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Last active March 18, 2019 09:24
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package day22
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
object Day22 extends App {
sealed trait Equipment
object Equipment {
case object Climbing extends Equipment
case object Torch extends Equipment
case object Neither extends Equipment
sealed abstract class RiskLevel(val risk: Long,
char: Char,
val compatibleEquipment: Set[Equipment]) {
override def toString: String = char.toString
object RiskLevel {
def fromErosion(erosionLevel: Long): RiskLevel =
erosionLevel % 3 match {
case 0 => Rocky
case 1 => Wet
case 2 => Narrow
case object Rocky extends RiskLevel(0, '.', Set(Equipment.Climbing, Equipment.Torch))
case object Wet extends RiskLevel(1, '=', Set(Equipment.Climbing, Equipment.Neither))
case object Narrow extends RiskLevel(2, '|', Set(Equipment.Torch, Equipment.Neither))
final case class Point(x: Int, y: Int) {
def +(other: Point): Point = Point(x + other.x, y + other.y)
def manhattanDist(other: Point): Int = (x - other.x).abs + (y - other.y).abs
object Point {
val Origin = Point(0, 0)
final case class Cave(depth: Long) {
private lazy val erosionLevel: Point => Long =
Memo.immutableHashMapMemo[Point, Long] { point =>
(geoIndex(point) + depth) % 20183
private def geoIndex(point: Point): Long = point match {
case Point(0, 0) => 0L
case Point(0, y) => y * 48271L
case Point(x, 0) => x * 16807L
case Point(x, y) =>
erosionLevel(Point(x - 1, y)) * erosionLevel(Point(x, y - 1))
def riskLevel(point: Point): RiskLevel =
def totalRisk(target: Point): Long =
(for {
x <- 0 to target.x
y <- 0 to target.y
point = Point(x, y)
if point != Point.Origin && point != target
} yield riskLevel(point).risk).sum
def toMap(target: Point, pos: Option[Point] = None): String = {
def toMapLine(y: Int) =
.tabulate(target.x) { x =>
val point = Point(x, y)
if (pos.contains(point)) "X"
else riskLevel(point).toString
.tabulate(target.y)(y => toMapLine(y))
.mkString("", "\n", "\n")
def minTimeTo(target: Point): Int = {
final case class Node(pos: Point, risk: RiskLevel, equipment: Equipment) {
def distanceTo(other: Node): Int =
pos.manhattanDist(other.pos) + (if (equipment == 0 else 7)
def optimisticDistanceTo(other: Node): Int = pos.manhattanDist(other.pos)
def neighbors: Set[Node] = reequip ++ moves
private def moves: Set[Node] =
for {
delta <- Set(Point(0, 1), Point(1, 0), Point(0, -1), Point(-1, 0))
targetPos = pos + delta
if targetPos.x >= 0 && targetPos.y >= 0
targetRisk = if (targetPos == target) RiskLevel.Rocky else riskLevel(targetPos)
if targetRisk.compatibleEquipment.contains(equipment)
} yield Node(targetPos, targetRisk, equipment)
private def reequip: Set[Node] =
(risk.compatibleEquipment - equipment).map(targetEquipment =>
copy(equipment = targetEquipment))
val initialNode = Node(Point.Origin, RiskLevel.Rocky, Equipment.Torch)
val targetNode = Node(target, RiskLevel.Rocky, Equipment.Torch)
val searcher = new AStar[Node](distance = _.distanceTo(_).toDouble,
neighbors = _.neighbors,
heuristic = _.optimisticDistanceTo(targetNode).toDouble)
val Some(path) =, isGoal = _ == targetNode)
path.foreach { node =>
println(s"Equipment: ${}")
println(toMap(target, pos = Some(node.pos)))
path.sliding(size = 2).toList.foldMap {
case List(prev, next) =>
val Target = Point(14, 778)
val cave = Cave(depth = 11541L)
println(cave.minTimeTo(Target)) // Not 1089
package day22
import day22.Day22.{Cave, Point, RiskLevel}
import org.scalatest._
final class Day22Test extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
val cave = Cave(depth = 510L)
"Day 22" should "compute risk levels" in {
cave.riskLevel(Point(x = 1, y = 0)) shouldBe RiskLevel.Wet
it should "print a map" in {
cave.toMap(target = Point(x = 16, y = 8)) shouldBe """.=.|=.|.|=.|=|=.
it should "find the shortest path" in {
cave.minTimeTo(Point(10, 10)) shouldBe 45
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