 105.2°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10567, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10573, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10576, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10579, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10583, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10587, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10594, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10597, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10601, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10608, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10611, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10615, 117.5°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10618, 160.0°), 4.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10623, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10626, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10630, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10637, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10640, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10644, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10651, 73.9°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10654, 189.1°), -31.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10658, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10665, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10668, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10672, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10679, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10682, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10685, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10691, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10694, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10697, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10701, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10705, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10712, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10715, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10719, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10726, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10729, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10732, 107.4°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10738, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10741, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10747, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10751, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10758, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10761, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10764, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10770, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10773, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10779, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10783, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10790, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10793, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10796, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10802, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10805, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10811, 185.8°), -49.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10815, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10822, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10825, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10829, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10836, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10839, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10843, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10850, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10853, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10857, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10864, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10867, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10871, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10878, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10881, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10885, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10892, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10895, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10899, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10906, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10909, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10912, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10918, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10921, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10927, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10931, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10938, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10941, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10945, 117.5°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10952, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10955, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10959, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10966, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10969, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10972, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10978, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10981, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10987, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10991, 118.6°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (10998, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11001, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11005, 119.7°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11012, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11015, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11018, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11024, 113.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11027, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11030, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11034, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11038, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11045, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11048, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11052, 119.7°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11059, 75.0°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11062, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11066, 117.5°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11073, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11076, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11080, 119.7°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11087, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11090, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11093, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11099, 113.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11102, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11105, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11109, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11113, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11120, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11123, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11127, 119.7°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11134, 75.0°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11137, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11141, 117.5°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11148, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11151, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11155, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11162, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11165, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11169, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11176, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11179, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11182, 107.4°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11188, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11191, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11197, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11201, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11208, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11211, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11214, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11220, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11223, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11229, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11233, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11240, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11243, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11246, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11252, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11255, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11261, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11265, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11272, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11275, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11278, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11284, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11287, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11293, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11297, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11304, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11307, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11311, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11318, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11321, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11325, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11332, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11335, 184.6°), -61.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11339, 117.5°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11346, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11349, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11353, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11360, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11363, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11367, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11374, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11377, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11381, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11388, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11391, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11395, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11402, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11405, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11408, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11414, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11417, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11423, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11427, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11434, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11437, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11441, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11448, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11451, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11455, 120.9°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11462, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11465, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11468, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11474, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11477, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11483, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11487, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11494, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11497, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11501, 119.7°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11508, 75.0°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11511, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11515, 118.6°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11522, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11525, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11529, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11536, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11539, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11542, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11548, 116.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11551, 86.2°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11554, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11558, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11561, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11567, 105.2°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11572, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11578, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11581, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11584, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11588, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11592, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11599, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11602, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11606, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11613, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11616, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11619, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11625, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11630, 106.3°), -3.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11636, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11641, 106.3°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11647, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11652, 106.3°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11658, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11661, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11667, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11670, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11676, 118.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11679, 85.0°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11682, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11686, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11689, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11695, 114.1°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11698, 87.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11701, 182.4°), -114.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11705, 189.1°), -31.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11709, 117.5°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11716, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11719, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11723, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11730, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11733, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11736, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11742, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11745, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11751, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11755, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11762, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11765, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11769, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11776, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11779, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11783, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11790, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11793, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11797, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11804, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11807, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11811, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11818, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11821, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11825, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11832, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11835, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11838, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11844, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11847, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11853, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11857, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11864, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11867, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11870, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11876, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11879, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11885, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11889, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11896, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11899, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11902, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11908, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11911, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11914, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11918, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11922, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11929, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11932, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11936, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11943, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11946, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11950, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11957, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11960, 185.8°), -49.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11964, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11971, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11974, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11978, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11985, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11988, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11992, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (11999, 73.9°), -0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12002, 189.1°), -31.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12006, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12013, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12016, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12020, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12027, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12030, 184.6°), -61.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12034, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12041, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12044, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12048, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12055, 76.1°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12058, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12062, 116.4°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12069, 73.9°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12072, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12076, 119.7°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12083, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12086, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12089, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12095, 104.1°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12100, 108.5°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12106, 104.1°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12111, 108.5°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12117, 114.1°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12120, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12123, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12127, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12131, 120.9°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12138, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12141, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12144, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12150, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12153, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12156, 181.3°), -213.