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Created July 4, 2012 17:28
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A quick introduction to Agda
-- Hello Agda Enthusiasts!
-- Let's play with Agda.
-- Firstly, since we're editing demo1A.agda, let's name our module correctly:
module demo1A where -- Load the file with C-c C-l - Like that!
-- Syntax is highlighted by Emacs
-- First thing's first - Let's define a simple data-type - Bools
data Bool : Set where
true : Bool
false : Bool
-- Notice:
-- Definitions follow closely Haskell's GADT style data-type definitions
-- 'Set' type for Bool data-type... Types have types? Yep.
-- Okay let's define a function that operates on this data-type - 'not'
not : Bool → Bool -- '→' is input with '\to'
not true = false
not false = true
-- '?' represented a 'hole' this is identified by Agda for further play
-- Jump to holes with C-c C-f..
-- This all seems simple enough, but let's define a nicer operator for this purpose
!_ : Bool → Bool
! true = false -- C-c C-c activates case-analysis. If you already have a variable
! false = true -- inside the hole then it uses that, else prompts for one
-- As you can see, you can use non-ascii operators.
-- '_' underscores denote place-holders for parameters in the type-signature
-- Let's define 'if'!
if_then_else_ : {A : Set} → Bool → A → A → A -- {_} defines an implicit param
if true then x else y = x
if false then x else y = y -- Case split -- Looks good!
-- That would be okay in haskell, but...
-- Agda doesn't know what 'A' is
-- Note how we have three underscores in 'if'. You can have as many as you want!
-- Syntax suddenly becomes largely user-defined
-- Now for an inductive definition - Natural Numbers
data Nat : Set where
zero : Nat
suc : Nat → Nat
-- Note that 'suc' constructor is defined as taking a parameter in its type
-- What can we do with this? How about addition?
add : Nat → Nat → Nat
add zero y = y
add (suc y) y' = suc (add y y') -- That's better, but I liked the look of '+'
_+_ : Nat → Nat → Nat
zero + b = b
suc y + b = suc (y + b) -- Sometimes Agda can solve for us, other times... Nope.
-- Let's try out our new addition:
low = suc zero -- 1?
high = low + (low + low) -- 3?
-- You can evaluate an expression with C-c C-n -- The answer is on the right ->
-- Looks okay to me!
-- Now, let's define something a bit more interesting. A List!
data List (A : Set) : Set where
Nil : List A
Cons : A → List A → List A
-- Note:
-- '(A : Set)' denotes a type parameter to the List data-type
-- Constructors can reference this type parameter
-- Let's define some list operations: length, map, concat
length : {A : Set} → List A → Nat
length Nil = zero -- yep!
length (Cons y y') = suc (length y') -- Yep! -- Let's test it -- Looks okay!
map : {A B : Set} → (A → B) → List A → List B
map f Nil = Nil
map f (Cons y y') = Cons (f y) (map f y') -- Looks Good!
-- Note that we can group multiple type params into the same {_} block
concat : {A : Set} → List A → List A → List A
concat Nil m = m
concat (Cons y y') m = Cons y (concat y' m) -- Done! Too easy!
-- How about something a bit more unique to Agda - Check this out:
-- Vectors!
data Vector (A : Set) : Nat → Set where
ε : Vector A zero
_▸_ : {n : Nat} → A → Vector A n → Vector A (suc n)
-- Note:
-- There is a type parameter to the Vector data-type, but also...
-- A value parameter!
-- This value parameter can then be extracted by the data constructors via
-- Implicit parameters
-- Let's redefine those list functions for vectors:
vLength : {A : Set} → {n : Nat} → Vector A n → Nat
vLength {_} {n} v = n -- What's that all about? Doesn't Load... But...
-- Now it does!
-- Data-type value parameters (indexes) can be extracted by functions that operate
-- on those data-types.
vMap : {A B : Set} → {n : Nat} → (A → B) → Vector A n → Vector B n
vMap f ε = ε
vMap f (y ▸ y') = f y ▸ vMap f y' -- Wow!
-- It was a bit unexpected that that could be solved for us, but due to the
-- unambiguous nature of our vector definition it turns out that it can!
-- However, the cons operator would be a bit nicer if it was infix
-- Let's fix that.
-- Just as before, underscores denote placholders. In data-types too!
-- Now, vConcat
vConcat : {A : Set} → {n m : Nat} → Vector A n → Vector A m → Vector A (n + m)
vConcat ε w = w
vConcat (y ▸ y') w = y ▸ vConcat y' w -- And we're done!
-- Note: We are using user-defined datatypes, _and functions_ inside a type signature!
-- I hope you have enjoyed this demo. Hopefully there werent' too many typos (:-)!
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