- bbmustache v1.8.0
- refer: soranoba/bbmustache#41
This patch is provided with the same license as bbmustache.
If you patch bbmustache, you don't need to worry about the license.
This patch is provided with the same license as bbmustache.
If you patch bbmustache, you don't need to worry about the license.
-define(CATCH_MATCH(__R), __R). | |
-define(GET_STACKTRACE(), erlang:get_stacktrace()). | |
-else. | |
-define(CATCH_MATCH(__R), __R:__StackTrace). | |
-define(GET_STACKTRACE(), __StackTrace). | |
-endif. |
-behaviour(gen_server). | |
init(_) -> | |
{ok, #state{member = undefined}}. | |
handle_call(_, _, #state{member = undefined} = State) -> {noreply, State}. | |
handle_cast({sync, Pids}, State) -> {noreply, #state{member = Pids}}. |
1> c(s). | |
{ok,s} | |
2> s:s(1, [<<"abc">>, "def", ["ghi"] | <<"jkl">>]). | |
{<<"a">>,[<<"bc">>,"def",["ghi"]|<<"jkl">>]} | |
3> s:s(2, [<<"abc">>, "def", ["ghi"] | <<"jkl">>]). | |
{<<"ab">>,[<<"c">>,"def",["ghi"]|<<"jkl">>]} | |
4> s:s(3, [<<"abc">>, "def", ["ghi"] | <<"jkl">>]). | |
{<<"abc">>,["def",["ghi"]|<<"jkl">>]} | |
5> s:s(4, [<<"abc">>, "def", ["ghi"] | <<"jkl">>]). | |
{[<<"abc">>,100],["ef",["ghi"]|<<"jkl">>]} |
-module(spam_behaviour). | |
-optional_callbacks([b/0]). | |
-callback a() -> ok. | |
-callback b() -> ok. |
-module(bench). | |
-compile(export_all). | |
run() -> | |
lists:sum([begin {T, _} = timer:tc(?MODULE, render, []), T end || _ <- lists:seq(1, 1000)]). | |
render() -> | |
Ctx = dict:from_list([{name, "Chris"}, {value, 10000}, {taxed_value, 10000 - (10000 * 0.4)}, {in_ca, true}]), | |
mustache:render("Hello {{name}} You have just won {{value}} dollars! {{#in_ca}} Well, {{taxed_value}} dollars, after taxes. {{/in_ca}}", Ctx). |