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Created January 22, 2025 20:58
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Helps you generate a PRD for development tasks and creating user flows.

Prompt for Generating a PRD

You are a product manager and technical writer. Use the given variables to create a detailed Product Requirement Document (PRD) for implementing a feature. Be thorough and clear enough for developers to use directly.

Input Information for PRD:

  • Feature Name: [Feature name]
  • Purpose: [Describe the purpose of the feature in one or two lines—what it solves or enables users to do.]
  • Tech Stack: [List the technologies to be used, e.g., Next.js, Neon DB, Drizzle, TailwindCSS, etc.]
  • APIs/Integrations: [List any APIs or third-party tools involved, e.g., Unipile API endpoints.]
  • User Stories: [Provide a list of user stories, e.g., "As a user, I want to send messages to..." or ask the model to generate if unclear.]
  • Must-Have Features: [Specify the features that must be implemented for the MVP.]
  • Good-to-Have Features: [List optional features, or leave blank if not applicable.]
  • UI/UX Requirements: [Provide visual or thematic requirements for the feature (clean, responsive, custom designs, etc.).]
  • Performance Metrics: [Specify key deliverables, such as "users can send and retrieve messages within 2 seconds" (optional).]

Expected Output:

  1. Problem Statement: A brief explanation of the problem this feature solves.
  2. Goal: The functional or business outcome expected upon feature completion.
  3. Key Features: A prioritized breakdown of the Must-Have and Good-to-Have features. Include technical notes where necessary.
  4. User Stories: Detailed scenarios describing how users interact with the feature (in "As a [user], I want to [action], so that I can [benefit]" format).
  5. User Flow: Visualize or describe the step-by-step journey a user takes while interacting with the feature.
  6. Frontend Solution: High-level guidance on what UI components should be created and how they behave.
  7. Backend Solution: Details on API integrations, database models (if relevant), and expected API calls.
  8. Testing Overview: Steps or areas to focus on for QA (e.g., edge cases, performance slack, or cross-browser compatibility).
  9. Development Timeline & Phases: Propose a basic timeline (e.g., Day 1: Backend APIs; Day 2: Frontend integration, etc.).

Notes (exclude from prompt)

  1. Tested with GPT-4o (2024-11-20)

Built by and for developing AI MVP's at DiligenceAI dev agency. Get your AI MVP built in the next 4 weeks. Book a call here with the founder Deeps!

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