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12160, 189.1°), -31.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12164, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12171, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12174, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12178, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12185, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12188, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12191, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12197, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12200, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12206, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12210, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12217, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12220, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12224, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12231, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12234, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12238, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12245, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12248, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12252, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12259, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12262, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12265, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12271, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12274, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12280, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12284, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12291, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12294, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12298, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12305, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12308, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12312, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12319, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12322, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12326, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12333, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12336, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12339, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12345, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12348, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12354, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12358, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12365, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12368, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12372, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12379, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12382, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12386, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12393, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12396, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12400, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12407, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12410, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12413, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12419, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12422, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12428, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12432, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12439, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12442, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12445, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12451, 105.2°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12456, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12462, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12465, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12468, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12472, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12476, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12483, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12486, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12490, 120.9°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12497, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12500, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12503, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12509, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12512, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12515, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12519, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12523, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12530, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12533, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12537, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12544, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12547, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12550, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12556, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12559, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12565, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12569, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12576, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12579, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12583, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12590, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12593, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12597, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12604, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12607, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12610, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12616, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12619, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12622, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12626, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12629, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12635, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12638, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12644, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12648, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12655, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12658, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12662, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12669, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12672, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12675, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12681, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12684, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12687, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12691, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12695, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12702, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12705, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12709, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12716, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12719, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12722, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12728, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12731, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12734, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12738, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12741, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12747, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12750, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12753, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12757, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12761, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12768, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12771, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12774, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12780, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12783, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12786, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12790, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12793, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12799, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12802, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12808, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12812, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12819, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12822, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12826, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12833, 76.1°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12836, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12840, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12847, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12850, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12854, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12861, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12864, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12868, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12875, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12878, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12882, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12889, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12892, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12896, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12903, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12906, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12909, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12915, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12918, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12921, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12925, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12929, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12936, 76.1°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12939, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12943, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12950, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12953, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12957, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12964, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12967, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12971, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12978, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12981, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12984, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12990, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12993, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (12999, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13003, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13010, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13013, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13017, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13024, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13027, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13031, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13038, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13041, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13045, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13052, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13055, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13058, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13064, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13069, 106.3°), -3.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13075, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13080, 107.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13086, 104.1°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13091, 107.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13097, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13100, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13106, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13109, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13115, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13118, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13121, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13125, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13128, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13134, 114.1°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13137, 87.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13140, 182.4°), -114.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13144, 189.1°), -31.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13148, 117.5°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13155, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13158, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13162, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13169, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13172, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13175, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13181, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13184, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13187, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13191, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13194, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13200, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13203, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13206, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13210, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13213, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13219, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13222, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13228, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13231, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13237, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13240, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13243, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13247, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13251, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13258, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13261, 184.6°), -61.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13265, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13272, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13275, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13279, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13286, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13289, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13293, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13300, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13303, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13307, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13314, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13317, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13321, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13328, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13331, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13334, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13340, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13343, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13349, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13353, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13360, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13363, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13366, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13372, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13375, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13381, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13385, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13392, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13395, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13399, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13406, 76.1°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13409, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13413, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13420, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13423, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13427, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13434, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13437, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13441, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13448, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13451, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13455, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13462, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13465, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13469, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13476, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13479, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13482, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13488, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13491, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13497, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13501, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13508, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13511, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13514, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13520, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13523, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13529, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13533, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13540, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13543, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13547, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13554, 