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Created May 9, 2012 18:19
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Some cache simulation code to play around
(ns trenes
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(defn empty-cache [c]
{:capacity c
:values {}
:time 0
:misses 0
(defn hit? [cache elem]
(get-in cache [:values elem]))
(defn full? [{:keys [capacity values]}]
(>= (count values) capacity))
(defn expulse [{c :capacity
values :values :as cache}]
(let [[elem _] (apply min-key second values)
purged (dissoc values elem)]
(assoc cache :values purged)))
(defn access [{t :time :as cache} elem]
(let [hit (hit? cache elem)
refreshed (-> cache
(assoc-in [:time] (inc t))
(assoc-in [:values elem] t)
(update-in [:misses] (if hit identity inc))
(if (and (not hit) (full? cache))
(expulse refreshed)
(defn misses [c comparisons]
(reduce access
(empty-cache c)
(flatten comparisons))))
(defn naive-access [_ n]
(for [r (range n),
c (range n)
:when (< r c)]
[r c]))
(defn smart-access [c n]
(let [routes (range n)
blocks (partition-all (/ c 2) routes)]
(for [rows blocks
cols blocks
r rows
c cols
:when (< r c)]
[r c])))
(defn way-smart-access [c n]
(let [routes (range n)]
(for [segment (partition-all (- c 2) routes)
row routes
col segment
:when (< row col)]
[row col])))
(defn compare-all [c n]
(let [algos {:naive naive-access
:smart smart-access
:way-smart way-smart-access}]
(into {} (map (fn [[name fn]]
[name (misses c (fn c n))])
(defn access-order [pairs]
(let [indexed (map vector pairs (iterate inc 0))]
(reduce #(apply assoc-in %1 %2)
(defn pprint-table [table]
(let [rows (apply sorted-set (keys table))
cols (apply sorted-set (flatten (map keys (vals table))))]
(str/join "\n"
(for [row rows]
(str/join "\t"
(for [col cols] (str (get-in table [row col])))
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