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Created August 28, 2016 20:32
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Umbraco Picker Extensions
using System.Web;
using Umbraco.Web;
namespace DotSee.UmbracoExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Helps with Umbraco content.
/// </summary>
public static class ContentHelper
#region Constants
private const string UmbracoHelperKey = "umbHelper";
#region Methods
/// <summary>
/// Gets an UmbracoHelper.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>An UmbracoHelper.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// This is optimized to create only one UmbracoHelper per HTTP request.
/// </remarks>
public static UmbracoHelper GetHelper()
var items = HttpContext.Current.Items;
var exists = items.Contains(UmbracoHelperKey);
var helper = exists
? items[UmbracoHelperKey] as UmbracoHelper
: new UmbracoHelper(UmbracoContext.Current);
if (!exists)
items[UmbracoHelperKey] = helper;
return helper;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Umbraco.Core.Models;
using Umbraco.Web;
namespace DotSee.UmbracoExtensions
public static class Pickers
public enum Ordering
NaturalOrder = 1,
OrderAscending = 2,
OrderDescending = 3
/// <summary>
/// Gets a list of picker items as an optionally ordered delimited string (for presentation)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">The node which contains the picker</param>
/// <param name="pickerAlias">The picker alias</param>
/// <param name="delimiter">Delimeter to use Optional, default is comma</param>
/// <param name="recurse">Recurse to parent items</param>
/// <param name="order">A value from the Ordering enum specifying natural order, ascending or descending order</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string GetPickerItemsAsCsv(this IPublishedContent item, string pickerAlias, string delimiter = ", ", bool recurse = false, Ordering order = Ordering.OrderAscending)
//No value? Go home :)
if (!item.HasValue(pickerAlias)) { return null; }
//Get the picker items as IPublishedContent objects
IEnumerable<IPublishedContent> pickerItems = item.GetPickerItemsByAlias(pickerAlias, recurse);
//No items? Go home :)
if (!pickerItems.Any()) { return null; }
//Sort them and deliver them
IEnumerable<string> itemNames = pickerItems.Select(x => x.Name);
if (order == Ordering.OrderAscending)
itemNames = itemNames.OrderBy(x => x);
else if (order == Ordering.OrderDescending)
itemNames = itemNames.OrderByDescending(x => x);
return (string.Join(delimiter, itemNames));
/// <summary>
/// Check if a node's id is contained in at least one picker within a group of nodes
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">The node to check</param>
/// <param name="itemGroup">The group of nodes to check the picker for</param>
/// <param name="pickerAlias">The picker's alias</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool IsContainedInAnyPicker(this IPublishedContent item, IEnumerable<IPublishedContent> itemGroup, string pickerAlias)
foreach (IPublishedContent gItem in itemGroup)
if (gItem.HasValue(pickerAlias) && item.Id.ToString().IsContainedInCsv(gItem.GetPropertyValue<string>(pickerAlias)))
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Get strongly typed (intended for Models Builder) objects from picker values based on a picker alias
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">The node which contains the picker</param>
/// <param name="pickerAlias">The alias of the property containing the picker</param>
/// /// <param name="recurse">If true, recurse to parent nodes</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static IEnumerable<T> GetPickerItemsByAlias<T>(this IPublishedContent item, string pickerAlias, bool recurse = false) where T : IPublishedContent
//Get a request-cached UmbracoHelper
UmbracoHelper u = ContentHelper.GetHelper();
//If recursion is on and current item has no banners AND it's not the first node under the homepage then recurse.
if (recurse && !item.HasValue(pickerAlias) && !item.Ancestor().DocumentTypeAlias.Equals("HomePage"))
IEnumerable<T> retVals = item.Parent.GetPickerItemsByAlias<T>(pickerAlias, recurse);
foreach (T it in retVals)
if (it != null) { yield return it; }
if (!item.HasValue(pickerAlias)) { yield break; }
foreach (string pageId in item.GetPropertyValue<string>(pickerAlias, "").Split(','))
var it = (T)u.TypedContent(pageId);
if (it != null) { yield return it; }
/// <summary>
/// Get IPublishedContent objects from picker values based on a picker alias
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">The node that contains the picker</param>
/// <param name="pickerAlias">The alias of the property containing the picker</param>
/// <param name="recurse">If true, recurse to parent nodes</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static IEnumerable<IPublishedContent> GetPickerItemsByAlias(this IPublishedContent item, string pickerAlias, bool recurse = false)
return (GetPickerItemsByAlias<IPublishedContent>(item, pickerAlias, recurse));
/// <summary>
/// Get IPublishedContent object from a picker delimited string value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">The node that contains the picker</param>
/// <param name="pickerValue">The value of the picker (a comma delimited string of IDs)</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static IEnumerable<IPublishedContent> GetPickerItemsByValue(this IPublishedContent item, object pickerValue)
return (GetPickerItemsByValue<IPublishedContent>(item, pickerValue));
/// <summary>
/// Get strongly-typed (intended for Models Builder) objects from a picker's delimited string value
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="item">The node that contains the picker</param>
/// <param name="pickerValue">The value of the picker</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static IEnumerable<T> GetPickerItemsByValue<T>(this IPublishedContent item, object pickerValue) where T : IPublishedContent
//Get a request-cached UmbracoHelper
UmbracoHelper u = ContentHelper.GetHelper();
//No value? Go home :)
if (pickerValue == null) { yield break; }
foreach (string pageId in pickerValue.ToString().Split(','))
var it = (T)u.TypedContent(pageId);
if (it != null) { yield return it; }
/// <summary>
/// Get a typed media Ienumerable from a media picker
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item">The item that contains the picker</param>
/// <param name="pickerAlias">The alias of the property containing the picker</param>
/// <param name="recurse">If true, recurse to parent nodes</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static IEnumerable<IPublishedContent> GetPickerMediaByAlias(this IPublishedContent item, string pickerAlias, bool recurse = false)
if (!item.HasValue(pickerAlias))
if (recurse && item.Level > 1)
foreach (var it in GetPickerMediaByAlias(item.Parent, pickerAlias, recurse))
if (it != null) { yield return it; }
yield break;
//Get a request-cached UmbracoHelper
UmbracoHelper u = ContentHelper.GetHelper();
foreach (string imageId in item.GetPropertyValue<string>(pickerAlias, "").Split(','))
var it = u.TypedMedia(imageId);
if (it != null) { yield return it; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets a typed media IEnumerable from a media picker value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item"></param>
/// <param name="pickerValue"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static IEnumerable<IPublishedContent> GetPickerMediaByValue(this IPublishedContent item, object pickerValue)
//No value? Go home :)
if (pickerValue == null) { yield break; }
//Get a request-cached UmbracoHelper
UmbracoHelper u = ContentHelper.GetHelper();
foreach (string imageId in pickerValue.ToString().Split(','))
yield return u.TypedMedia(imageId);
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