76.1°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13557, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13561, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13568, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13571, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13575, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13582, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13585, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13589, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13596, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13599, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13603, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13610, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13613, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13617, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13624, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13627, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13630, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13636, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13639, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13645, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13649, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13656, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13659, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13663, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13670, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13673, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13677, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13684, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13687, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13691, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13698, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13701, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13704, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13710, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13713, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13716, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13720, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13724, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13731, 76.1°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13734, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13738, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13745, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13748, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13752, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13759, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13762, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13766, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13773, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13776, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13779, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13785, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13788, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13794, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13798, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13805, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13808, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13812, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13819, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13822, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13826, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13833, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13836, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13840, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13847, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13850, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13853, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13859, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13862, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13865, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13869, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13873, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13880, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13883, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13887, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13894, 75.0°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13897, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13901, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13908, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13911, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13915, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13922, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13925, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13928, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13934, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13937, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13940, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13944, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13948, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13955, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13958, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13962, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13969, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13972, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13976, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13983, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13986, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13990, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (13997, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14000, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14004, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14011, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14014, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14018, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14025, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14028, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14031, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14037, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14040, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14046, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14050, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14057, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14060, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14064, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14071, 76.1°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14074, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14078, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14085, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14088, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14092, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14099, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14102, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14106, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14113, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14116, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14120, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14127, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14130, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14134, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14141, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14144, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14147, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14153, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14156, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14162, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14166, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14173, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14176, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14179, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14185, 105.2°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14190, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14196, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14199, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14202, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14206, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14210, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14217, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14220, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14224, 120.9°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14231, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14234, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14237, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14243, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14246, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14249, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14253, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14257, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14264, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14267, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14271, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14278, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14281, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14284, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14290, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14293, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14299, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14303, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14310, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14313, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14317, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14324, 76.1°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14327, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14331, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14338, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14341, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14345, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14352, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14355, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14359, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14366, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14369, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14373, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14380, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14383, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14387, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14394, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14397, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14400, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14406, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14409, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14415, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14419, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14426, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14429, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14432, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14438, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14441, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14447, 185.8°), -49.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14451, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14458, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14461, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14464, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14470, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14473, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14476, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14480, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14484, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14491, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14494, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14498, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14505, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14508, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14512, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14519, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14522, 184.6°), -61.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14526, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14533, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14536, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14540, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14547, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14550, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14554, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14561, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14564, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14568, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14575, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14578, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14582, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14589, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14592, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14596, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14603, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14606, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14610, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14617, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14620, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14623, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14629, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14632, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14638, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14642, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14649, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14652, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14655, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14661, 116.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14664, 88.4°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14670, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14674, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14681, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14684, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14687, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14693, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14698, 107.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14704, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14709, 106.3°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14715, 95.1°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14720, 107.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14726, 105.2°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14731, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14737, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14740, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14743, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14747, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14751, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14758, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14761, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14765, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14772, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14775, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14778, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14784, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14787, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14790, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14794, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14798, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14805, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14808, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14812, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14819, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14822, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14826, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14833, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14836, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14840, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14847, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14850, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14854, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14861, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14864, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14867, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14873, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14876, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14882, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14886, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14893, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14896, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14899, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14905, 116.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14908, 88.4°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14914, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14918, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14925, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14928, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14931, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14937, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14942, 107.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14948, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14953, 107.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14959, 113.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14962, 90.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14968, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14972, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14979, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14982, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14985, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14991, 111.9°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14994, 90.6°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (14997, 181.3°), -213.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15001, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15005, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15012, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15015, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15018, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15024, 97.4°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15029, 106.3°), -3.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15035, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15038, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15041, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15045, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15048, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15054, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15057, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15060, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15064, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15068, 118.6°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15075, 75.0°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15078, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15081, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15087, 106.3°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15092, 107.4°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15098, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15101, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15104, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15108, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15111, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15117, 106.3°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15122, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15128, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15131, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15137, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15141, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15148, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15151, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15155, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15162, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15165, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15169, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15176, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15179, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15182, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15188, 113.