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Last active January 28, 2025 23:28
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A generic partitioning of a list of enums
//> using scala 3.6.3
import scala.deriving.Mirror
import scala.compiletime.{erasedValue}
/** Type-level function that transforms a type-level tuple of types
* into a corresponding tuple of List[...] at the value level.
* E.g., if Ts is (T1, T2, T3), Partitioned[Ts] is (List[T1], List[T2], List[T3]).
type Partitioned[Ts <: Tuple] <: Tuple = Ts match
case EmptyTuple => EmptyTuple
case t *: ts => List[t] *: Partitioned[ts]
/** Top-level inline function that partitions a List[A] into a typed tuple of lists
* corresponding to each subtype of A (as given by Mirror.SumOf[A]).
inline def partition[A](xs: List[A])(using m: Mirror.SumOf[A]): Partitioned[m.MirroredElemTypes] =
partitionAll[A, m.MirroredElemTypes](xs)
/** Recursively build the nested tuple of lists for each type in Ts.
* We do so by splitting out the first type `t` from Ts, finding all elements
* in `xs` that are instances of `t`, and then recursing for the rest.
inline def partitionAll[A, Ts <: Tuple](xs: List[A]): Partitioned[Ts] =
inline erasedValue[Ts] match
case _: EmptyTuple =>
case _: (t *: ts) =>
// Partition out all elements that match subtype `t`
val (these, others) = xs.partition(_.isInstanceOf[t])
// Map them to the precise subtype[t]) *: partitionAll[A, ts](others)
enum E:
case A, B, C
@main def runPartition(): Unit =
val xs: List[E] = List(E.A, E.B, E.A, E.C, E.B)
val partitioned = partition(xs)
// partitioned has type: List[E.A] *: List[E.B] *: List[E.C] *: EmptyTuple
// You can decompose it like this:
val (as, bs, cs) = partitioned
println(s"As: $as") // e.g., List(E.A, E.A)
println(s"Bs: $bs") // e.g., List(E.B, E.B)
println(s"Cs: $cs") // e.g., List(E.C)
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