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Created May 3, 2018 00:00
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extern crate syn;
use std::env;
use std::fs;
use std::io::Read;
struct File {
functions: Vec<Function>,
struct Function {
body: Vec<Command>,
enum Command {
fn parse_body(body: &syn::Block) -> Result<Vec<Command>, String> {
let mut stmts = vec![];
for stmt in &body.stmts {
match stmt {
syn::Stmt::Item(syn::Item::Macro(ref im)) => {
let macro_name = im.mac.path.segments[0].ident.as_ref();
if macro_name == "println" {
match im.mac.tts.clone().into_iter().next() {
Some(ref arg) => {
stmts.push(Command::PrintLn(arg.to_string().replace("\"", "")));
None => return Err("Expected argument in function".into()),
} else {
return Err(format!("Unknown macro: {}", macro_name));
_ => return Err("Unexpected statement in function".into()),
fn parse_fn(item: &syn::ItemFn) -> Result<Function, String> {
Ok(Function {
body: parse_body(&item.block)?,
fn parse_file(file: &syn::File) -> Result<File, String> {
let mut functions = vec![];
for item in &file.items {
match item {
syn::Item::Fn(ref item_fn) => {
_ => return Err("Unexpected item in file".into()),
Ok(File { functions })
fn compile_to_c(file: &File) -> String {
let mut c_output = String::new();
c_output += "#include <stdio.h>\n";
c_output += "int main() {\n";
for stmt in &file.functions[0].body {
match stmt {
Command::PrintLn(ref msg) => {
c_output += &format!("puts(\"{}\");\n", msg);
c_output += "}\n";
fn compile_to_asm(file: &File) -> String {
let mut asm_code_output = String::new();
let mut asm_data_output = String::new();
asm_data_output += ".data\n";
asm_code_output += ".text\n";
asm_code_output += ".global main\n";
asm_code_output += "main:\n";
let mut temp_num = 0;
for stmt in &file.functions[0].body {
match stmt {
Command::PrintLn(ref msg) => {
asm_code_output += &format!("mov $str_{}, %edi\n", temp_num);
asm_code_output += "call puts\n";
asm_data_output += &format!("str_{}:\n", temp_num);
asm_data_output += &format!(" .asciz \"{}\"", msg);
temp_num += 1;
asm_code_output + &asm_data_output
fn main() {
let mut args = env::args();;
match {
Some(fname) => {
let mut src = String::new();
let mut file = fs::File::open(&fname).expect("Unable to open file");
file.read_to_string(&mut src).expect("Unable to read file");
let syntax = syn::parse_file(&src).expect("Unable to parse file");
let result = parse_file(&syntax);
//println!("{}", compile_to_c(&result.unwrap()));
println!("{}", compile_to_asm(&result.unwrap()));
_ => {
println!("Please supply the file to compile");
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