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15191, 90.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15197, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15201, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15208, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15211, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15215, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15222, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15225, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15228, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15234, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15237, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15243, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15247, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15254, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15257, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15261, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15268, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15271, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15275, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15282, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15285, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15289, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15296, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15299, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15302, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15308, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15313, 106.3°), -3.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15319, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15324, 107.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15330, 104.1°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15335, 107.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15341, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15344, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15347, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15351, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15354, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15360, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15363, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15366, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15370, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15373, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15379, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15382, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15388, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15391, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15397, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15400, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15403, 180.2°), -1615.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15407, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15410, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15416, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15419, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15422, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15426, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15430, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15437, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15440, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15444, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15451, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15454, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15457, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15463, 113.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15466, 90.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15472, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15476, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15483, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15486, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15490, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15497, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15500, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15503, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15509, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15512, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15515, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15519, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15522, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15528, 105.2°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15533, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15539, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15542, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15545, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15549, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15552, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15558, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15561, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15567, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15571, 117.5°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15578, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15581, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15585, 119.7°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15592, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15595, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15599, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15606, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15609, 185.8°), -49.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15613, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15620, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15623, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15627, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15634, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15637, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15641, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15648, 75.0°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15651, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15654, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15660, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15663, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15669, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15673, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15680, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15683, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15686, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15692, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15695, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15698, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15702, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15706, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15713, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15716, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15720, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15727, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15730, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15734, 117.5°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15741, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15744, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15748, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15755, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15758, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15762, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15769, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15772, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15776, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15783, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15786, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15789, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15795, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15798, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15804, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15808, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15815, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15818, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15821, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15827, 116.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15830, 86.2°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15833, 180.2°), -1604.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15837, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15841, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15848, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15851, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15854, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15860, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15863, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15866, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15870, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15874, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15881, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15884, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15888, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15895, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15898, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15902, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15909, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15912, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15916, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15923, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15926, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15930, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15937, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15940, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15943, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15949, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15952, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15958, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15962, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15969, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15972, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15975, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15981, 116.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15984, 86.2°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15987, 182.4°), -114.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15991, 189.1°), -31.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (15995, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16002, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16005, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16009, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16016, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16019, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16023, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16030, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16033, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16037, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16044, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16047, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16051, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16058, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16061, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16064, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16070, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16073, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16076, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16080, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16084, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16091, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16094, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16098, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16105, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16108, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16112, 119.7°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16119, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16122, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16126, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16133, 76.1°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16136, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16140, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16147, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16150, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16154, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16161, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16164, 184.6°), -61.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16168, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16175, 75.0°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16178, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16181, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16187, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16190, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16193, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16197, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16200, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16206, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16209, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16215, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16219, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16226, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16229, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16233, 119.7°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16240, 75.0°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16243, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16247, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16254, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16257, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16261, 120.9°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16268, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16271, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16274, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16280, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16283, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16286, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16290, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16294, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16301, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16304, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16308, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16315, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16318, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16321, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16327, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16330, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16336, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16340, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16347, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16350, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16354, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16361, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16364, 185.8°), -49.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16368, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16375, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16378, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16382, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16389, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16392, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16396, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16403, 75.0°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16406, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16409, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16415, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16418, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16424, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16428, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16435, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16438, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16441, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16447, 105.2°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16452, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16458, 97.4°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16463, 107.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16469, 117.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16472, 86.2°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16475, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16479, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16482, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16488, 113.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16491, 90.6°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16497, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16501, 120.9°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16508, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16511, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16514, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16520, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16523, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16526, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16530, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16534, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16541, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16544, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16548, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16555, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16558, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16561, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16567, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16570, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16576, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16580, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16587, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16590, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16594, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16601, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16604, 185.8°), -49.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16608, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16615, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16618, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16622, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16629, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16632, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16636, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16643, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16646, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16650, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16657, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16660, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16664, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16671, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16674, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16677, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16683, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16686, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16692, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16696, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16703, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16706, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16709, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16715, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16718, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16724, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16728, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16735, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16738, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16742, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16749, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16752, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16756, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16763, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16766, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16770, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16777, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16780, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16783, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16789, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16792, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16798, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16802, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16809, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16812, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16816, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16823, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16826, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16830, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16837, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16840, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16843, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16849, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16852, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16855, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16859, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16862, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16868, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16871, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16877, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16881, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16888, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16891, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16895, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16902, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16905, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16909, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16916, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16919, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16923, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16930, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16933, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16937, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16944, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16947, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16950, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16956, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16959, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16962, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16966, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16969, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16975, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16978, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16981, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16985, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16989, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16996, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (16999, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17002, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17008, 117.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17011, 86.2°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17014, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17018, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17021, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17027, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17030, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17036, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17040, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17047, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17050, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17054, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17061, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17064, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17067, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17073, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17076, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17079, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17083, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17087, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17094, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17097, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17101, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17108, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17111, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17114, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17120, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17123, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17126, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17130, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17133, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17139, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17142, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17145, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17149, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17153, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17160, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17163, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17166, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17172, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17175, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17178, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17182, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17185, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17191, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17194, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17200, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17204, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17211, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17214, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17218, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17225, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17228, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17232, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17239, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17242, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17246, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17253, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17256, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17260, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17267, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17270, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17274, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17281, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17284, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17288, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17295, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17298, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17301, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17307, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17310, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17313, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17317, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17321, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17328, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17331, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17335, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17342, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17345, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17348, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17354, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17357, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17360, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17364, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17367, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17373, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17376, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17379, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17383, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17387, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17394, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17397, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17401, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17408, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17411, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17415, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17422, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17425, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17429, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17436, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17439, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17443, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17450, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17453, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17456, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17462, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17465, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17468, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17472, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17476, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17483, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17486, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17490, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17497, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17500, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17504, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17511, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17514, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17518, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17525, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17528, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17532, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17539, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17542, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17546, 119.7°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17553, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17556, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17559, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17565, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17568, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17574, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17578, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17585, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17588, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17591, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17597, 97.4°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17602, 106.3°), -3.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17608, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17611, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17614, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17618, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17621, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17627, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17630, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17633, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17637, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17641, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17648, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17651, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17655, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17662, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17665, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17668, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17674, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17677, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17683, 185.8°), -49.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17687, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17694, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17697, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17700, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17706, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17709, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17715, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17719, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17726, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17729, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17732, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17738, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17741, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17744, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17748, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17752, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17759, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17762, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17766, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17773, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17776, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17780, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17787, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17790, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17794, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17801, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17804, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17807, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17813, 117.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17816, 86.2°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17819, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17823, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17826, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17832, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17835, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17841, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17845, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17852, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17855, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17859, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17866, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17869, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17872, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17878, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17881, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17887, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17891, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17898, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17901, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17905, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17912, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17915, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17919, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17926, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17929, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17933, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17940, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17943, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17946, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17952, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17955, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17961, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17965, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17972, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17975, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17979, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17986, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17989, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (17993, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18000, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18003, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18007, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18014, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18017, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18020, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18026, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18029, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18032, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18036, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18040, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18047, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18050, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18054, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18061, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18064, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18068, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18075, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18078, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18082, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18089, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18092, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18095, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18101, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18104, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18110, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18114, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18121, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18124, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18128, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18135, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18138, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18142, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18149, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18152, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18156, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18163, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18166, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18169, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18175, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18178, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18181, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18185, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18189, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18196, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18199, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18203, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18210, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18213, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18216, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18222, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18225, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18228, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18232, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18235, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18241, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18244, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18247, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18251, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18255, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18262, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18265, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18269, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18276, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18279, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18283, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18290, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18293, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18297, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18304, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18307, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18311, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18318, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18321, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18324, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18330, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18333, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18339, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18343, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18350, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18353, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18356, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18362, 105.2°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18367, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18373, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18376, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18382, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18386, 118.6°), 0.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18393, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18396, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18400, 120.9°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18407, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18410, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18413, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18419, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18422, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18425, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18429, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18433, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18440, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18443, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18447, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18454, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18457, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18460, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18466, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18469, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18475, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18479, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18486, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18489, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18493, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18500, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18503, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18507, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18514, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18517, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18520, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18526, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18529, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18532, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18536, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18539, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18545, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18548, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18554, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18558, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18565, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18568, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18572, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18579, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18582, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18586, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18593, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18596, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18600, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18607, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18610, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18614, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18621, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18624, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18627, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18633, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18636, 88.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18639, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18643, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18646, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18652, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18655, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18658, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18662, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18666, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18673, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18676, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18679, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18685, 117.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18688, 86.2°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18691, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18695, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18698, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18704, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18707, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18713, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18717, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18724, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18727, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18731, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18738, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18741, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18744, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18750, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18753, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18759, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18763, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18770, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18773, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18776, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18782, 116.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18785, 88.4°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18791, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18795, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18802, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18805, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18808, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18814, 104.1°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18819, 108.5°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18825, 104.1°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18830, 109.7°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18836, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18841, 107.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18847, 105.2°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18852, 109.7°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18858, 105.2°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18863, 109.7°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18869, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18872, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18875, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18879, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18883, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18890, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18893, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18896, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18902, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18905, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18911, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18915, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18922, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18925, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18928, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18934, 116.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18937, 88.4°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18943, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18947, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18954, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18957, 71.6°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18960, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18966, 96.2°), 4.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18971, 107.4°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18977, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18980, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18983, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18987, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18991, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (18998, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19001, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19005, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19012, 73.9°), 0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19015, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19018, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19024, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19027, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19030, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19034, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19037, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19043, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19046, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19049, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19053, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19057, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19064, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19067, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19071, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19078, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19081, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19084, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19090, 116.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19093, 88.4°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19099, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19103, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19110, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19113, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19116, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19122, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19125, 89.5°), 4.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19131, 185.8°), -49.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19135, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19142, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19145, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19149, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19156, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19159, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19163, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19170, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19173, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19177, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19184, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19187, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19191, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19198, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19201, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19205, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19212, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19215, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19219, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19226, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19229, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19232, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19238, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19241, 87.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19244, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19248, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19252, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19259, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19262, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19266, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19273, 76.1°), 0.5 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19276, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19280, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19287, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19290, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19294, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19301, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19304, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19307, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19313, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19316, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19322, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19326, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19333, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19336, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19339, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19345, 116.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19348, 88.4°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19354, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19358, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19365, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19368, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19371, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19377, 104.1°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19382, 108.5°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19388, 104.1°), 4.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19393, 109.7°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19399, 114.1°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19402, 87.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19405, 180.2°), -1604.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19409, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19413, 120.9°), 1.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19420, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19423, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19426, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19432, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19435, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19438, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19442, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19446, 119.7°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19453, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19456, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19460, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19467, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19470, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19473, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19479, 115.3°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19482, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19488, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19492, 118.6°), 0.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19499, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19502, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19505, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19511, 116.4°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19514, 86.2°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19517, 181.3°), -212.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19521, 72.7°), -2.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19524, 106.3°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19530, 113.0°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19533, 89.5°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19536, 180.2°), -1615.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19540, 72.7°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19543, 104.1°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19549, 115.3°), 4.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19552, 88.4°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19555, 180.2°), -1625.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19559, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19563, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19570, 76.1°), 0.4 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19573, 185.8°), -49.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19577, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19584, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19587, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19591, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19598, 77.2°), 0.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19601, 185.8°), -49.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19605, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19612, 75.0°), 0.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19615, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19619, 118.6°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19626, 75.0°), 0.2 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19629, 188.0°), -35.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19633, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19640, 73.9°), -0.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19643, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19646, 105.2°), -3.8 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19652, 114.1°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19655, 89.5°), 4.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19661, 186.9°), -41.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19665, 119.7°), 1.0 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19672, 73.9°), 0.1 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19675, 73.9°), -1.9 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19678, 105.2°), -3.7 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19684, 105.2°), 4.3 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19689, 108.5°), -3.6 ahead of the last
2022-01-31 07:50 FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (19695, 115.
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